Dwellers of the New World Chapter Seventeen ( Pt 2 ) Mixed Feelings

By skinner_jennifer
- 1201 reads
As Cinnamon began explaining about the children, Brad didn't understand what she was telling him about the youngsters. “What do you mean – taken from their families?”
“Well!” Replied the girl. “We were all under the impression that these children were saved from a life of being orphaned, but it seemed Bracus and his men had other intentions, they were actually kidnapping the youngsters from their families, to work for him. Gregor was the one telling Bracus to find the children and use them as cheap labour.”
A stunned Brad couldn't believe what he was hearing. “Why! That's terrible. So where's this man Bracus now?” He remembered having a suspicion about some men when he and his son were further up North in the valley, when they stopped for a rest, he never did trust them and was worried for his son's safety, now he realised he was right to be concerned.
Cinnamon's hatred for Bracus and Gregor left her angry and irritated at the mention of their names. “Bracus is dead and good riddance!” She replied in a matter of fact way.
Simon had been quiet in his own thoughts, he couldn't quite believe what he was seeing, these strangely dressed men had been in his dreams, it was always the same, he'd be floating, then suddenly begin falling through clouds of fog with faces appearing and calling for help, then certain objects would appear, but he had no idea of their connections. The only object that made any sense to the boy, was a crystal, his father knew a lot about crystals, they were important to his people, Martha his Grandmother had told him the history of them.
In his dream, he'd reached out for the crystal and held it, the diamond shaped object glowed and faces came into focus smiling. None of the visions made any sense to the boy or his Father. Brad told him it was just a dream and not to dwell on these things; Simon tried not to, but now seeing these men, the boy started to wonder.
Tawny was still perched on Brad's shoulder, when out of the blue he took off, flying towards the ship, he came to land on the stretcher that carried Dawson. Addie and his men waved their arms frantically, trying to shoo the bird away, but Tawny would not move.
Varden was impressed with the bird and smiled in Brad's direction. The owl settled on Dawson's leg, it's wings flapping to keep balance, Tawny hooted, gazing at Dawson with his huge eyes, as if he was trying to connect with the man, then once again took off flying back. As he came to land on Brad's shoulder, Simon had a feeling the owl knew something of his dream, which convinced the boy he should be there to help these people, he gazed at his Father, unable to put into words that he needed to go and see these strangers. Brad stopped talking to Cinnamon looking down at his son. “What is it Simon? You seem anxious.”
The boy hesitated having a feeling his father wouldn't be too agreeable, but then decided the only thing to do was come right out with what he had to say. “I believe I can help these people Father, I've seen them in a dream.”
Brad wanted to tell Simon not to continue with his thoughts, but he remembered Martha's words about the boy having a special gift, and how he should heed his dreams. “Okay Son! But I'm supposed to be at the plantation today, and I don't want you wandering off on your own.”
Cinnamon at that moment interrupted. “I'll stay with him – Ben will be with us too.”
Brad looked around. “Who's Ben and is he responsible? I need to meet him first.” He really wanted his son to come with him, not wanting to be away from the boy for too long.
“He's over there, I'll go get him.” She said pointing in Ben's direction. Before Brad had a chance to speak, Cinnamon was off, running down the beach, followed close behind by young Will who was desperate to keep up.
Ben was lining the boys up and wondering quite how they were going to get them all home, knowing how the Master Gregor kept an eye on everyone's moves, it would be a problem to get them through the first part of the journey passed the barracks. He was going over their options, when Cinnamon approached in an excitable mood.
“Ben – Ben!” She shouted. “I need to speak to you a moment.”
“What is it child?” He said, wondering what could be so urgent to cause the girl to run.
Cinnamon caught her breath and swallowed. “Ben! There's a boy over there, up the beach.” Once again she pointed. “The one standing with the man and the owl.”
Ben could just about make them out through the fog. “Yeah! I see, but what about him?”
“He wants to help us,” replied Cinnamon. “In fact Brad, the man with the owl brought me here with some travellers, he saved my life, and could probably help us get the children home – he managed to sneak me down here without any problem.” The girl was so excited, her words came out in a rush.
Ben wasn't so sure it would be that easy. “But Gregor will be on his guard and I don't fancy being imprisoned.”
Again she began talking in a hurried fashion, desperate to get back to Brad and Simon. “Don't worry Ben,” she replied. “We've got Addie and his men to help us now.” She remembered Varden telling her about his friends. “Varden was telling me on the ship, that he needs to get back to the Doom Chamber to free his friends. He also said that Gregor had a crystal hidden down there, somewhere within the tunnels. Varden's convinced if we find it, that Addie, Dawson and the other men will be able to get back to their ship.”
Again Ben wasn't so sure Dawson would be able to make any journey's in his state. “Dawson's that sick – can't see him being of much help.”
Cinnamon grinned. “Varden was telling me, he has this friend that can heal Dawson and wants to introduce the man to him.”
Ben was unaware of Varden's plans, it was all so confusing as to what their next move should be. Ben was also desperate to find out how Bracken and Rainbow were, he missed his horses and hoped they were okay. “Come on then, let's go and speak to this man with the owl.” Ben followed Cinnamon back up the beach, leaving the children standing, waiting to find out what they needed to do next.
Dwellers of the New World Chapter Seventeen ( Pt 3 ) A Friend In Need | ABCtales
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I'm just trying to catch up,
I'm just trying to catch up, Jenny. I loved this story so much. Don't know how I could have let it slip by. Loved the way you described the owl balancing - I saw it using those wings,
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Vivid picture, believable and exciting, the dream description and the owl were especially well written, now go get Gregor, great job. Ray
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