Dealing With Tomorrow Part Ten

By skinner_jennifer
- 977 reads
Part Ten of Twelve in a Mystery For The Season
Kenneth tried to maintain calm sitting down at the table as his wife set out his dinner. Although he was hungry there was still concern for what she was about to tell him.
Bridgette pondered if he would believe what she had to say, or that he'd just think it was make-believe and fantasy that her son had made up. She wondered where to start.
Truth was, nothing would be exaggerated she wouldn't fabricate anything, it would be told just as it happened. Taking the dinner from the oven she set it on the table, the food had dried up slightly but Kenneth was so hungry it didn't bother him and at least it was hot. He ate insisting his wife reveal what had occurred that so upset her.
Bridgette placed some bread and butter down on the bread board as Danny insisted he wanted some, so she cut him a slice off and buttered it.
Her son chewed away happily as Bridgette sat down and described what happened. “I was in the kitchen with Danny – he was drawing and coloring a picture of his new home.”
Danny interrupted. “I show you picture Daddy when I've finished my bread.” His blonde curls were now bouncing around in his excitement.
“You do that son. But let Mum carry on.” Bridgette and Kenneth both smiled at the boy thinking how lucky they were to at least have a child that wasn't afraid.
Bridgette wiped her tired bloodshot eyes, she was so desperately sleepy, but had to tell her husband everything. “I was peeling potatoes and the girls were out collecting firewood. It was all so quiet.”
Bridgette shivered as she remembered what happened next. “Both Danny and I heard that whimpering sound I told you about earlier in the morning.” She paused: drawing a deep breath. “At first it sounded as if it was coming from the wall, but then Danny discovered the sound was coming from the room behind that door, the one that says DANGER! KEEP OUT!” She took another deep breath. “I was determined to get to the bottom of whatever was making the noise, so without hesitation I took a hammer from the kitchen dresser drawer and broke the lock.”
Danny never flinched as his Mum relayed the details, but quite happily chewed away unperturbed as his Mum continued.
“I know it would have been best to have waited till you got home, but the sound was bugging me. I took Danny and we went inside. It was so dark and creepy Kenneth, I felt so much sorrow in there.” She then remembered the cobwebs and trembled. “We had to shake and brush off so many cobwebs, though thankfully we never saw any spiders – you know how those creatures send shivers through me.”
Kenneth nodded knowing how it was always his job to catch and take them outside. “Go on love.”
Bridgette had to swallow hard as she remembered the next part. “I was shining the torchlight around trying to see, when a dark shadow drifted across the back wall. I was so scared I had to close my eyes, when I opened them the shadow figure was getting closer and becoming larger, that was when I blacked out with fright.” She began to sob again. “Danny saw what happened next. I woke up shortly afterwards and he explained what occurred. It was all so scary, anything could have happened to our son and I wouldn't have known till it was too late.”
Danny was all ears now and put his hand up to speak. “BABY!” He said, thrilled that now he was the object of their attention. Getting down from his chair Danny shoved the bread along the table, crumbs falling to the floor.
Realizing he was under investigation Danny went into dramatic mode. “It was a big and furry animal Daddy, with sharp teeth.” Danny described what he saw as he stood on tiptoe, his hands and arms flaying around in the air, displaying his teeth like he was about to take a bite.
Kenneth knew immediately what his son had seen. Without another word apart from; “I won't be a moment!” He stood up and pushed his chair back. The Reverend walked out of the kitchen and into the hallway noticing the lock was broken on the door as he passed.
He made haste to the living room where there were still boxes not yet unpacked, remembering the set of encyclopedias he's bought Rachel for last Christmas. Finding the right box Kenneth opened it up. Inside books were in alphabetical order. Pulling one out, the Reverend found the one he was looking for. As he opened it up turning the pages and finding the picture, he quickly made his way back to the kitchen placing the open book down on the kitchen table. “Is this what you saw son?”
Danny gazed nodding with enthusiasm. Now he had a picture of what he encountered, the boy was thrilled as he scrutinized the picture further then remembered his cuddly, furry friend. “Yeah! Just like Teddy.”
Kenneth only then realized that his three year old had never seen this creature before. “That's a big brown bear Danny.”
“Bear!” Announced the boy as if he'd discovered a new species of animal. Danny copied the Bear in the book, standing up on its hind legs with hands held up high in the air, bearing his teeth and growling. “Just like Bear in that room,” he declared pointing out into the hallway.
Just at that moment there were screams coming from upstairs. The two sisters ran out of Catherine's bedroom and along the landing, taking the stairs like they were flying down in a panic. Danny jumped at the sound bringing Kenneth and Bridgette to a sudden jolt.
The two sisters came charging into the kitchen looking like they'd seen a ghost. “Daddy! Daddy!” They both shrieked at once.
It had been a long time since they'd called Kenneth Daddy, it was usually Dad. They both grabbed their Father as if holding on for dear life.
“What on earth is wrong?” Declared Kenneth fearful of his daughters distress.
“There's a monster in Catherine's bedroom, it was horrible with foul breath and it growled at us.” They were both shaking as they repeated what they saw.
Kenneth had a feeling they weren't going to get much sleep this night, as he cuddled his daughters trying to console them.
To be continued...
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Hi again Jenny
Hi again Jenny
You are keeping the tension up until the end, which is good. It is interesting that the girls panicked while the little boy just accepted having a big wild creature as part of life.
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Hi, Jenny. I guess we're near
Hi, Jenny. I guess we're near the end now!
It's odd how he is so convinced he should dig (not praying whether he should do it, but for help in doing it!), and they're very affected by atmospheric and weather conditions, aren't they?! You are good at keeping up the normal and natural relation of the daily life and childhood grumps and care of the couple for each other (and ordinary fears of spiders!), in contrast to the puzzle. Rhiannon
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