Dwellers of the New World Chapter Seventeen ( Pt 6 ) Master Plan

By skinner_jennifer
- 1245 reads
The silence within the cave felt so unusual after being surrounded by so many, Varden wondered how Si didn't get lonely, but supposed it was that he knew nothing different. The boy gazed at the pool longingly, wishing he could just go for a bathe, but pulling himself together and realising their wasn't time for bathing or swimming, he gave his friend some assurance. “Don't worry Si, one way or another we'll overcome your father.”
Si once more removed the rock from the wall, muttering to himself while lifting Varden up. The boy climbed back through, dropping to the ground with a thump, he had one last request before he left. “Can you meet us at the other entrance? Only I'm not quite sure where the access is.”
“I'll be there boy!” Replied Si, “now go – hurry up, cause I has things that need doing.” As he replaced the stone, Varden quickly hurried out of the cave and back up the beach to the cliff top. The others were waiting patiently, when Varden noticed a guard stood with them and became worried, not sure if he should approach.
“Varden! Varden!” Called out Cinnamon; “how did it go? Can we come and meet your friend?”
Varden had no idea what was going on, not understanding why Cinnamon would be shouting out their business, when one of Gregor's guards was standing right next to her. “What are you talking about?” Replied the boy as he approached.
The girl came towards Varden, realising why he was acting strangely.
“It's okay! This is Will – he's my friend and he wants to help us. Don't worry he won't tell the Master.” She changed the subject. “So – how did it go? Can we get Dawson well again?”
The boy wouldn't answer her, but just sauntered on passed Cinnamon, still concerned about the guard and now wasn't so sure of his plans. The girl could see his reservations from the expression on his face. She tried to reassure him. “Honestly! Will's a friend – I promise he won't say a word.”
Marching up to Will, Varden straightened up staunchly, his stature becoming taller as he stated. “So! You want to help us – why? Is what I need to know.”
Will grinned, unsure of what to say to Varden whom he found amusing, but declared; “I'm a close friend of Cinnamon, although I work for Gregor, my priorities are with making sure Cinnamon's safe; I don't want to see her getting punished.” Will bent his head forward and whispered in Varden's ear. “Sometimes I'm ashamed to be working for a man who can be so cruel, which is why I promise not say a word about you all, or your plans.”
Varden relaxed, feeling slightly more relieved. Turning to the others, he relayed his plans. “We'll need to swim out around the rocks, which is going to be difficult considering how weak Dawson is, then comes the dangerous part, climbing over quite a few slippery boulders that lead to the entrance, it's treacherous, but it's the only way in, you understand.” The others regarded one another, concerned and wondering how they were going to manage.
From out of the blue Will came up with an idea. “There's a small boat not far from here in one of the caves, I use it for fishing,” he uttered. “You're welcome to make use of it.”
Now Varden was elated they'd encountered Will. “Wow! That's just what we could do with – yeah! That would be excellent.”
“You'll need to be careful of the rocks, the tides quite rough in this area.” Replied Will.
Varden knew only too well how violent the Ocean could be, but at least that was one problem solved, now it was just the case of getting Dawson over the huge – slippery rocks.
The little party made their way down the path to the beach. Dawson was starting to feel awkward being carried everywhere and needed to walk, so they put the stretcher down, he stood up his legs felt strange, like they weren't a part of him, as step by step he was assisted. They made slow progress, but didn't feel the need to rush, the day was long and there was plenty of time – well for them anyway.
Finding the boat was no problem for Will, though he'd not used it since the Summer. Winter wasn't a pleasant time for fun sea fishing, un less of course your livelihood depended on it. He managed to drag the little boat down to the shoreline and eventually into the water.
Dawson assured them he wouldn't need the stretcher, it would be too much of a hindrance. “Just give us a helping hand and I'll be fine,” he remarked. Addie and Ruben stood each side of Dawson and aided him into the boat. Varden climbed in too with Will.
Finally they were ready to leave. Rowing out wasn't a problem for Will, as they waved to the others who would have to wait patiently. Luckily the weather wasn't too windy and the Ocean had become calm. As Will rowed out of the bay and around the huge rocks that stood out. Varden could remember holding onto Si for dear life in the freezing cold water and the strange taste of the salt water, though it seemed like so long ago now he thought about it.
When they reached their destination, Varden gazed up and could see Si in the distance waving frantically. The creature began descending the boulders in order to meet them.
“What the monstrosity is that?” Proclaimed Addie, in disbelief at what he was seeing. This tall, creature with arms down to the ground that were covered in huge warts, was something he'd never encountered before.
Varden realised how different his friend must look, as he remembered the first time he'd encountered him. “That's Si – please be nice to him, he might look strange, but he's a friend and here to help us.”
Dawson spoke up. “I say whoever, or whatever this creature is, we treat him with respect.” The others agreed as Si seemed to glide down over the rocks with ease.
“What we got here then?” Announced Si, in his low gravelly voice, as he pondered the occupants of the little boat.
“This is Dawson!” Said Varden, pointing out the man. “He's the one that needs your help.”
Si held out his arms, his head moving from side to side. “Best let Si take him then. You all stay where you are, this won't take long.”
Dawson gazed at the warts on the creatures arms, trying not to cringe at the thought of the puss oozing out and touching his skin, so he closed his eyes and came to standing. Si reached out and lifted the man from the boat with his long gangly arms, Dawson thought he was going to heave when some of the warts on Si's body began weeping even more, the fluid now seeping onto his clothes.
Si could tell from the expression on the man's face that he was squeamish. “Sorry about me warts – ain't nothing I can do about that.
Once you're in the water, you'll be healed and this puss don't harm you, it just looks bad.” Si carried Dawson like he was a babe in arms, never slipping once, his large feet seemed to have a slimy suction that stopped him from sliding around.
As they reached the entrance Si put Dawson down and they disappeared into the cave, leaving the others to wait.
Dwellers of the New World Chapter Seventeen ( Pt 7 ) Time For Healing | ABCtales
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Gosh, Jenny...I'm still
Gosh, Jenny...I'm still sitting on the edge of my chair...so very eager to find out if Si can cure Dawson's diabetes, but I guess I'll just have to wait a bit longer
Couple of minor things...Paragraph beginning, 'Finding the boat...' in less' should be 'unless'...I think, and another small typo...should read 'livelihood'.
Love your description of Si...not the for the fainthearted, most certainly
This chapter, as ever, more than enjoyed. Thanks for another good read, Jenny.
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You most certainly weren't
You most certainly weren't rambling on, Jenny, and I'm really appreciative that you filled in the details about Si...I recalled much of it when you explained, but it is also useful for readers who have just joined your story, part way through.
Hope to get on with reading the next chapter soon, ,but I like to finish all my housework first, and then I can sit down , relax, and really savour it.
Thanks again, Jenny. You're a star Oh and yes, thankyou, the weekend's going OK at present, but I shan't talk too loudly in case it has surprises up its sleeve.
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A most exciting chapter so glad it was Will with Cinnamon, and Si has proved to be a great assset and friend maybe they can defeat Gregor yet, really great read, Ray, (I had already the preceding chapter)
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