Dwellers of the New World Chapter Seventeen ( Pt 4 ) Helping Hands

By skinner_jennifer
- 1224 reads
Ben returned to the ship with the children, where Peco the ship's cook prepared some food for them. Varg ate quietly, still pondering on the fact he'd lost his brother Jason. 'Life wasn't fair!' he thought! Now he'd have to tell his parent's about Jason, which he was dreading, knowing he'd probably get the blame for not looking after his younger sibling. He thought about Jason's love of women, remembering how his brother always managed to get any girl he wanted, by singing to them. He himself had thought women dangerous, Varg always resented the fact that his brother had a voice, but now he realised he was just jealous, though he'd never have admitted to it openly. Varg sat on deck, peering through the fog at the locals, setting up ready for a day's bartering.
Anna and Devin were busy going up and down the beach from their cottage with their wares, when Ben approached.
“So you're back then?” Called out Anna, putting down her basket of fish Devin had caught that morning. “How was your trip? Did you manage to find your parents?”
Ben was happy to see the woman and also desperate to see Bracken and Rainbow. “Yes! We did find them and they're doing really well, they've built their own cabin – I have to say it's a great job Nathen's done too.”
“So! Where's your brother?” Anna was puzzled as she gazed around, not able to see him anywhere.
“I'm afraid it's a long story, but all I will say is, that he's met a girl and fallen in love.” Ben doubted the woman would understand the life of a healer, he wasn't about to go into explanations on the subject.
“Well – well!” Uttered Anna. “Sounds like the trip was worth the effort on two counts in the end.” As she spoke, a woman came up to barter a bag of corn for some fish, Anna was always grateful for corn to make her favourite bread and cakes, also her chickens would have a good peck too. She packed some fish up for the woman and smiled passing the package to her. “You enjoy!” She said.
The woman didn't say much, just grinned back and went on her way. Anna noticed how she seemed in a hurry and wondered what could be so important.
Ben was feeling uncomfortable, but grinned too, changing the subject. “So! Are the horses okay? I've really missed them.”
“They're fine,” replied Anna, wishing the fog would lift. “They're grazing in the lean too at the back of our home, you're welcome to go up and see them, though Rainbow's been a bit skittish and hard to handle – probably missing you!” She declared, smiling.
“Thank you Anna – Rainbow's always been the nervous one, I'm sure he'll be fine once he sees me.” Ben was just walking away, when he remembered the others and called out to the woman. “Anna!”
“She turned. “What is it?”
“I was just wondering if I could borrow your cart for the day, I have to help some people get across the moors, hopefully we'll be back later tonight.”
Anna wasn't too sure, Devin needed it to go to the plantation. “Is there no one else you can get a cart from?” She uttered. “Only we need ours.” Then she had an idea! “Hold on a moment, I'll just go down and see Kai, he's got two horses and two carts – I'm sure he won't mind you borrowing them, he works on the ships all day; but he might want something back in return.”
Ben waited as she made her way down the beach to where the ship builder was working – hoping Kai would agree, that would be a load off his mind. He watched as they conversed. Anna was making a lot of hand gestures and pointing at him.
It didn't take long for her to return. “Kai said that would be fine. I have to show you where the carts are kept.”
“What a relief!” Replied Ben, rubbing his hands together and raring to go.
After asking a friend to watch her goods, the two of them made their way to Kai's cottage. It was a small stone building with two windows, overlooking the Ocean. A path led to a lean too and a small area where the carts were kept. Two horses were grazing at the back of the cottage in an enclosed small grassy field.
“I'm afraid I can't stay to help – got to get back to my goods, before those children get their hands on my fish. But good luck with your day.”
Ben was more than happy for her help. “Thank you Anna, I'll be fine; just have to go down and let Addie know we've got the carts, so I'll come down with you.”
The two figures made their way back down to the beach once more, parting company. Ben made his way over to where Addie was awaiting his return, thanking Kai for the horses and carts on the way.
The men from Obsidian had never quite got used to the fog that hung around, and with Dawson still weak, he'd been coughing quite badly, as the smog got down on his lungs making him feel worse, though at this point there was nothing Addie or the others could do to help him.
Ben approached them enthusiastically. “Good news! We've got two carts and four horses, so there's no worry about getting around.”
Varden was the first to speak. “That's great Ben – I'll come and help you get the horses tethered to the carts. I don't mind driving the other cart by the way.”
“I'm sure that'll be fine!” Agreed Ben, “they're not too difficult to handle, but if you have trouble, I'm sure Addie or one of his men won't mind driving, it can get pretty rough up on the moors, with all the ditches and crevices.”
It was settled, as Varden and Ben left to get the horses and carts to bring down, ready for Dawson and his friends. The children remained on the ship, with Cinnamon watching out for them, but for the others it would be quite an eventful day.
Dwellers of the New World Chapter Seventeen ( Pt 5 ) Old Friends | ABCtales
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Lots of atmosphere in this,
Lots of atmosphere in this, heightened by the fog.
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Nice bit of
Nice bit of characterization of Varg at the beginning, again quite realistic display of details and rustic life brings the reader straight into the story great job Ray
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