Dwellers of the New World Chapter Fifteen ( Pt 7 ) A Quiet Word

By skinner_jennifer
- 1348 reads
It wasn't often that Jomei voiced an opinion, but on this particular occasion he was inclined to agree with Brigs. Touching the woman's shoulder, he got her attention. “Can I speak with you in private?” He whispered in her ear.
Liora was feeling tetchy as she screwed her face up, wondering what he was going to say. “What is it Jomei?”
“Please...let me just speak with you alone.” Right now he was determined to have his say.
“Yes...yes okay. Avner stay here and watch the others.” Liora followed Jomei back through the hold and up onto the deck, whilst Avner stayed behind, not quite sure what he was supposed to do, but the others remained frozen to the spot, hardly believing what the woman had just said.
When they were finally out in the open, Jomei began to say his piece. “Look! I know it's not my place to speak out, but both myself and Avner believe you'd be wrong to arrest Brigs.”
Liora interrupted him, a disapproving expression on her face. “And why might that be? Surely you don't condone the murder of a man, whatever he might of done, without a fair trial?”
“Think about it,” said Jomei. “Brigs never realised what he was doing, Bracus would have done much worse if he'd had the chance. Think about what he did to the children and without remorse, he was an evil man.” Jomei was on a roll, determined to finish what he had to say. “I implore you to reconsider Liora, now that evil man is dead, the children can go home, Varden can go back to his family and we can resume our lives in peace. Brigs and his men can return to the mainland. I'm sure if you asked anyone on the Island, they'd say the same...don't you think?” He waited for an answer from the woman.
Liora didn't speak, she was mulling over in her mind what he'd said, knowing he was right of course, she'd wanted Brigs to lead the Flying Fish and the children back to the mainland. Bracus would have built too many cabins on the Island, then they'd be visited by more and more people. 'Perhaps Jomei is right!' she thought to herself.
“Okay I agree with you, perhaps I was a bit hasty in my decision to arrest Brigs, but I don't think he should have given the powder to Bracus and his men, unless he knew what was in the box.”
“I agree with you one hundred per cent,” replied Jomei, “but the damage is done, now we just have to learn from this man's mistake and move on.”
It was a fact that Liora would always admit when she was wrong, this was one of those occasions. “Right! I agree, we'll go down and tell Brigs he's not being taken prisoner. But all those bodies need to be dealt with, the catacombs are for our own people, not those from some other place.”
“I'm so glad you've reconsidered,” declared Jomei, “we'll get together with Brigs and his other men and remove the bodies, but what shall we do with them?”
The woman thought about a conversation she'd heard with the others. “You know...I've heard on the mainland that they bury their dead, perhaps this is what we should do here, but we need to find a suitable place that's out of the way...what do you think?”
Jomei thought this was a good idea and came up with a solution. “What about if, we use the area where Bracus was going to build and make it a sacred place, so no one can build on it in future.”
At last Liora smiled feeling pleased with Jomei. “That's a brilliant idea.” The woman hugged him and kissed him on the cheek as Jomei grinned. “You're a genius my friend. Let's go tell the others what you've decided.”
Liora couldn't wait to get down below and give them the good news.
Making their way back down to the hold, Liora was excited at the thought of having the area kept sacred. Avner was still clutching his torch and feeling apprehensive at what he was supposed to do, he was one man and didn't like the look of Varg who was now staring at him with anger but not speaking.
Into the dim torchlight the woman appeared. “Everyone...it's okay, no body is to be arrested. Jomei's come up with a brilliant plan and we've a lot of work to do.” She started to explain about the idea, as the others listened in with enthusiasm.
Brigs couldn't wait to return to the mainland, but he was also desperate for more journeys to discover other Islands, now he had his own ship he'd be able to go where he wanted, with no one to tell him what to do, of course he'd make Varg his right hand man.
Liora continued with her plan. “Tonight we need sleep and food in our belly's, but tomorrow we begin early, digging burial places and getting the bodies out of the catacombs.” Liora was desperate to get back to her camp and tell Jay. She knew the children would be so happy to finally be going home.
Dwellers of the New World Chapter Fifteen ( Pt 8 ) Solid News | ABCtales
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All seems too hunky-dory,
All seems too hunky-dory, although I may be wrong, of course I shall just have to wait and see.
Thanks for an absorbing read, Jenny...as ever.
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