Dwellers of the New World Chapter Fifteen ( Pt 8 ) Solid News

By skinner_jennifer
- 1280 reads
Ice cold snow lay outside Liora's dwelling, while inside the only sound that could be heard was the cracking of burning twigs, from the fire that burned with intense oranges, reds and yellows. The children were silent and still, waiting in anticipation for the woman's return, their idol hands and bodies cold, even with the heat. Jay sat up close to the flames warming his hands, his cheeks rosy red left him feeling tired, his eyes beginning to shut tight, as he desperately tried to stay awake, anxious to be off and let his brother-in-law Ben know of the journey he'd been on, before sleep took him. He also wanted to know about the boy Varden, and if they'd managed to rescue Dawson, but for now that would have to wait until Liora came back.
He could sense the childrens desperation to return to their homes in the valleys and forest on the mainland, they had no understanding of how they became trapped on Wild Whistling Isle, having no memory of the Flying Fish, or Bracus kidnapping them, or even their stay at Liora's special place up above the clouds. Jay tried to reassure them that everything would be okay and that they just needed to be patient, but he had no idea what had happened to Bracus and his men, this he was more than concerned about, as everything depended on the outcome.
As the others sat around deep in thought, it wasn't long before Liora appeared at the entrance to her dwelling. Apprehensive as he was, Jay came to standing and approached her. Outside the silence was interrupted by a branch breaking, as heavy snow tore the limb from a tree, the crow that was perched on the limb, cawed and flew off not anticipating the sudden crack.
“Well...how did it go? Did you find out what happened to Bracus and his men?” Jay's body was stiff as he stretched and reached out for the woman, wanting to hug her.
Liora let him embrace her, but only for a moment, she could see the glowers of discontent in the youngsters eyes. Pushing Jay away, she called the others to come inside. Addie and his men had been drinking tea outside, they felt awkward, not used to being around so many young children and needed some adult time to talk.
Jay was now getting to know these mood swings of Liora's, so backed off waiting to hear what she had to say.
“I want all of you to gather round, I have an important announcement to make,” she said walking towards the warmth of the fire, her long hair loosely flowing down her back, head held high, giving an air about her. Turning to face the group, Liora knew she'd have to be tactful with her words, as it was only Jay and her men that had any idea of Bracus, due to Addie and his friends, also the children having their memories taken away.
“A very bad man by the name of Bracus has died unexpectedly, his ship The Flying Fish has been taken over by another crew member named Brigs, he will be taking you and the others back to the mainland.” Liora then gazed over at the children, a smile on her face. “That means you'll be going home my young friends.”
At first the children said nothing, but looked at one another in disbelief, they'd been away from home for so long they didn't know what to think, but then realising her words could be real, the boys suddenly came alive unable to contain their excitement, getting to their feet they began jumping around, shouting with joy and clapping, though a few of the older boys didn't move, unsure of whether the woman was telling them the truth.
Jay turned to the woman; raising his voice so as he could be heard above the yelling. “This is good news Liora, but we still have much to do, I need to go see Ben and tell him what's happened, also find out how Varden is, and if he's managed to rescue Dawson.” Before Liora could speak, he continued. “I'll take Addie and his men with me, are you coming?” He placed his hands on her shoulders hoping she'd agree.
“No Jay...I need to stay here, get some food ready – the children must be starving, I'll send my men out to hunt, while I make some corn bread.” She put her hands up to Jay's face and cupped his cheeks. “I suppose this means you'll be going home too?” The lines in the corners of her mouth dropped giving the woman a sad expression.
He took her face in his hands too. “Do you really think I could leave you? No Liora...I won't be going back to the mainland, I want to stay here...that's if you'll have me?”
She smiled; and as they kissed, the children began cheering and clapping once again. Liora blushed, beaming, hiding her face. Taking Jay to one side, she began to explain their plans for the next day, to turn the area Bracus was going to build on, into a sacred burial ground, so that no cabins could be erected there in future.
“This is a great idea,” exclaimed Jay. He wanted to talk further, but needed to see his parents and also to let Ben know what was going on, so after all the rejoicing, he left taking Addie and his companions and one of Liora's men to guide the way.
The boys played out in the snow, anticipating their trip back on the Flying Fish, none of them could recall the journey to Wild Whistling Isle, so it would be a new experience, and they were looking forward to the adventure of it all.
Liora's men left camp and went in search of food, there were always rabbits a plenty if you knew where to look, even at this time of year with all the snow, it wouldn't take long for experienced hunters to find their kill, though it was getting near late afternoon and darkness wasn't far off, so they would need to get a move on.
The woman took the children to collect more firewood, she shivered for the first time, realising how cold it actually was. Liora had been so wrapped up in the day's events, she'd not had time to consider anything else, but now as she looked out on the valley, the wind picking up, she had time to think about the future, which gave her hope she'd not be alone any longer; Jay would be here by her side.
Her men had protected her all these long years, from way back when they were children, playing and learning to hunt together. Growing up with Jomei – Avner – Daimhin – Darroch – Derland and Dekel, had been significant; now she looked back, they knew her better than anyone, but with Jay it was different, this was a special kind of love she'd never shared with anyone, it was a feeling of having someone who understood the job of a healer, but more.
Breathing in the cold air, Liora was suddenly brought back to the moment by a tug on her jacket, looking around one of the boys stood behind her.
“Excuse me lady...but can I give you this?” He held his open hand out, on it was a perfectly rounded, smooth pebble, it was only small but its colour was recognisable. “Where did you get this child?” She asked.
“Dunno!” said the boy, shrugging his shoulders. “I found it in me pocket...haven't got a clue how it got there.”
Liora knew it was a memory stone and was very glad the boy had owned up to having it; in the wrong hands they were dangerous. Turning to the others she called out. “Has anyone else got one of these stones in their pouches or pockets?”
The children looked at each other puzzled by the woman's worry over a stone, they shrugged their shoulders whilst checking.
“No...we ain't got nothing,” replied one older boy.
Liora hadn't even considered that not all the stones had been collected, and wondered how she and her men had missed this one. It got her thinking that as soon as all this was over, she'd return to her special place with Jay, they could have some time together before the Winter came to an end and Spring returned once more. This was certainly turning out to be a season she'd not forget in a hurry. 'How fate had a way of changing everything!' She thought smiling, as her and the children made their way back in to the warmth of her dwelling.
Dwellers of the New World Chapter Fifteen ( Pt 9 ) Dreaming of Home | ABCtales
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Jenny, how very much I have
Jenny, how very much I have looked forward to the continuing part of this story...since about March, I think, and Part Eight most certainly was worth waiting for.
How skilfully you recreated the events leading up to this chapter, and then carried on with the unfolding events, seamlessly. I always love in your writing the attention you give to tiny detail, which is the makings of any good story. For instance, the way the crow was de-dethroned from his branch, told in such a way the reader can picture it, heavy with snow, and finally breaking under the crow's weight.
Can't wait to read on...memory stones, and all
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Happy ending just around the corner
Wonder if another stone is going to turn up in the wrong hands, that could be bad, sure looks like everything is working out, nicely plotted and written wonderful ride, Ray
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