Dwellers of the New World Chapter Twenty ( Pt 5 ) The High Point

By skinner_jennifer
- 1248 reads
As Cinnamon was observing the sky, unable to take her eyes off the spectacle above her, she suddenly heard her name in the far distance being called, turning to look, there were her Mother and Father, Sister Rose and Brothers Rue and Brook. Lena wanted to run to her daughter, but the moors were precarious with their unavoidable gaps, where you could fall or twist your ankle. Cinnamon taking another last glance at the sky, turned and galloped towards her family, hardly believing what was happening, her Father Jacob wasn't far behind Lena, leading the children.
Reaching Lena, Cinnamon jumped down off her horse and without hesitation ran into her Mother's arms. Lena was overwhelmed, tearful with emotion, not wanting to let her daughter go. Cinnamon too was weepy at this reunion, it was almost more than she could cope with. As Jacob arrived with the children, it was one big family huddle, binding a moment in time that would never be forgotten.
Lena had so many questions to ask her daughter. “Where did you go Cinnamon? We thought you'd been kidnapped, or!” The woman paused and began sobbing, “or that you were dead.” Lena continued lamenting, not able to catch her breath. She was filled with fatigue from the sleepless nights and worrying days.
Cinnamon wiped away her Mother's salty tears, as the rest of the family joined in with another hug. Finally Cinnamon spoke. “I'm really sorry that I worried you all, it wasn't ever my intention to cause any of you distress, but it's a long story that I will explain later – only now there's other things to think about.”
At that moment Meradith and Ivan appeared on the scene, full of memories of when they'd last seen the huge Crystal Crafts appear in the sky. “Remember when Bella and Fern were young and the adventures we had, eventually meeting up at the stones? What memories!” Meradith wasn't at all frightened, but enlivened by the recollections.
Ivan too was compelled to feel excited by the stirring of their extraordinary exploits so many years ago. Putting an arm around Meradith's shoulder, he grinned and kissed her cheek. “I sure do my love – I sure do!”
The woman thought about Evelyne and Nathen! Wondering how they were, little realising that Cinnamon had already met them on Wild Whistling Isle.
The silence ensued as the lights on the ships went out and the crystal colours began to fade, leaving the diamond silhouettes, looking like nothing more than glass tinged, blue objects hovering. They poised; suspended like they were waiting for some major occurrence to happen, while the folk, some excited, some scared but fascinated, looked on.
Never before had so many gathered in one place since the arrival of the Crafts at the stones in the forest. The moors weren't the best place for the Ships to land, which is why they lingered, looking for a decent place to touchdown in the hostile environment. The tinted glass meant that the occupants of the Ship could see out, but the folk on the ground couldn't view in.
As the blustery wind continued sweeping across the terrain, ten silent Crafts descended to earth coming to land. The sky remaining bleak with murky, grey clouds that drifted in off the Ocean like angry gods; Winter down South brought gales, rain and fog, unlike the Northern region which suffered bad snow storms.
Folk continued to arrive as news travelled fast, many came on foot, but from deep in the forest, folk had seen the strange lights beaming down between the trees, traversing their way across the airspace, while the foresters followed travelling by horses, or driven carts.
Nothing appeared to happen for quite a while, as children ran around impatiently, confused and not knowing what to expect. Babes in their Mother's arms lamented, wishing to be fed, while older boys and girls were pushing, daring each other to get closer to the Crafts. But the majority of the crowds stayed back, unsure of their safety; they'd lived under Gregor's dictatorship too long, getting used to being on their guard.
Some time passed; as suddenly one of the glass panels of the ship began to slide to one side, it slipped open smoothly and efficiently without a sound.
Bruge; Gregor's guard was approached by Josh, Seth and young Sam, who by now were vexed as to why people were just standing around and doing nothing to stop these Ships from landing.
“Where's the Master!” Cried young Sam, out of breath and feeling slightly small amongst all these adults.
“He be down that there Doom Chamber!” Replied Josh. “Ain't got no reason to believe them kids are still down there though, I ain't got any clue how they got out.”
Sam had found Gregor's gun and wasn't about to let these so called visitors step foot on the Master's land. “We gotta stop them, before they get control of us.” Taking the gun from his pocket, he handed it to Josh. “Here! Take this, it's that prisoner Dawson's weapon. You just point it and fire with the button, that'll do the job.” Sam felt pleased with himself, that he'd used his own initiative and felt like he would be the hero of the day.
Two occupants appeared at the entrance, both putting a hand up. Nobody made a sound, not even the children, it was as if time stood still as the wind continued to blow. “Go on then! Fire!” Declared Sam.
Josh held the weapon in his hand, unsure if the young boy had the right to tell him what to do. Feeling angry, he turned to Sam. “You want it fired – then do it yourself! See here I'm not about to be threatened by you little boy.”
Sam felt his anger rise, but knew he was out numbered. “Okay! I will.” Aiming the gun at the occupants of the Ship, he pressed the button. It let out an electric light that flew across the moor, but instead of heading for the two figures, it hit one of the women watching in the head, she fell to the ground as her man rushed to her aid. People watching couldn't believe what they were seeing. The woman lay still and quiet.
The poor man shook with rage down on one knee, cradling the woman. “She's dead! She's dead!” He gazed over at the boy standing with the weapon, not understanding why he would hurt his woman. Then he could feel the blood rising in his body, as Sam threw down the gun and began running away. “Get that boy!” He shouted. “Don't let him get away!”
By now people were running in every direction, as Sam realising what he'd done darted; slipping between folk who were unable to hold onto him. He realised straight away of his inexperience on how to use the weapon properly, it would be his down fall and now he was frightened. As he tried to get away, he felt an electric shock hit his back, unable to move he too fell to the ground.
The two figures stepped off the ship, one of them held a weapon, similar to the one Sam had fired. It was that person who had caused Sam to become unconscious. As they proceeded to leave the ship, the figure with the gun called out. “We come in Peace – please don't be alarmed. We're here to help! The boy will be fine – he's just stunned, as is the woman.”
Behind them walked others. Young boys stepped off the ships clutching hands, shaking they gazed around at the watching crowds, dazed at what they'd been through and unsure of where they were now going. In turn each ship opened its doors, as many others came forward, again hand held up as a sign of Peace.
A man and boy then proceeded to disembark hand in hand, upon the boy's shoulder perched an owl, folk gazed in wonder, not expecting to set eyes on such a majestic bird, though Cinnamon knew exactly who they were. She wondered at how the man named Brad, who'd saved her life in the forest, was now leaving the strange ship. Then she saw her friend Varden and the others of her party that returned from Wild Whistling Isle. The girl cried out with happiness and ran to meet them.
Meradith and Ivan immediately recognised Ben, they too began to come forward. Varg and Brigs on the other hand, had no idea of what was going on and held back with the horses.
Finally all members of the ship stood in the centre of the those Dwellers of the New World, many of the children sat on their parents shoulders, wishing to get a better look. Rosa had come from the barracks with Will and excitedly approached Cinnamon, giving her a huge hug which left the girl overwhelmed with tears.
Dwellers of the New World Chapter Twenty ( Pt 6 ) A Binding Agreement | ABCtales
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A wonderful chapter of
A wonderful chapter of contrasts, Jenny...we have the all the emotion of the moment when Cinammon is reunited with her family, the wonderfully colourful and atmospheric description of the Crystal Craft coming in to land, and the dramatic shooting, culminating in the joyful ending.
Very much enjoyed, Jenny and again I apologise I have not had time to read these wonderful last chapters....until now.
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Sam is not the man
Sam is not the man just a silly kid, his master is dead now what will he do. lots of action and emotion great read. Ray
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