By skinner_jennifer
- 1576 reads
This is an old poem I wrote back
in the early 1980s.
Why don't
you be honest
tell me
instead of
humouring with
shallow words
of politeness
that don't
mean a thing,
I reach out
again and again,
dreams are like
reflections above
solid ground
I walk on,
but feel more
like falling
into honey,
feet sinking
feeling misleading,
condescending pat
on back left sensations
of ghosts in the night,
coming out of rain
tears washing
over me again,
you want my company
then throw me aside,
I want to be free
you held that key,
why not be honest
like you promised,
so here now I stand
with energy flowing,
million and one volts
entering my very soul,
helping me to be strong
in fight to carry on,
body grounded like
fresh bread rising,
lifted to higher place,
no longer in waiting
feelings out of date,
walking out door
not hard any more,
resolved to embrace
new loving place,
find warm caress...
light flowing breeze
putting mind at ease,
where there's no pain
standing proud again,
no more raging fear
just focus on dreams,
going it alone in a
place of my own, then
fall into another soul
get lost in embrace,
when finally far away
old memories go astray,
don't weep for me...in
new hope I'll just be.
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How lovely that you've kept
How lovely that you've kept it Jenny. I know when I find things from the past - writing, photographs - they can take me right back to the place and time - and not always in a good way. Thank you for sharing it !
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It reads to me like a
It reads to me like a meditative journey - to find and free yourself - to be.
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You evoke a feeling of
You evoke a feeling of danger in the first part, both coming from outside (someone deceiving you) and inside, with the striking image of your dreams for the relationship being like steps sinking into honey. And then comes the warmth and strength and optimism that characterises the writing you do now, like an energising release
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How terrifying for you! I
How terrifying for you! I admire you even more for becoming who you are now
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