Dealing With Tomorrow Part Nine

By skinner_jennifer
- 746 reads
Part Nine Of Twelve In This Season's Mystery.
Kenneth always kept a tool box in the boot of his car as well as a first aid kit and other essential items just in case he broke down on the road with no way of contacting help from a call box. Now he was glad to be prepared.
Taking tools he needed from the boot, a determined Reverend made his way into the Church and climbed back down into the tunnel. He bit his bottom lip nervously wondering if what he was about to do was the right thing but continued on anyway.
It didn't take him long to reach the wall where John Gifford's name was carved, wondering as he gazed at the wall where he'd begin. With the flash light on and pointing, Kenneth rolled up his shirt sleeves taking the hammer and chisel beginning near the top of the wall, not wishing to disturb the intricate carvings.
To begin with the Reverend felt pleased as he chipped away splintered fragments, the wall began to flake pretty easily. Kenneth did worry that if he didn't find anything that he could be in serious trouble but he needed to understand why a body would have been buried in the wall and wishing to have a proper burial for this man.
As time wore on Kenneth had no idea how long he'd been chiseling away, but it felt like he'd just completed a difficult workout session, his arms ached from holding the hammer and chisel with the continuous strikes. Globules ran down his face as he wiped the beads of sweat from his forehead with an old rag.
Putting down his tools the Reverend sat back taking a rest on the ground that felt cold beneath him. Bringing his legs in towards him Kenneth clasped his hands around his knees and gazed up at the wall feeling he'd accomplished a lot on his own, but still not knowing how thick the wall was and how far back a body would have been buried.
Staring at rubble that lay all around him the Reverend put his hands together and started to pray, afraid and guilt stricken that he was breaking the law and maybe would be arrested. “Dear Lord – I hope I'm doing the right thing. I have no idea whether there's a body inside that wall, but I feel sure there's a lot of answers to many questions. With your help I'm going to find out the truth and put it to rest. Just please stay with me and share my burden. This I ask in your name Oh Lord. Amen.”
Looking at his watch, the Reverend noticed it was 9.30pm, he reckoned he'd been down there for a good five to six hours. Kenneth knew it would be foolish to continue, so calling it a night he picked up his tools and placed them back in the box. I'm going to need more help tomorrow! He thought. Have to ask Charlie if he knows of any locals that would be willing to help, though the Reverend had a feeling that the community would be angry and think him barmy to have such foolish ideas! But there was no harm in asking.
Making his way back and climbing the ladder he shone his torch around finding a light switch, it was only then that he looked at his arms and hands realizing just how dirty he looked. Closing the hatch door Kenneth walked to the kitchen and switched on another light. All seemed quiet apart from the currant of air that whistled through cracks of windows and doors. Picking up a bar of soap he turned on hot and cold taps water rushing onto his palms and through fingers. Kenneth gazed out the window feeling the water rush down his arms, it felt good to get clean. He noticed how the treetops swayed in the darkness as the wind picked up speed.
This! He thought was a good time to be going home. Finally leaving and locking the Church doors behind him, Kenneth was disappointed in a way that he'd not been able to track down the source of his nightmare, even though there was another day tomorrow.
With wind howling around him he picked up pace making his way to the car determined that tomorrow being a Saturday he'd have more luck. “Surely some of the locals that weren't working would help?” He questioned out loud to himself, though his voice was drowned out by the gale that swept him along.
Kenneth wondered for the first time since they'd arrived at this Parish if his fate was already decreed and the same death would be his as transpired with the vicar discovered dead on the beach. Maybe! He thought, there was a curse and punishment for the faults of others. Whatever lay in waiting the Reverend didn't care to stop long enough to find out.
With determination he drove out of the car park. The road ahead was quiet but for the blustery wind in the gloom of the night which had him desperate to be back home. Kenneth eventually saw the gates to the Vicarage. By the time he cut the engine, the Reverend felt edgy as he opened the car door. Stepping out he wondered why he'd been sent to this wretched place. A Reverends job was to go where he was instructed, but this he thought! Was more than should have been expected.
Unlocking the gates with fluctuating mood changes, his confidence once more returned with the gale biting through every inch of his body. If this was to be his mission then he would do whatever it took to get to the bottom of this mystery, even though none of it was his doing, or for that matter clear at the moment.
The lights were still on as he approached home. Kenneth's shift in mood swings had him searching the grounds as he once again switched off the engine. Leaves were spinning frantically in the wind, somewhat he considered like his head was performing. He felt the weight of protecting his family, but with surrounding woods giving him a sudden chill he shuddered at his responsibility, but also at the fact of knowing he couldn't indulge in personal fears.
As he sat pondering, Kenneth's attention was caught by the sudden appearance of his family opening the front door. His wife rushed out waving frantically, her hair flying around in a tousled mess as Kenneth opened the car door and stepped out. “What's up love?” He could see the stress in her eyes, her face was as white as a sheet.
“Where have you been Ken? I tried ringing the Church but it was continuously engaged. I've been out of my mind with worry, thinking something had happened to you.”
Kenneth felt a terrible pang of guilt, realizing he must have not put the receiver back properly being so engrossed in what he was doing. “I'm so sorry love, I must have accidentally left the phone off the hook. But I'm here now and have so much to tell you.” He was well aware of the fact Bridgette would need to be told of his plans now.
“Well! Things have transpired here too, I've had a dreadful day with horrific happenings.” Bridgette began to weep tears causing her eyes to redden.
The girls were troubled not understanding why their Mum had been so anxious all afternoon and evening. “Dad! Dad! Is Mum going to be okay?” Danny just stood there, he seemed completely at ease with no sign of being disturbed which Kenneth was glad about.
Kenneth now knew that whatever Bridgette had to tell him it was serious. Putting his arm around her shoulder he eased her back into the house and into the kitchen trying to calm her down, never wishing to see his wife so on edge.
Turning to his daughters, the Reverend realized that whatever was wrong Bridgette needed to tell him privately. “Come on girls, it's time for bed. We'll talk in the morning.” The sisters weren't having any of that and sulked, standing at the kitchen door.
“Look girls – I need to have a one on one chat with Mum, please just do as your told and leave us to talk. It's so late and I'll be up to say goodnight as soon as I've finished here.”
The girls were now grumpy. Apart from the fact they were in a place they didn't want to be, Dad was now shutting them out. There were a few more pointed looks and grumbling, but eventually the girls did as they were asked and wandered up to their rooms.
Bridgette grabbed a box of hankies from the kitchen worktop, wiping her eyes and blowing her nose as Danny charged into his Mother grabbing her legs. Kenneth was about to pick him up when Bridgette declared. “Leave him, let Danny stay, he's as much a part of what I have to tell you.”
Kenneth was even more confused now and gazed at his son wondering what had occurred on this day of much tension.
To be continued...
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