Dwellers of the New World Chapter Twenty ( Pt 4 ) Tracking The Location

By skinner_jennifer
- 1361 reads
A cold wind whistled down from the great forest, sending the fog back out to sea once more, the sun coming out as the sky became clear, leaving the moors not such a sinister place to be. Cinnamon had a vague idea where her friends had gone, from what Varden had told her, though she was not a hundred per cent sure exactly whereabouts the doom chamber was.
Brigs and Varg had set out with Bracken and Rainbow, but the horses were too traumatised to travel, so they'd had to borrow some horses from Varg's parents, who were only to happy to help out.
Reaching the moors wasn't a problem for the three riders, especially now the fog had cleared, though actually discovering in which direction they were going was difficult. The moors were huge and they'd not discovered any tracks as yet.
The horses had to take it steady never having been on the moors before, their hooves avoiding the deep crevices and boggy ditches that appeared suddenly. Fighting against the strong wind was also a problem, though they'd faced worse at sea in strong storms. It seemed as if they'd been riding for ages and found nothing. Although the sun had been shining, huge black clouds in the distance threatened a storm arriving, which would make the search a lot harder.
Varg stared over at an area of boulders. “I'm sure we've been this way before,” he declared. “I recognise that clump of rocks over there.” He pointed in the direction he was talking about, his face screwing up as the sun beat down upon him.
Cinnamon agreed, climbing down off the horse and clutching at her fur wrap. Looking down at the ground she noticed tracks. “Horses have been this way!” Hoof prints could be seen very faintly, though most had been washed away. “I think we should make our way over to those boulders.” Her long hair billowing in the wind swirled around her face, as strands kept blowing into her mouth, she turned and swept them aside, more determined than ever to get to the bottom of this mystery.
The two men concurred as the girl climbed back on her horse. They were about to set off, when all of a sudden a figure appeared from behind. “Hey! You – where'd you think you're going? This be private property; belongs to the Master.” Then as the man spoke, he saw the girl and recognised her immediately. “Hey! You girl – you're Cinnamon, we been searching for you – where you been hiding all this time?”
The girl turned to look at the man. “I don't see that it's any business of yours, but I've been on a long journey.” Then she thought he might know where the others were, it was worth a try to ask. “I wonder if you might help us?” Cinnamon did recognise him as one of Gregor's guards.
The man scratched his head. “What might I be able to help you with then?” He thought she'd changed, there was an air of authority about the girl.
“We're looking for some friends who might have come this way, they came with horses and carts – have you seen them?” Cinnamon felt safe enough with Brigs and Varg by her side and wasn't afraid to speak her mind.
The guard who's name was Bruge changed his expression. “You'd better watch yourselves, Gregor's on the lookout for you, he's not very happy about youngsters that disappear.”
Cinnamon didn't want a confrontation, just to know where the others were. “Look! Bruge; never mind my whereabouts, where are my friends?” The girl was becoming impatient.
“Don't you start on me girl! It ain't my fault they're down in that Chamber; Josh and Seth shut them down there.” Bruge started to get a nerves twitch in his eye, he wasn't used to being spoken to like that by a girl, especially one so young.
“Is that the place they call the Doom Chamber, where a lot of the lost boys are being held?” Queried Brigs.
“Yeah! Gregor's been down there a while now – couldn't find no head nor tail of them boys, or your friends – they just disappeared in to thin air, yes it be a real mystery – even the Master's been down there a long time. He told me to leave him alone, but I hung around just in case there's a problem. Good thing I did too, with him not coming out.” Bruge hardly paused to catch his breath as he spoke.
On no account was Brigs prepared to enter the Chamber, he never did like enclosed spaces and was certain it wouldn't be welcoming. “So you say they were in there, but never came out?”
“Sure thing!” Shouted Bruge, trying to get himself heard above the accompany of the wind, which was now picking up and becoming stronger. “Gregor's been acting kind of strange, like he's got a secret he don't wanna share.”
Brigs didn't care to hang around on the moors. “I don't like this place, It fair gives me the creeps. I think we should go back to the bay, ain't no more we can do with this strong wind blowing.”
“But what about the others?” Protested Cinnamon. “We can't just leave them.” The girl couldn't believe her two companions were about to leave.
“If they're okay – they'll return, if not! We have to accept they're lost.” Replied Brigs. His horse could sense his eagerness to go and became agitated.
The wind continued to sweep across the moors, when something caught Cinnamon's eye, a strange light appeared to reflect on her arm – a rainbow of colours like she'd never seen before. She looked around at the others who were oblivious, then looking up to the sky, she gazed in amazement – about ten diamond shaped objects appeared to be hovering high above them, their colours dazzling.
“LOOK!” She cried out, pointing at the sky. The others looked up, scanning the airspace, not believing their eyes. The atmosphere which was a stormy grey, became lit with the many lights that sent beams across the moors and further. Colours danced around, as none of the figures below new what to do – all they could manage was to watch in awe.
As the striking colours hit the earth, a deluge of men – women and children began arriving, having spotted the strange objects. The blustery weather and hostile land didn't deter folk, they were drawn by the imposing magnificence of the huge Crystal Crafts.
Some older inhabitance remembered them appearing many suns and moons ago, at the clearing in the forest where the Dwellers celebrated once a year, by placing offerings on the stones, while singing, dancing and remembering their ancestors – The Chosen Ones, that came from another world. Some of the folk that had arrived, knew they had connections to the Chosen Ones, who were the first to arrive on their world. For some it was all too much, they fell to their knees, praising the return, while others cried with happiness, the sight could only bring peace and harmony, which folk had been needing and anticipating for a long time.
Dwellers of the New World Chapter Twenty ( Pt 5 ) The High Point | ABCtales
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I love the way this serial
I love the way this serial forms lots of little sounds in my head; leather and horses, friendly but guarded voices shouting. I see a beautiful, natural landscape but a mysterious underworld somewhere beneath the surface, perhaps like Doone Valley. I want to know more about Cinnamon. Nice work Jenny!
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Gosh, Jenny - so lovely that
Gosh, Jenny - so lovely that the Crystal Crafts are back, and I so enjoyed your magical description of them. What I'm not happy about is that you reached the epilogue already. Too soon...too soon, she cries, and I really do mean that. So...I'm going to make sure I savour these last few chapters. Please forgive me for being so tardy. I know I keep saying that, but for me, at the moment, there are not enough hours in the day. Hope to manage to read the last few chapters later today, and I really am so dismayed that this wonderful story has to come to an end, but then I guess, all stories must, sooner of later. Looking forward to reading more about those Crystal Crafts, and in the meantime, Jenny, have a peaceful day.
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Lovely images
Lovely images, the Crystal ships teleporting people to the surface wonderful picture of restoration and benevolence, beautifully portrayed Ray
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