Dwellers of the New World Chapter Ten ( Pt 5 ) Mysteries To Solve
By skinner_jennifer
- 1196 reads
Bracus had awoken early that same morning with a bad head, due to the amount of liquor he'd consumed the night before, his mouth was dry and tasted of sawdust, he needed an early morning brew desperately. He also had a mystery on his mind and was determined to get to the bottom of it. Scratching his greasy head and putting on his jacket, he left his sleeping quarters.
Making his way to Brew Cottage, the early morning mist upon his face, gave him a feeling of invigoration. He entered and poured some water from the large pot that hung over a roaring fire into a mug. The couple who owned Brew Cottage kept the fire going at all times, ready for any welcome customer that happened to pass by and need refreshment. Bracus made himself a large herbal tea, then took it back to his ship. Most people were still in their beds, apart from a few early risers that had already gone out in their boats to catch fish.
As he made his way back to his sleeping quarters, he pondered over the mystery of the footprints that had led into the cave, the fact that when he'd entered and there wasn't anyone there bothered Bracus, he didn't like people getting the better of him, especially children and wondered if perhaps he should go and investigate.
Deciding he would explore he finished his tea, then took some meat and bread from a shelf beside his bed, which he'd kept from the night before, wrapping them in some deer skin and placing in his pouch he wore around his waist attached to his belt, which was also make of skin.
Leaving his ship once more he set off across the shingles and rocks to the next bay. Noticing smoke coming from Braen's and Aesileif's chimney, Bracus presumed that Varg and Jason were still sleeping, he didn't really care to converse with them, so was glad to spend some time on his own, making the most of the peace and quiet.
There were more rocks to cross before he reached the inlet where he'd chased the boys and seen the footprints. Bracus took pleasure in the sound of the ocean's swell, as he marched off across the shingles.
Looking out to sea, he reflected on his Island and the challenges he would have to face. Wild Whistling Isle was certainly not a hospitable place, with it's strong winds all year round, but at least it would be his and people would be working for him.
His mind turned to the adults and children that were already there. Children were hard workers and also quick to learn. He also smiled at the fact he had Dawson, who Bracus decided would be worth a lot. This strange man who had come from another world would have knowledge that he didn't have, so Bracus had made sure that the man was looked after, even though he was a prisoner.
Finally Bracus came to the cave where he'd seen the footprints. Entering it was dark, but because he had no torchlight to see, he had to rely on his senses. Feeling around there didn't seem to be any other entrances leading anywhere. Scratching his head and feeling perplexed, Bracus realised there was absolutely no where the boy could have gone.
Making his way out, he decided to wait and see if he could get to the bottom of this mystery person. Walking back up the beach, he hid behind one of the large boulders, which gave him a birds eye view of the entrance. If anyone went in or came out, he would catch sight of them and know he'd not imagined what he'd seen.
Crouching down, he ate his meat and bread and thought about the stocks of merchandise that he would need to load on to his ship when he set sail. They would need a good quantity of food, the supplies already on the Island must be running low by now. Animals would need to be transported, as would carts and tools.
It was midday when all of a sudden Bracus couldn't believe his eyes, a scrawny boy suddenly appeared from out the entrance of the cave. Bracus couldn't work it out, he'd been watching constantly and no one had gone in or out. He certainly wasn't going to let this halfwit of a boy escape. Determined he watched as the lad walked up towards the cliff and started to climb. Now Bracus would follow.
When the boy was halfway up the cliff, Bracus came out of hiding and made his way towards another part of the cliff face, keeping a watchful eye on the boy the whole time, he also began to climb.
Eventually at the top, Bracus caught sight of him walking towards the moors. There was one thing for certain, he would not let the boy escape.
Keeping low Bracus ran between the boulders, never taking his eyes off the boy who was completely oblivious to the fact he was being followed.
Bracus managed to get ahead of the boy, this would be the opportunity to nab him when he walked his way.
From behind a large boulder he could hear footsteps. Taking his belt off and placing his pouch in his jacket, he held his breath, his heart beating fast, if he jumped out at the wrong moment, the boy would see him and run.
As the boy approached, he moved further into the shadows of the rock, then with the boy in sight, Bracus made his move pouncing on the boy from behind. Bracus pulled him to the ground, the boy now struggling. Finally Bracus sat on him and tied his ankles together so he couldn't escape.
The poor boy was petrified and tried to struggle, but to no avail could he get back up, he knew he was caught, but by whom? He did not know.
Dwellers of the New World Chapter Ten ( Pt 6 ) Captured | ABCtales
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