Promises Beyond The Veil Of Light ( PT 15 )

By skinner_jennifer
- 1435 reads
Picture by pixabay free images.
A Story In Forty Eight Parts.
Part Fifteen
Monday morning came, it was always busy for Kendrick, spending a good part of his time working in the forest where he also enjoyed living. He'd have given anything to have his daughter with him, but knew his life style wasn't suitable for a ten year old. His caravan was also very small with his life that was so erratic, never knowing where he'd be from one day to the next, being the rambler that he was.
Although he'd woken early, sleep the night before hadn't come easily with all the concerns of his daughter, wondering if she'd settled in to her new life, something he'd not had to worry about before.
His compact but substantial caravan felt chilly at such an early hour as he filled the kettle with water for an early morning brew, wondering what the day would bring. Taking the tea caddie from the top shelf, Kendrick just couldn't get his head around teabags. His trusty teapot that he'd had for years was always an invaluable friend that he took everywhere with him when at home or traveling.
Being a healer along with the many other jobs he had, held a lot of responsibility, but Kendrick knew his craft well sometimes working at natural health clinics across the country when he wasn't needed in the forest.
Not only adept at alleviating pain in people, he also understood his connection with trees and plants too. Kendrick's senses were always enhanced when surrounded by peace and quiet of nature. Going into Nina's world had given him the chance to explore all these channels of existence.
He knew he'd miss not being able to go into Nina's peaceful, magical forest, where communication with trees, plants and creatures was heightened, giving him an insight into their habitat and how they reacted to given situations.
He thought of the hot summer when Mina was about six or seven, she'd insisted on sleeping by the badgers set with her mum, spending time burrowing with hands through the earth just like the creatures as they tunneled their way underground. He smiled at how carefree she was.
Waiting for his kettle to boil Kendrick put some bread in his toaster. His thoughts left him feeling in limbo as if there was unfinished business that needed attending to, but he couldn't put his finger on what the compelling, menacing threat was that seemed to be heading his way, warning him and sucking his vital energies, Kendrick felt drained.
“I need some food!” He said to himself thinking out loud. The clock above the sink ticked away. Kendrick noticed it was already 7.30am, he needed to be in the forest to meet the tree surgeon at 8.30am. It was a flaw in his character that he was never able to turn up on time for anything, but Kendrick was glad Mina hadn't inherited his shortcomings, she was more like her mum who worried constantly about being on time.
Sitting at his kitchen table eating toast and drinking tea from his favorite mug Nina had bought him, Kendrick felt a lot calmer. He loved the sound of that first flow as it left the spout, the sound reminding him of his own childhood and his mother's eagerness to share a pot or two with welcome visitors to her home, where the door was always unlocked and family and friends could just walk in. Back then there wasn't any fear of bad people trying to enter, everyone knew each other, gossip would be rife amongst the adults.
It would have been so easy to just sit all day and meditate, relaxing maybe with a good book, or having a wander through the forest. Kendrick knew he needed a holiday, if only to visit his friends who lived close to the sea, it had been so long since he'd seen them and they always welcomed him, their life being so laid back. His friends attitude was one of no worries, things always had a way of working themselves out, life was too short. But of course for Kendrick it was different, he did have commitments and one of them was Mina and she was very much on his mind.
Kendrick reached for his backpack which sat on one of the caravan bench seats. His table turned into a bed which was really handy, a good reason to clean up every night before retiring. All he had to do was remove the mattress and readjust the seating, then hey presto it was a table again.
As he was out most of the day the caravan didn't get too messy with its tiny kitchen with just enough room for a sink, oven and small fridge. Opposite the sink was a small larder for keeping cans which he used a lot of, whether it be tinned meat, soup, or canned vegetables which were a must and came in handy when he was in a hurry.
He missed Nina's cooking so much now she was gone, never having time to prepare food from scratch for himself, to be honest it wasn't at the top of his list of priorities.
Picking up his keys and having the luxury of a mobile phone, although it was like a brick and a bit cumbersome to carry around, Kendrick needed one because of his life style. He placed the communication block in his bag, then continued to put on his heavy coat. It was going to be a cold day he could tell, so putting on his leather hat Kendrick picked up his staff which he carried most places and stepped outside locking the caravan door behind him.
It was only a short walk to meet the tree surgeon. Having his caravan right on the edge of the forest was such a plus. He began his walk down the path when his phone went off. “Now who could that be?” He uttered under his breath annoyed at having to unpack the phone.
It was Mrs Kennedy from the adoption agency, she sounded anxious. “Hello, Mr Hunter. I'm sorry to bother you, but I'm afraid Mina's gone missing. I got the message as soon as I came into my office this morning. I don't think there's any cause for concern at the moment, but I've contacted the police anyway.”
Before she could say anymore Kendrick became agitated. “How on earth could she go missing? I thought Mina was with a responsible family.” He could tell the woman was unsure what to say next.
“I know what you're thinking Mr Hunter and I completely understand, but honestly they're a very caring and responsible family. Apparently Mina left out the back door in the middle of the night before anyone was up and hasn't returned.”
Kendrick was now fuming. “Look! I'm supposed to be at a meeting, but I'll cancel and begin searching. I'm not happy about this at all.” He wondered why Mina would act so foolishly before even giving it a chance.
Mrs Kennedy sounded as worried at Kendrick. “All I can do is apologize. This should never have happened I understand that. I'm sure we'll find her though.” Mrs Kennedy paused, then spoke again. “Have you any idea where she might have gone? Are there any special friends she might visit?”
As he carried on walking it occurred to Kendrick how little he actually knew of his daughter, but then remembered her telling him of a girl at school who lived on a farm. “Mina did mention something about some friend at school who had a horse and lots of animals, but I can't for the life of me remember her name. Mina really does love animals you know. Will you contact the school or shall I?”
“I'll do that Mr Hunter, it's the least I can do. Now please don't worry, I'm sure it will be fine.” Mrs Kennedy tried to sound positive.
Kendrick was rather more worried knowing how little his daughter knew of the outside world, even if she did have her magic. “Please let me know the moment there's any news.” Ending the call he turned and headed towards his vehicle while phoning the tree surgeon at the same time, hoping he wasn't already at the meeting place.
Luckily for Kendrick Neil the tree surgeon was running late and had other places to visit so it wasn't a problem. The walk to his vehicle felt endlessly long as he envisaged Mina in trouble. It was one of the reasons he decided to take her out of the forest, she had so little experience of the outside world and needed to learn, but this wasn't the way he'd planned it.
Opening the car door, Kendrick smirked remembering his daughter's name for his huge jalopy, 'a tank' she'd called it. Quickly he got in and switched the engine on. As he was about to pull out of the car park, his phone rang again. That was quick! He pondered. Kendrick was glad it rang before he'd left. “Hello!” He said sharply, anxious to know if there was any news.
“Hello, Mr Hunter, it's Mrs Kennedy again.” She didn't sound very optimistic.
Kendrick wondered if Mina had come back already by some twist of fate. “Any news on Mina?” As he spoke his attention was caught by a woman sauntering off into the forest of trees, with a dog barking at her feet.
“No I'm afraid not yet,” came back the reply. “I rang the school, apparently there's been no sighting of Mina since last Friday.” There was a pause, then Mrs Kennedy continued. “The girl you were telling me about with the animals hasn't seen her either...her name's Emma Shepherd by the way, she lives at Birch farm just three miles from school.”
Kendrick was glad that Mrs Kennedy was showing that she cared, but still felt a sense of anger at the fact his daughter had gone missing. “I'm just about to leave the forest to search for her. Keep me posted if there's any news.” Never at any time in the past had Kendrick been so concerned for Mina's safety, she'd always been so sensible, but that was when her mum was alive.
As he drove down the road he wished more than anything Nina were here, it almost convinced him to burst into tears, but that wouldn't solve anything, so he just kept on driving and hoping he'd spot her somewhere.
To be continued...
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Nicely paced - hope he finds
Nicely paced - hope he finds her!
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Keeping all the strands going
Keeping all the strands going so smoothly!
Is the caravan small and substantial? Can substantial also mean big?
Is smirk a smug sort of smile?
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Good shift between parts, it
Good shift between parts, it was good to leave her temporarily in that tunnel. Good to learn more about Kendrick, he's been quite mysterious. 'Communication block' was funny. The point-of-view shifts must have taken some writing, though they add colour and variety
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