Promises Beyond The Veil Of Light ( PT 19 )

By skinner_jennifer
- 1116 reads
Picture by pixabay free images.
Part Nineteen
Mina had concerns for Ivan as they walked together. When she'd touched his arm there had been a feeling of discomfort as if he'd suffered with aches and pains.
“Are your arms feeling okay Ivan?” She asked genuinely concerned.
Ivan wondered why she wanted to know, feeling conscious of the arthritis he suffered in his wrists. “Only the usual rheumatism from the cold, but I lives with gotta when its all you know.”
“I'm sorry,” replied Mina feeling concerned. “Would you like me to see if I can help you?”
Ivan wasn't so sure he understood. “What you me? I don't understand.”
“Well, if you let me place my hands where it hurts, I can send a bit of healing to the affected area.”
Ivan didn't believe in all that healing mumbo jumbo and even if the girl could help, he wasn't so sure he wanted anything to do with the unknown, making it clear he wasn't interested. “Nah! You're alright. I've lived with it this long.”
Mina didn't want to push the conversation any further, knowing from past experience peoples reluctance to grasp her gift. She shrugged her shoulders and replied, “okay.”
Mina scoured the streets for any sign of life but there was none. With no idea of time and daylight not far off as light began to peep through dark threatening clouds, It felt ludicrous to think that her plans would just fall into place, even now she was feeling nervous at how Evie would respond to her turning up on the doorstep at such a strange hour.
As they turned a corner Ivan spoke. “Well, this is the street you be looking for.” He flicked his shoulder length straggly hair back from his face.
Mina saw the street name written on a sign post in large capitol letters. It was a relief but she felt edgy. This wasn't how she'd envisaged meeting Evie.
Ivan rubbed his hands together desperate to get back to Skylar. He wasn't the brightest spark and had no idea how dangerous it was for a ten year old to be left out so late at night on her own. “Well I'd best be off, gotta get back. You take care now.” He smiled his black teeth crooked leaving gaps as he turned to leave.
“Wait!” Exclaimed Mina. “Can't you just stay with me till I get an answer?” Although the neighborhood seemed quiet, she didn't take any pleasure from being left out here all alone.
Ivan was unresponsive, his mental unbalanced state left him confused, he wasn't used to meeting others needs, apart from his girlfriend's, but that was only cause he cared for Skylar who provided him with spliffs, plus they were congenial to one another. “Can't you just sit on the doorstep? Someone's bound to appear eventually.” Ivan's upbringing had been anything but normal, with conflict and bad influences, but he'd not known anything different, so when he met Skylar at a party, they both came to the agreement that as long as they had each other they'd be fine.
For Ivan conforming meant abiding by rules which he refused to obey, ignoring the rights and wrongs which to him meant nothing at all. Life was smoking hash or whatever other substance he could lay his hands on and being with Skylar, drifting from one trip to another.
Mina took a deep breath feeling the agony of being left alone as her heart beat so fast. “Okay, you go, I'll be fine,” she uttered in a whisper, but wasn't so sure she would.
“Ain't nothing I can do now. There be no bad things happening here, safest place around these parts, you mark my words.” Ivan walked away uttering, “see you around girly.”
“Not if I can help it! Thought Mina, struggling to come to terms with her environment. There was no way she'd be going back to the dark ominous tunnel however desperate she got. Mina knew she smelt bad, not only from the fire, but also she couldn't remember the last time she'd had a bath.
Taking the letter from her pocket, she could just make out the address, number 2 Meadow Cup Close. Across the road was a block of flats, Mina guessed that this was where Evie lived. Opposite was a row of brand new houses, now she realized why the woman she'd asked earlier hadn't known where the address was.
It was easy crossing, there wasn't any traffic around and all was silent apart from the cold breeze that sent shivers through Mina. Luckily number two was on the ground floor of the small block.
She approached the door taking a deep breath in and out. Ringing the bell it played a tune that was so high pitched, Mina thought she'd wake up the whole block. Standing back she bit her lip in anticipation of many lights coming on, but only one room appeared dimly lit.
Mina wondered if she should ring again, but then thought better of it and waited. Eventually the door opened slightly on a chain lock, a face appeared around the side. “Yes, can I help you?”
All Mina could see were two eyes, nose and mouth. “I, I'm so, so sorry to, to ring at, at this time of night.” She stuttered feeling even more nervous now. “Are you Evie?”
The woman appeared bewildered at what this young girl was doing on her doorstep. “Yes, I'm Evie, who wants to know?”
By now she'd calmed down and felt more in control. “My name's Mina. I believe you knew my mum Nina. She told me all about you and said that you would be able to help me.”
The woman took the chain off the door now understanding the situation. “Do come in child. So how is Nina? I haven't seen her in a while.”
Mina felt all her emotions building up inside as she started to explain, for the first time she couldn't control tears. “Mum Passed away at the weekend, it was horrible and now she's gone I have nothing and nobody who understands me.” Tears poured down her cheeks as she tried to wipe them away.
“Oh dear, you poor child. I'm so sorry. Evie ushered the girl in off the street, placing a hand on her shoulder. “You come into the kitchen and sit down, I'll get a cup of tea." Taking Mina's hand, Evie led the way down a hallway which had wooden floor tiles. The walls were a lemon color with photos of what looked like family members, one showed a picture of Evie with a man and a young boy with blonde hair.
Evie opened a door leading into the kitchen and turned on the light. Mina noticed how clean and tidy everything was, with its black floor tiles and lime green walls, Evie seemed to have all the mod cons, it reminded the girl of her friend Mia's mum's kitchen.
Evie led her to the table and pulled out a chair. “Now you sit there, tea won't be long.” Evie ripped off some kitchen roll for Mina. “Here you go, you have a good blow get rid of that snotty nose.”
Mina began giggling at the last remark, finding the idea of a snotty nose funny. She could understand why her mum got on with Evie, with her blonde hair that curled under at the shoulders. She was a pleasantly plump lady but not so overweight that she was uncomfortable, just very motherly.
“So, what on earth are you doing out so late and where's your father?” Inquired Evie feeling worried that the child looked like she'd been sleeping rough.
Mina felt she could pour out everything to this kindly lady, with the knowledge she'd understand. “Dad doesn't know I'm here. I ran away from the foster home he put me in, it was horrible.”
“Oh dear.” Evie could imagine how anxious he must be. “We will need to contact your father, he must be worried sick about you.” Evie went to get her phone. “Give me his number I'll ring him.”
Mina gazed down at the floor feeling confused. “I Can't!” She uttered.
Evie looked perplexed. “What do you mean, you can't? He's your dad.”
Mina began to explain. "Before mum died she told me not to mention anything about you, that you were a secret between just the three of us.”
Evie had no clue what the girl was on about, so Mina produced the letter her mother had written. “Mum said you know all about our magic and our home behind the veil.” Mina hoped Evie would understand.
“Dad wants me to stay in this world, but mum said I could return to the forest behind the veil when I'm eighteen. She also said you know about the solicitor and something he holds for me upon her death, and that you'd take me there.” Mina was glad she was able to blurt out her feelings finally, it made her feel a lot better, like a load had been lifted off her shoulders.
Evie began reading the letter and smiled at the bit about how they met when learning to swim. Neither one of them had any knowledge of swimming when they started, but managed to achieve a certificate at the end of the course.
“Well my dear, I don't think your mum had this situation quite in mind. She certainly wouldn't want your dad not knowing where you are. When did you run away?”
“The early hours of yesterday morning,” whispered Mina with her head down once again feeling guilty.
“Oh deary, deary me. This is not good. I'm surprised the police aren't out looking for you.” She gazed at Mina's dirty black coat and the smell was not nice. “You should really take off that coat, it smells like it needs a good wash, as do you. So where have you been all this time?”
“I can't say, but some people helped me and got me here, so I'm grateful to them. “Mina was determined not to disclose their hiding place.
“Well look, you really need to take a shower, but before you do I need your dad's phone number, despite what your mum said.”
Mina took out the piece of paper her dad had given with his mobile number on and passed it to Evie, finally relieved to have some help.
As Evie tapped in the numbers, she asked Mina for her father's name.
“Kendrick Hunter,” replied Mina.
The phone rang out as they both waited for an answer.
To be continued...
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Very pleased she's reached
Very pleased she's reached safety!
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