Dwellers of the New World Chapter Thirteen ( Pt 11 ) Together Again
By skinner_jennifer
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One of the passageways that Derland took Ben and Jay along, led to Meadow Down Valley, where Evelyne and Nathen were staying, it was a maze of steps and slopes leading to forks in the tunnel, if you didn't know where you were going, it would be easy to get lost, the air was heavy and gave off an odour that smelt like rotting animal meat.
“What is that stench?” Uttered Ben holding his nose and screwing up his face as he followed Derland.
“Yeah! What is it?” Agreed Jay, feeling sick and holding his stomach.
Derland was used to the foul smelling atmosphere, turning to face the two men, through the flames of the torchlight, his eyes lit up like glow worms, then he declared with foreboding. “That's the stench of bodies rotting...we're close to the dangerous chambers you know.”
Faint voices could be heard somewhere far off down one of the tunnels, Ben and Jay suddenly thought of Dawson and felt a chill go through them, wondering if the man would still be alive. “Why do people get put down there?” Questioned Jay. He couldn't imagine how anyone could survive the smell leave alone the conditions.
As Derland led the way, he explained with trepidation. “It's usually if they've done something really bad, or they're ill and dying.” Derland became morose remembering his kin from many moons ago. “My brother ended up down there, because he'd become too ill that even Liora wasn't able to save him. One day men just came and took him and I never saw him again.”
Such lack of dignity filled the two men with desolation, that they just didn't understand. “But don't they have a proper burial for the dead?” Remarked Jay, thinking this was no way to treat mortals.
“What's a burial?” Queried Derland, the lines on his forehead wrinkling unwittingly. “Ain't never heard of such a thing.”
Jay started to explain that on the mainland up in the great forests, if someone died they would have a ceremony to aid the dead in their travels to the next world. “We leave offerings of flowers, stones and crystals on the place where they rest. People then know it's sacred ground and must not be disturbed.”
A smile crossed Derland's face. “It sounds like a great way to pass over.” He pondered on what Jay had told him, wondering if he would live to see the day that his people could be laid to rest in such a way. They had lingered too long in the passage, Jay and Ben just wanted to leave, they were both glad when finally they saw daylight in the distance. Their leader began to pick up pace as they neared the entrance. “Come on! We're nearly at the other end of the passage,” Derland said, leading them out and into Meadow Down Valley.
There was much anticipation as Ben and Jay trudged along the snow laden path, the wind trying to blow them over as they huddled into their furs. Jay wondered how his parents would react to them suddenly turning up out of the blue, but knew that the absence of mother and son after so long, would mean more.
Finally they could see a cabin in the near distance, next to the cabin was a lodge similar to Liora's. A child was outside the lodge playing with the snow, the wind energizing him as he made what looked like a den from the white stuff. They reached the door to the cabin, Derland knocked, but there was no reply. The child saw the three figures knocking and ran to meet them.
“What do you want?” He asked, knocking the snow off his thick fur mittens, his rosy cheeks giving him a healthy glow. He stared at the two strangers Derland had brought with him.
“Ah! Fallow my boy...and how are you?” Derland had to raise his voice through the sound of the wind to get heard.
Fallow knew Derland well. “I'm all right...but what are you doing out here at this time in the morning? Thought you'd be out hunting with the other men.” Fallow wanted to be a great hunter when he grew up, he wanted to hunt with some of the other children from Red Deer Valley where Derland came from, but knew he would have to wait until he was a little older.
Derland smiled at the boy. “Well not today Fallow, today I'm on a mission to find a couple who I've been told are staying here. Do you know of Evelyne and Nathen by any chance?” Derland liked the boy and always had time for him when he was in the area.
“They're in our lodge at the moment,” replied Fallow. “Mother and Father are out. I'll go and let them know you're asking after them.”
Before Derland could say any more, the boy turned and ran up to the lodge calling their names. “Evelyne! Nathen! There's someone to see you.” Even though he shouted he couldn't be heard above the sound of the wind. But as he entered the lodge, Fallow made a gesture of excitement. “Come quick...there's two people with Derland that want to speak with you both.”
Evelyne was holding Tegan in her arms and Nathen was stoking the fire. “Calm down Fallow!” Nathen uttered, “we'll be along in a second.”
Nathen was the first to leave the lodge and when he saw who was outside the cabin, he quickly turned and walked back in the lodge. “I think you'd better come quick Evelyne...put Tegan down.” He then turned to the boy. “Fallow you keep an eye on your baby brother, we have other things to attend to.”
Evelyne couldn't understand what Nathen was on about, it was so unlike him to be that concerned about anything. She followed Nathen out of the lodge and stared ahead, there was a sudden shock silence, as she recognised Jay and Ben. The woman could hardly believe her eyes. She stared in disbelief, then called out. “Jay...Ben! Is that really you?”
The two men grinned from ear to ear. “Yes! Mother,” Jay shouted. “It's so good to see you again.” Jay was overwhelmed and reached out to her.
As Evelyne hurried to meet him she fell into his arms, hugging him like she'd never let him go. Tears welled up in her eyes as she took his face in her hands, then brushed his hair back from his windswept eyes. “My Son...how are you? It's been so long.”
Jay wiped the tears from his mother's cheeks, but still she wept with joy unable to contain herself. Then she glanced over at Ben. “Where's Fern and Netty?” She enquired, a puzzled expression swept over her.
Ben knew he could never take the place of Fern. “I'm sorry Evelyne, it's just me and Jay, Fern and Netty stayed back at home, but she's staying with her friend Eve and her man Rowan and their daughter Daisy.”
“Well...well...well!” Said Nathen, “how are you both? It's good to see you.” Nathen had always wanted his son Jay to become a hunter and could never understand why he'd taken to becoming a healer, it wasn't a vocation he felt would be of much use to his son as an adult.
“I'm fine Father. Me and Ben have travelled a long way, and there's so much to talk about.” He then turned to his Mother. “Fern couldn't understand why you both left without saying goodbye.”
Evelyne felt sad that her daughter was concerned for them and slightly guilty. “I'm so...so sorry Jay. We wanted to let Fern know what was going on, but we had to leave quickly, we were afraid we'd lose our chance of a new life down by the sea.” Evelyne hesitated before continuing, feeling cold without her wrap. “Look...please come into the lodge by the fire, it's warmer in there and we can talk.”
The little party made their way into the lodge and sat down, Evelyne continued. “A man came and offered us a chance of a new life, but said we would have to leave immediately...it was all so rushed, but Nathen agreed to going, so I decided that Fern would understand.” Evelyne started to cry again as she relayed the rest of their story. “When we got down to the sea nobody would help us, we searched for Meradith and Ivan, but without any success.”
Jay interrupted Evelyne with a smile. “We found Meradith and Ivan, they are living at some cabins near the forest. Ivan looks after the trees with his neighbours, Meradith works the land.”
Evelyne thought about Meradith and then asked about Bella. “How is Bella? She must be with child by now.”
Jay and Ben looked at one another then Jay spoke. “I'm afraid we have no idea where Bella is. Apparently she had a row with her mother about the man she's with, Meradith had to let her go. She told us that Bella was not in a good way when she ran off with him...you see he was violent with her, but Meradith said her daughter would always defend her man no matter what, and that upset Meradith more than anything.”
“That's awful!” Replied Evelyne...I can't imagine having to go through that with Fern...thank goodness she ended up with you Ben, at least you're a good man.”
Ben smiled and said he couldn't understand why a man would want to hit a woman...it was senseless, but he knew it was to do with the ale more than anything else. “The men of the sea seem to do a lot of drinking which can turn them angry.”
Evelyne decided to change the subject. “Well!” She said, “can I get you anything to eat? There's some bread and meat from last night's meal.”
“That would be good,” replied Jay and Ben becoming hungry with the sight of the cooked meat. “So is this your lodge?” Uttered Jay, looking around at the furs and items that decorated the accommodation.
“Oh no...it belongs to some friends of ours. We're staying here until our cabin's built. Nathen's got plenty of help from Tariq...that's Kalina's man and this is their son Fallow.” The boy stood up and approached the two men, smiling he shook their hands.
“Pleased to meet you Fallow.” voiced Jay and Ben.
Evelyne turned and picked up the baby that was lying on the fur beside her. “This is Tegan...he's a real treasure, he makes up for missing Netty. How is my granddaughter by the way?”
Ben took the bread and meat from Evelyne and spoke in a fond voice. “Oh...she's fine, but I'm missing them both so much, it almost makes my heart break talking about them.”
“I understand Ben. I can imagine Netty's learning so much now, because Fern was always a proper little mother with Jay when he was young, wasn't she son?”
Poor Jay went scarlet he was so embarrassed. “Mother, Ben doesn't want to hear about when I was young.”
Evelyne realising her son's embarrassment apologised. “Sorry Jay...it's just a habit I have, I always think of you as my little boy, even though you're a man.” The woman decided to say no more, not wanting to make Jay feel any more uncomfortable.
As the morning wore on, there was much chatter, each of the family members having a story to tell. The day flew quick as time swiftly progressed into late afternoon, whereupon Kalina and Tariq appeared at the entrance with interesting news.
Dwellers of the New World Chapter Thirteen ( Pt 12 ) A Discovery Is Made | ABCtales
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Jennifer, this is my first
Jennifer, this is my first visit to your story because I usually read poetry and short pieces. I like it!The way you explain burial 'sacred ground, offerings' etc is excellent, Ben's understanding of men hitting women after 'the ale', Evelyne's spoken embarrassing memories of Jay when little. Engaging stuff, believable people living close to the land in your make-believe setting. Elsie
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Another chapter very much
Another chapter very much enjoyed, Jenny.
Just a few minor points. In the paragraph beginning, 'What do you want?" It should be 'two strangers... without the apostrophe and in the next but one paragraph - a typo, should read 'all right'.
Then again, in the paragraph beginning 'Evelyn felt sad'...should read 'lose our chance' and in the following one, should read, 'new life'.
Another cliff-hanger your readers are left with now, and I am left wondering what news it is that Tariq and Kalina have brought.
By the way, it is an interesting point you raise about mothers tending to always see their offspring as children, no matter how old they grow. I know I, for one, am more than guilty of that
Hope your are enjoying a peaceful Sunday.
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Ben and Jay have good news
Nicely detailed well told, glad the boys have reunitied with their parents now for the rest, good job Ray
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