Dwellers of the New World Chapter Fifteen ( Pt 12 ) Shades of Winter

By skinner_jennifer
- 1596 reads
The next morning, as dawn broke over Wild Whistling Isle, the snow began to fall heavily, huge flakes scattered, leaving a still silence that drifted across the Island. Nobody stirred apart from the ever faithful Gibor, who took his job very seriously, and wouldn't dare let any of the beacons go out...no matter what. Even the children were still sleeping, their bellies full from the night before. The only sound to be heard was the rhythmic breathing as they slumbered.
Liora and Jay did not rise until late morning which was unusual for the folk on the Island, being able to make the most of daylight hours, especially in Winter was important. Liora was the first to climb out of bed, making her way over to the entrance she yawned, wiping the sleep from her eyes, her hair was matted and needed a good wash, but that would have to wait for now, there were more important things to attend to. Pulling back the drape, she shivered looking out at the snow driven scene, huge grey, threatening clouds hung in the air, Liora could sense a lot more snow was on the way and that they should be prepared, but the woman hoped it wouldn't delay the ship travelling back to the mainland, Liora was desperate to get her life back on track, very thankful that they'd buried the bodies the day before, there was no way she'd have been too happy digging in this weather.
The moment she had risen, a couple of the boys had stirred, they stared at her unsure of whether they should speak or get up. Liora had noticed how they closed their eyes as soon as she gazed in their direction, pretending they were asleep; she smiled deciding to leave them to get up when they were ready.
Making her way over to the goat, she noticed how anxious her four legged friend was, this being a sure sign it needed milking, so sitting down beside the standing goat, she began expressing milk into the wooden pail, as the animal began bleating with pleasure, almost as if saying thank you. The children looked on, most of them were now wide awake, sitting up and looking forward to some milk.
Jay was the next to rise, he immediately put on his fur wrap and boots and walked outside to collect some firewood, but still nobody spoke a word, it was the strange sequence of events of the past couple of days, that had everyone deep in their own thoughts, till finally Jay returned and declared. “I think it would be a good idea to go down to the jetty with the children, find out when Brigs is planning to leave.”
“Of course!” Replied Liora. “What do you think children! Shall we go down to the jetty and find out when you're returning home?”
All the boys suddenly rose up, lifting their arms high in the air and cheering, they all agreed, but for one boy who put his hand up in an almost scared fashion. Liora could see the sad look on his face and approached him asking what was wrong?
“I don't know how to get home,” he said, his head bent staring at the ground. “I come from the forest, but I've no idea what part and I'm afraid.”
Liora almost cried at his words, unsure of his future, she took him to her and gave him a hug. “What's your name?” She asked tenderly.
“Me name's Cep...all I know is that I have two brothers Sage and Ash. Me parents names are Rosa and Agaric. How will I ever see them again?” His little face screwed up as he started to cry, tears rolling down his face.
Liora cupped his cheeks in her hands, wiping the tears away. “Look Cep...Jay's brother Ben lives in the forest on the mainland, if I ask him, I'm convinced he'll let you go with him. Ben's a good man and will get you safely home I'm sure.”
“Really!” Said the boy, his eyes opening wide as he cheered up. But then he became morose again.
“What's wrong now Cep?” Liora said, not understanding why the boy should still feel unhappy.
Cep opened his arms, his eyes wide with expression. “The forest is big, much bigger than you could ever imagine, don't know how Ben will find them.”
Liora sighed, taking a deep breath. “Look Cep...we'll go talk with him, see what he has to say, I'm sure you're worrying about nothing.”
Cep shrugged his shoulders, still not convinced he would see his family ever again and went to join the other children. It was now that they were all starting to get hungry, so Liora dished out some milk to each child, giving them some bread she had left from the night before.
As soon as they were ready, they left Liora's dwelling, trudging through what was now deep snow, making their way towards Harebell passage. When coming in their direction was Varden – Cinnamon – young Will and Fallow.
“We were just on our way to see you,” said Varden, shivering and rubbing his arms with his hands. “Have you any idea when the ship will be leaving?”
Liora was glad they were there, saving her precious time in relaying the plans. “We're just on our way down to the jetty to find out...why don't you come with us?” They all agreed and the little party all made their way down the passage.
Reaching the Flying Fish there was a lot of activity on board, preparations were being made for leaving, even Peco was helping out.
“Well – Hello there!” Shouted Brigs. “Won't be long till we set sail now...bet you'll be glad to see the back of us.” He grinned at the party, thinking of all the trouble Bracus had caused.
“The children are eager to get home. When do you think you'll be ready to leave?” Asked Liora, wiping the falling snow from her face.
Brigs scratched his chin in thought. “Oh! Now let me see – well! I'd say in the morning as long as this weather doesn't get any worse – how would that be?”
Liora breathed a sigh of relief. “I think that's great news!” She turned to the children. “Did you hear that? You're going home tomorrow.”
All the children were happy, apart from Cep, he was still convinced he was an orphan. Stepping forward, he looked up at the big man Brigs. “Excuse me Sir – If I can't find my family, can I sail with you? I'll make a good companion, I'll do as I'm told – I promise.”
Brigs stared at the boy and smiled. “Well now – let's see.” Brigs gave the boy a look of authority. “I could let you have the job on the way back to the mainland, see how you get on.” He looked over at Varden who was concerned for Cep, then back at the boy. “I'm sure Varden will be able to show you what to do – he's had a lot of experience with Bracus.” Brigs grinned and laughed as he gazed at Varden.
Varden on the other hand wasn't amused and just wished the boy good luck, knowing it was hard work. Brigs had no intention of taking on such a small child, he just wanted to be a free man now he had his own ship. Varg who'd become Brigs right hand man, thought the kid was mad and that he'd probably get trampled on, no one would see the boy coming he was so small. He grinned, then carried on with his job, climbing the rigging to fix a sail.
Liora took Cep by the hand leading him and the others away. She was eager to speak with Ben, and hopefully put him in charge of Cep and finding the boy's family.
Dwellers of the New World Chapter Fifteen ( Pt 13 ) Time We Left | ABCtales
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What a lovely, hopeful
What a lovely, hopeful chapter, Jenny, and all your readers can do is keep their fingers crossed until the next chapter...this one, as ever, atmospheric, and compelling, with good attention to detail - a trademark of your writing.
Very much enjoyed
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Gosh, Jenny...come back soon.
Gosh, Jenny...come back soon. I'm impatient to read the next chapter
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A long journy
Lots details, very realistic, sweet yet conpelling poor Cep what will become of him great read,
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