A Hot Festival Weekend
By skinner_jennifer
- 3487 reads
The dawn came up, on that Saturday morning, I can honestly say, I have never felt as stiff as I did on that morning. I almost fell out the car backwards, due to the fact Maggie decided it would be fun to open the door, with me still leaning against it, but I managed to grab hold of the steering wheel just in time, while she stood there laughing.
“Come on lazy bones!” she said, as she wandered off into the woods. I managed to pull myself together, feeling slightly shivery, as the grass was laden heavily with morning dew. “Oh well...in for a penny, in for a pound.” Bare foot I wandered out across the grass, it actually felt quite nice on my feet, once I got used to it.
After relieving myself we came back to the car and got ourselves ready for a wander. We were surprised to find that more people had arrived while we'd been asleep. As the sun came up it got warmer too. People were setting up camp and slowly starting to feel the mood of happy contentment that me and Maggie were feeling, there were smiling faces everywhere and a feeling that anything was possible.
We ambled around the site, there were lots of people sat around or queuing up for toilets...or food. I cannot remember whether there was any music on at this point, in fact I cannot remember much about any of the bands, apart from Hawkwind.
Getting past hunger, but feeling the need to eat, me and Maggie decided we would go into Windsor, we felt we had more chance of getting some drink and food there. So the decision was made. We walked out across the grass, there were police on the side lines, they never actually came onto the festival site, but lingered, like they were ready to pounce on the first bit of trouble, but to be honest...we never saw any trouble the whole time we were there, the only thing they could get anyone on, was drugs. There was this big white tent you could get high on the smell coming from that tent, just by breathing in the fumes, but still the police never came onto the site.
When we got into Windsor, it was early afternoon, we had to queue for everything, I think we waited an hour for the toilets, it was really hot too. We managed to buy a loaf of bread and some cheese and a couple of apples and sat on a wall and ate our dry bread and cheese. When finished we thought it would be a good time to get some booze to take back with us, but guess what? We were out of luck, there was no booze left in the whole of Windsor, everywhere had sold out, now me and Maggie were really depressed. There was nothing for it we'd be going back empty handed, how depressing was that? Things couldn't get much worse.
As it was late afternoon we decided to head back to the festival. Now back then we never saw fear, we just lived in the moment, so when this black opal car pulled up beside us as we were walking along the pavement, me and Maggie were well impressed. There were two guys in the car, the driver wound down the window and asked us if we needed a lift, “where are you going?” me and Maggie asked. Well as it so happened they were heading back to the festival site, so we decided to take them up on their offer of a lift.
I'd never been in a car like that one before, it was so plush and had push button windows, which were only on really expensive cars back then. The seats reclined as well, another unusual thing back then. We were well impressed, Maggie got in the back with this guy and I got in the front with the driver, they weren't bad looking either, for the life of me I cannot remember their names which I suppose is just as well, but when we got back to the site the adventure really began.
To be continued …......
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Hi again, Jenny. Really
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Great to read some prose
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A bit of a cliff-hanger
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Wow, really cool! It's a
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Ok, thank you for putting it
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HI Jenny
HI Jenny
I decided to start back at the beginning of your diary - and since Maggie is included in this story, it all comes to be more meaningful.
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