Dwellers of the New World Chapter Twenty ( Pt 7 ) Sad Farewells

By skinner_jennifer
- 1277 reads
Brad and Simon were the only two people on the trip to Obsidian that had not been programmed to forget their experience, because Simon was not just any boy, but one that had proved he was gifted. As they stood on the moors surrounded by the folk who watched on, Simon took the crystal from a pouch attached to his belt, as soon as he held it in his hands, it began glowing, getting brighter and brighter, until beams of light shot between his fingers.
Addie was fascinated by the boy's power. He'd had his own crystal scrutinized in the lab on Obsidian and had taken the boy and his father down to help out with the examination. During their investigation, they discovered millions of tiny atoms the size of pin pricks that did not move, but as soon as Simon held the crystal, they began to come alive.
The folk who were observing this spectacle couldn't help but sigh and whisper to one another in awe. The boys who'd had their memories erased felt as if they'd been in a deep sleep and dreamt the same dream, their last memory was of being in the Doom Chamber, but then stepping off one of the crafts that had set down on their earth, none of them had a clue what had happened to them and felt like they'd lost time and had slept for many days.
“See here!” Announced Addie, holding one of Simon's hands up, while the other hand continued to clutch the Crystal. “This is why Simon is special and will one day become not only a healer, but a great leader too.” He gazed down at the boy, then said. “That's of course if he actually wants to lead. But my theory is...that he is one of the Chosen Ones and will one day hold the key to your future...whatever it may be.”
Simon turned to his Father wondering what he should say. It was as if Brad understood his son's anxiety and whispered in his ear. “Don't worry Son, you'll not have to worry about leading for a long time yet – we've too much to do and too many places to see.” Brad took the Crystal from Simon and placed it back in his pouch. Then with a final grin, he squeezed his son's hand.
Soon it was time for the people of Obsidian to leave. Addie turned to Brad declaring, “you must make sure the crystal is kept safe, whatever happens don't let it out of your sight, in the wrong hands it might be dangerous.”
“I understand!” Uttered Brad, not quite sure exactly where safe was, but knowing that his Son would sense danger if it came.
“I cannot thank you enough for your help Simon, in aiding us to get home, if it wasn't for you – well who knows!” Addie shook the boy's hand.
The people were beginning to disperse, though some refused to leave, wanting to watch the Ships take off.
Varden had returned, glad that he'd not missed his new friends leaving. Approaching Dawson, he was overwhelmed with tears. “I'm sorry you have to leave.” He gave the man a hug, feeling like he was never going to see him again.
“Varden – I have to thank you, if it weren't for your bravery, I would have died down in those catacombs.” Dawson could hardly contain his own emotions, though he never normally cried.
It was at this point that Cinnamon approached them with Will. “Dawson! I shall miss you so much, without realising, you led me to far off places, that I'd never have got to see if it weren't for you.”
“Well!” Replied Dawson. “I feel honoured that you would put your life in jeopardy to find me.” He looked at the boy stood with Cinnamon, then spoke again grinning. “I see you've managed to find your soul mate, I really hope you'll both be happy.”
Cinnamon blushed unsure of what to say. “Um! Me and Will are just friends!” She replied.
“I'm sure you are!” Dawson could tell by the look on Will's face, that there was more to their relationship than just friends, even though Cinnamon couldn't admit to it yet.
Varden turned to Addie's son Luke. “Thank you for the suit and boots, even though I don't remember my time on your world – it certainly makes life a lot easier with these new clothes.”
“The pleasure's all mine!” Replied Luke. “It's been good getting to know you and I'm glad I could help.” Luke had taken to Varden straight away, he'd liked his spirit and felt a connection with the boy.
Shaking his hand, Luke announced. “May be we'll meet again one day.”
“You never know!” Replied Varden. “I really hope you come back and visit, it would be such a privilege to see you again and spend some time in your company.”
Addie declared to Dawson and Luke. “We need to leave these people to get on with their lives.” He waved to the folk as they turned towards the ships. Luckily the wind had died down somewhat, leaving just grey clouds, threatening rain. As they made their way, the entrances of the Ships, the doors began to open. Luke took one last look at Varden and waved, wishing he'd been able to get to know the boy better, but he also knew that he was at the start of many new thrilling adventures of his own, that would be dangerous and life threatening, but also action-packed, which is what he was looking forward to most.
Dawson patted Luke on the back, having some idea of what Addie's son was feeling, remembering his own first great adventure to another world, and how he couldn't wait for his next trip, but now all he wanted was to get home to his wife and children for a long break, before his next voyage through space and time.
As the final farewells went out, the doors shut and it wasn't long before the Crystal Ships began lifting off, without a sound. As they rose into the air, again the Crafts began to light up, their colours gleaming all around as they hovered for a while. Then lifted up even higher, lighting up the grey sky, until – like a light they went out and were gone.
Dwellers of the New World Epilogue | ABCtales
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Oh Jenny, this chapter is so
Oh Jenny, this chapter is so evocative; I could see those Crystal Ships gradually melting into the sky, until invisible. Wonderful writing, wonderful story, and I'm only sad it is almost at an end.
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A joy to watch
A joy to watch, I mean read, really liked the way ships looked back dropped by the cloudy rain threatening sky and the crystal light shining through Simon's fingers, it was all quite poetic and beautiful.
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