Dwellers of the New World Chapter Ten ( Pt 7 ) Back To The Bay
By skinner_jennifer
- 1076 reads
After thanking Aesileif for letting them have beds for the night, Jay went to collect Rainbow and Bracken from the lean-to, while Ben asked about the best place to get any information on Evelyne and Nathen and their whereabouts.
“Your best bet,” replied Aesileif, “is to go along the cliff top to the next bay after this one.” She pointed in the direction they should go. “A lot of people congregate there, most know what's going on and should be able to help you.”
As Ben turned to leave thanking the old woman, he remembered the encounter that morning. “Oh...by the way!” he uttered. “We met your sons this morning, they were telling us of a ship that's due to set sail in a couple of days, I was just wondering if you could tell me the name of the man who owns the ship?”
“That be Bracus you need to speak to,” she replied. “He's often found at Brew Cottage, along with the other men that sail on his ship, including me sons Varg and Jason. His ship's there too, so he could be on board.”
Ben thanked the old woman once again and turned to leave. Aesileif watched as the two men led the horses up the path to the cliff top.
Her husband came out at that moment. “Have they gone now?” he asked, not really feeling comfortable around strangers.
“Yes they've gone...you can relax now and I'll make some of your favourite mint tea.”
The couple walked back inside out of the cold, glad that their sons would at least have their beds that night and that they wouldn't be disturbed.
Ben and Jay rode along the cliff top path, enjoying the view of the ocean and the fact that the sun was shining.
“I think we need to travel over to this place called Wild Whistling Isle, especially if we can't find your parents here,” declared Ben.
Jay didn't reply straight away, he was full of doubt as to whether it was such a good idea. “I'm still uncertain that we should trust this man Bracus, suppose we get to the island then he leaves us behind, we have no way of getting back to the mainland.”
“So what do you suggest we do?” questioned Ben, feeling a little frustrated that they were no closer to finding Fern's parents.
“Let's just see if they're around here first, then if we can't find them we'll have to review our plans.” Jay knew what these men of the sea were capable of and didn't feel comfortable sailing, unless it was absolutely necessary.
Ben agreed as they neared the next inlet, apprehensive as to where this journey was taking them. When they reached the bay, Ben was amazed at the amount of people that were gathered in one place, he found it disconcerting, an anxiety building up in him that he'd never felt before.
“Didn't we come this way last night?” he asked Jay, scratching his head with one hand, while leading the horse with the other. “There seems to be a lot more people here now, than there was last night.”
Jay revealed that he'd been this way on many of his trips down south, and that it was the largest bay along the coast, therefore most of the work was carried out here.
Ben couldn't imagine Fern living here, she would never settle in a place like this and neither would he.
“Come on,” said Jay. “We'd best get down there and start asking around.”
The two men got down off their horses and led them down one of the many paths leading from the cliff top. Children that had been playing on the fishing boats, stopped what they were doing when they saw the two strangers with their horses. Excitedly they ran towards them, shouting and cheering. Ben was slightly worried that they would scare Bracken and Rainbow, but as the children got closer, they chanted. “We want a ride!” staring at the huge mounts that seemed to tower above them.
Bracken didn't even flinch, seeming quite relaxed, though Rainbow seemed slightly nervous. One boy approached Ben and Jay. “That's a couple of monster horses you have there, could I ave a ride?”
“I suppose so,” declared Ben, “as long as you don't make too much noise.” He picked the boy up and sat him on Bracken. The lad felt ten feet tall, as he proudly paraded in front of his friends.
After his ride, Ben lifted the boy down, all the other children were now clambering for a ride too, they were noisy and demanding, it all became too much for Ben.
Turning to the boy who'd just ridden Bracken he asked, “Okay boy...what's your name?”
“Me name's Finn,” replied the boy, stroking the horse and wishing for another ride.
“Well Finn...can you tell me where we can find a man by the name of Bracus?”
Jay turned to Ben wondering why he would ask about Bracus so soon. “Shouldn't we be asking about mine and Fern's parents first?” Jay whispered in Ben's ear. “I thought that was the idea...see if they're here first.”
“It's al right Jay...I only want to know who this man is and find out about when he's sailing,” said Ben turning back to the boy.
“Yeah sure I know!” said Finn pointing to Brew Cottage. “He be up there drinking ale with his men.” The boy was far from interested in why these two strangers wanted to know of Bracus, all he wanted was another ride.
Pleading with the man. Ben finally gave in. “Well...I think that information deserves another ride.”The other boys looked on, as Ben lifted Finn back up onto Bracken, leading the horse around the bay, with Jay staying further back leading Rainbow who was slightly nervous of all the attention. The other boys sensed Rainbow's anxiety and so followed Ben in anticipation of a ride.
As they reached Brew Cottage, Ben lifted Finn down, telling him that he was sorry, but he had other things to attend too. The boy seemed quite happy and ran off proudly, his friends in hot pursuit.
“Well...we're here,” announced Ben.
Jay was anxious, as all heads turned staring at the two strangers that had come to their bay.
Dwellers of the New World Chapter Ten ( Pt 8 ) Meetings | ABCtales
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