Journey Into Fairy Woodland Part Three

By skinner_jennifer
- 471 reads
Anemone was bathing in a clearing down at the brook, her youthful figure splashing around in invigorating running water of the cold stream, the sun shining through her transparent but strong wings that resembled lacy gossamer.
In the middle of summer she would be sharing the stream with mayflies – dragonflies – damselflies and stone flies, also the odd frog cooling himself on the muddy edge searching for slugs or snails. Anemone loved the sound of grasshoppers in summer up on the grassy bank hopping from blade to blade while being careful not to get eaten. But for now it was just her and the distant sound of birdsong.
A little later while casually gazing up at the sky, fairy Anemone caught sight of her mother Luna winging her way and waved. Dappled yellow wings flew down coming to land on the bank beside the water's edge where wild garlic sprouted and white flowers stood to attention guarding their area of earth, as they watched the stream snake through Wistful wood. Overhead flying insects were toing and froing going about their business unaware of the sprightly fay below, they were too busy searching to collect the small amount of nectar that was available.
On the limbs of Hawthorn trees, the beautiful sound of Chaffinches were singing their hearts out, safe in the knowledge that thorns on the branches would protect them from predators, especially in the early morning.
A sprightly Queen Luna called out to her daughter. “It's time you were getting ready Anemone, you have a big day ahead and your father is eager that you're not going to be late.”
Anemone smiled and began to flutter her wings ready to join her mother, when all of a sudden ratty appeared from the undergrowth and scurried along the muddy edge of the stream, he came to stop on a large piece of bark that had escaped a fallen tree.
Ratty stopped still and gazed at Anemone, for a split second the two made eye contact. Anemone greeted him, “good morning Ratty!” She squeaked, her tiny voice just evident.
But Ratty had other ideas and was in a hurry to be somewhere else. He ignored Anemone scampering off without any response, within seconds ratty had disappeared back into the undergrowth leaving the two fairies stunned.
“Well!” Declared Luna, “that was rude not to even acknowledge you.” The Queen was in such a hurry, she waved to her daughter to hurry up.
Anemone shrugged her shoulders, a bit taken aback at ratty's ignorance, but because this was her day, she grinned, and said to herself, “not really that bothered,” in a matter of fact manner. The two fairies in a trice flew off, back to the hole in the rock face they called home.
Now back in her cozy corner of the hole, Anemone magically released her ball of light and sat on her mossy bed taking some deep breaths to relax, all this excitement was getting a bit too much for her, she needed to meditate in order to remain calm.
Having no idea how long she'd been lost in thought, her sister Celandine bought her back to reality, with her presence. “Quickly! Come outside, I want to do your hair,” she squeaked as a flurry of dust picked up and flew around.
Anemone got up from her bed and flew out, she too got caught up in the whirlwind of dust her sibling had created. The two shook the dust free and sneezed a couple of times.
Celandine flew to where she'd placed some buttercups on a rock with some fresh ivy ready to entwine the flowers into her sister's hair. It was a tricky job, as the buttercups were so fragile and the ivy fiddly, but eventually after much oohing, and tugging of hair, the job was done. Anemone was entrancing and would look wonderful with her gown of Archangel flowers against the ferns.
The warmest and freshest of air weaved small miracles of sweet honeyed intentions into the atmosphere, as Queen Luna appeared with her daughter's gown. Luna flew down and placed the gown carefully over Anemone's head, it slipped down over her slight figure and fitted perfectly, Luna thought it was a miracle to behold.
Her father King Oberon in his finest greenery made of ivy, and a crown of Hawthorn woven from twigs, came out of the entrance to greet his two daughters, such was his delight at the sight of Anemone, he couldn't help but shed a tear of happiness. “You look absolutely stunning Anemone.” The King of the fairies was proud of both his daughters, who were always responsible in their jobs of caring for nature.
He turned to Celandine. “You've done such a wonderful job at looking after the bluebells this year, they're in tiptop condition and blooming to perfection.” Celandine felt so proud and said “thanks!” While bowing her head, because although he was her father, he was also the king.
King Oberon then spoke to Anemone again. “Owl tells me the oak is recovering well after the storm, and that you've been tending to its with all the trees of the wood, you've done your very best to keep check on each tree and report any problems.”
The two sisters were always happy when the king praised them, they flew to their father and gave him a big hug. Although King Oberon wanted to hug his daughters, he didn't for fear of squashing their gowns and so refrained.
“Much as I love you is important,and I don't want to ruin it by destroying your gowns.” The king smiled and winked, saying “don't be late now, I'm depending on you both.” Then he turned and made his way to the binding venue, which was to be held at the entrance to owl's hole, where the bird would have the honour of binding the couple together...for in fairy woodland owls could speak with a little help from some magical fairy dust.
To be continued...
Journey Into Fairy Woodland Part four | ABCtales
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I can imagine this being a
I can imagine this being a children's story that younger ones would read together with their teacher. The images are classically colourful and the whimsy runs throughout. Onto the denouement...
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