Dweller of the New World Chapter Twenty ( Pt 1 ) Bad Energy

By skinner_jennifer
- 1246 reads
Gregor was awoken abruptly by numerous urgent bangs on his door. It was the middle of the night and he'd been dreaming of his leadership and how all the people who worked on his land, were kneeling before him and worshipping the ground he walked on.
Disgruntled; he called out angrily. “Stop your rapping! I'm coming.” With only the light from the embers in the fire, Gregor shivered as he crawled out from under the covers, his left arm numb from sleeping on his side, rubbing the life back into it, he came to standing and crept across the room.
On the other side of the door, an excited voice called out: “Master! Master! More prisoners Master!”
Gregor shook as he opened the door. “What's so important you need to wake me this night?” He clasped his arms and hands across his chest, moving from one foot to the other, the freezing temperatures consuming him.
“Master!” Seth voiced, out of breath. “Me and Josh captured more prisoners, they be down in that Doom Chamber, looks like there be a few adults too – but we dealt with them.”
“Well – Well!” Replied Gregor coming too and yawning and scratching his head. “So! I wonder why they were hanging around?” He was curious as to why anyone would want to be out on the moors at this time. “Anyway – how did they know about the chamber?”
“Dunno Master! Seems it were too foggy to see, but they're definitely trapped now. Already for you to deal with! Master.” Seth rubbed his hands together, pleased with his nights work, not in the least bit cold.
Gregor had no intention of leaving his cabin, knowing the fog would be very thick on the moors. He gazed over at Sam, the boy didn't stir. “Tell the guard at the gate to prepare horses at daylight, it's too dark to go wandering in this weather.”
“No problem Master!” Replied Seth. Daylight wasn't far off, then him and Josh would be off duty and home to their beds, though Seth was inquisitive to know who the horses and carts belonged to. Neither Seth or Josh cared much for animals, to them creatures were just food, or for working with, they weren't for riding, both men liked to keep their feet firmly on the ground and had frightened the horses away.
Across the moors as if by instinct, the horses had fled. Bracken and Rainbow found their way back to the bay, hopelessly tired and hungry. It had been a painful and unforgettable journey for them. The only thing that spurred them on, was fear and the fact they'd sensed the little company were in trouble.
Anna was the first to clap eyes on them, recognising Rainbow and Bracken from when they'd been looking after the horses, while Ben and Jay had gone on their voyage over to Wild Whistling Isle.
The woman wondered where Ben and the others were, as she approached the horses calmly. Bracken nuzzled Anna as she spoke in a caring manner, but even though Rainbow remembered the woman's kindness, he was skittish, his nerves getting the better, remembering how they'd been whipped by the two men back at the Doom Chamber.
Anna noticed the bad cuts and knew immediately something was wrong. “Who did this to you? OOH! If I lay my hands on them, their lives won't be worth living.” Anna was very angry as she led the horses to her lean too, where they could rest and eat. She was also concerned about the other two horses. She was sure Kai would be fuming if anything happened to them. Anna could see Kai working on one of the ships that was docked, his love of carving with wood and the fine detail, always found him in deep concentration.
Making her way down the beach, she approached Kai and told him about Bracken and Rainbow returning, but not his own horses. Kai didn't seem that bothered, but just smiled explaining. “Ah! They'll be back when they're ready – never fear they've been in worse circumstances and returned. Their wildness has protected them on many occasions. Don't stand for any trouble, do my horses.”
It was a relief to Anna that he felt that way. The next message to relay was that the others hadn't returned. So wishing Kai a good day, she made her way over to the Flying Fish, noticing Brigs standing on the shore line with Varg. “Hey!” She called out. “Brigs – I need to speak with you.” Brigs watched Anna come running towards him, wondering what was so important. “It's about Ben and the others; they've not returned yet, but two of the horses came back on their own.” She paused catching her breath before continuing. “The horses had been whipped pretty badly, there were deep cuts across their bodies.”
Brigs could hear the high pitched call of the Snags, somewhere off in the distant fog. He'd only been on the mainland one night, but now he had his own ship, he longed to be sailing off on the Ocean, having adventures, not knowing where he'd land next. “This is such an inconvenience!” He uttered. “It means those children will be sleeping on board yet another night.” He could see Anna wasn't amused by his words. “Okay! I'll round up the crew to search for them, but the problem is; we only know they went to the moors, but which part?” He was doubtful of finding them, the moors were vast and dangerous.
“I really don't know!” Replied Anna, feeling they'd hit a dead end before they started. Then she had a thought! “Maybe Bracken and Rainbow can lead the way to them, they seem like intelligent horses.”
So it was decided, Brigs got together with Varg. Cinnamon of course didn't want to be left out. They made their way up the beach, following Anna, to where Bracken and Rainbow were resting.
Brig's thought to himself! 'Well! At least we're doing something positive.” He wasn't one for wasting time, so although Bracken and Rainbow were exhausted and fractious from their journey and their cuts, they did get their energy back, after much spoiling from Anna and the bathing of their wounds, some good food and some gentle words. The sooner Brigs found them, the quicker he could be off.
Dwellers of the New World Chapter Twenty ( Pt 2 ) Back To The Chamber | ABCtales
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You write very convincingly,
You write very convincingly, Jenny. I love the names of the horses, Bracken and Rainbow.
Best Wishes, HW
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Beating horses really!
How cowardly beating those horses Gregor and his men are really low lifes of the lowest order, another compelling read Ray
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