Dwellers of the New World Chapter Thirteen ( Pt 8 ) Making Plans
By skinner_jennifer
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Liora and Usha peeked from their hiding place, as the men carried more timber down the path and into the valley. “I have an idea!” Declared Liora. They discussed a plan and when all was clear, they made their way out of hiding and continued down the path and then over to where the children were busy.
Two men noticed them looking around and so approached the two women. “Can we help you?”
“Yes!” Replied Liora. “We're looking for a man by the name of Bracus.”
One of the men pointed in the direction the leader was walking. “That's him over there...the man limping.”
Liora could see the muscular, built man in the distance, she thanked the stranger, then took Usha's hand and proceeded towards Bracus.
“Let me do the talking,” whispered Liora, not wanting any slip ups.
They could see a young boy stood next to Bracus, with rope tied around his waist. “That's Varden!” Said Liora. “I just know it.”
Usha said nothing as they approached Bracus. “Um! Excuse me...are you the leader Bracus by any chance?” Liora smiled at the man, not wishing to seem aloof.”
“Yeah! And who might you be?” Bracus was his usual unpleasant self.
“My name's Liora and this is my friend Usha.”
As soon as the woman said their names, Varden looked up immediately remembering them.
“I hear you came in on the Flying Fish yesterday morning, with a lot of wares,” announced Liora.
“Yeah! that's right...why do you want to know?” asked Bracus, suspiciously.
“Well! If you're interested we'd like to barter for some bear skins.” Liora declared, keen to let the man know she was serious and not just being nosy.
“And what can you give me in return?” Enquired Bracus in a superior manner.
“Well...I heard from one of your men that you have a bad leg,” Liora smiled as she continued. “I could take a look at it and give you some soothing balm to rub into it, you see I'm a healer.”
Immediately Bracus flew at the woman. “I don't need your balms...or your healing. I've already seen one healer and what he gave me, didn't make the slightest difference.”
Usha suddenly had an idea, forgetting that Liora had told her not to speak. “I have a special brew which I've been keeping for an occasion like this...it's some good tasting ale that I think you'll enjoy, what do you think?”
Bracus smiled smugly. “Now! That's more like it. How many barrels have you got then?”
“We have four barrels that I can barter with you.” Replied Usha, watching the man's face light up.
“Okay! You bring the barrels and I'll let you have some bear skins...they be good quality and really warm.”
Usha agreed and then turned to Liora, who was not amused at the woman, after telling her not to speak. “Okay then...we'll return later with the barrels,” Replied Usha.
“Right! So if that's all...I'm busy.” Bracus perked up at the thought of some home brew, it had been a long time since he'd had some real ale.
The two women turned and walked away, leaving Varden wondering if they were up to something. He had wanted to acknowledge them, but was afraid it might be detrimental to his chances of escape.
“I have another brilliant idea!” Said Usha, once again as they walked away from the camp.
“And what might that be my friend?” Uttered Liora, placing her arm around Usha's shoulder.
“We put some of that sleeping potion you have into their drink, and when they're asleep we save the children.” Usha seemed pleased with her plan.
“That's all well and good,” replied Liora, “but what happens if Varden and the other children drink the ale too?”
“I didn't think of that,” said Usha. “We could always say that the children shouldn't drink the stuff, because it's too strong...there's got to be a way around it.”
Liora didn't really agree with the idea, she didn't like the thought of putting sleeping potion into their drink. “You know that stuff can kill, if someone has a weak heart, or they take too much of it? It's really for medical purposes.”
“Look...just sleep on it tonight and if you agree, we'll come back with the ale tomorrow,” Replied Usha.
“Okay...look I have to get back to my lodge, I have two new friends that have been out hunting, they will probably have food ready to cook. I'll see you tomorrow...come around to my lodge when you're ready and I'll help with the barrels, your man won't mind helping will he?”
“Of course Udi will help...he'll be glad to.” Usha knew that her man was only too willing to please her.
The two women said their goodbyes and went their separate ways. Liora felt slightly apprehensive about their plan, her conscious pricking her, knowing she was meant to save lives not destroy them. 'There must be another way!' She thought to herself.
As she left Brimstone Passage and once more made her way along the path following the jetties, she noticed there were still a couple of men on the the Flying Fish, so decided to go aboard and have a word with them. “Hello! Excuse me,” she called out.
One of the men turned to see who was calling. “Well...it's you again and what might you be wanting now?”
“Yes...it's me again. Look my name's Liora, I was just wondering if you could give me some idea of what Bracus would be willing to barter for all those children he has?”
The big man laughed out loud. “Are you serious? Ain't nothing he'll barter for them...they're his cheap labour and he'll make sure he gets plenty of use out of them.”
“But what if I could provide men to complete his work for him and at no extra cost other than letting me have the children,” asked Liora.
“Look...if it were up to me...I'd say yes straight away. By the way me name's Brigs.” He shook the girl's hand. “You really need to ask the leader himself, only I can't speak for him.”
“But what about you?” queried Liora. “You say you would agree to the arrangement.”
“Yeah...but I'm not in charge.” Brigs thought this woman was slightly impertinent, and eyed her up and down not liking her attitude.
“What about if you were in charge and I could find a way of getting the men to agree? It wouldn't matter what Bracus said, if he never had any followers. Just think...the Flying Fish could be yours.” Liora had a feeling this man was a leader, she could sense it.
Brigs was taken aback and gave the woman a puzzled look. “You seem to have a lot of faith in me...how do you know I won't just go and tell Bracus what you said?”
The woman smiled. “Because I have a feeling I can trust you and I think you're a good man.”
“Okay...okay, enough. I'll think about it. You come down here tomorrow early and I'll let you know.” The thought of owning his own ship, had him questioning his reasons for maybe doing what this woman said and going against Bracus.
Liora agreed she would see him in the morning, and felt a lot more calmer about the situation, she had a feeling that with Brig's help, she could get all the men on side.
Dwellers of the New World Chapter Thirteen ( Pt 9 ) The Importance of Outcomes | ABCtales
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Perhaps I sense 'mutiny' in
Perhaps I sense 'mutiny' in the ranks in this chapter, Jenny.
Again, just a few minor points, mostly regarding those little devil apostrophes
Firstly in the paragraph beginning, 'Yes it's me again'...should be, Look my name's Liora
And then in the paragraph beginning, 'I didn't think of that ...should be,... there's go to be a way round it
Then again, in the one beginning, 'Look, if it were up to me ...should be he shook the girl's hand
And in the last paragraph, should be...with Brig's help.
I'm chaffing at the bit to find out what happens next, so please don't keep me waiting too long. I have to say I love all the twists and turns in the plot, and I take my hat off to you in its writing. I'd be hopeless at trying to write something like this and you pull it off, admirably.
Hope you're having a pleasant Sunday. It's rather cloudy and overcast here, but I'm waiting for my daughter to pop round for a cup of tea, and she should brighten things up quite nicely
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Dangerous gamble
Liora is clever just hope she not about to out smart herself, Bracus might take her as a slave if Brigs tells on her, brave lady nicely played great scene, Ray
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