Promises Beyond The Veil Of Light ( Pt 21 )

By skinner_jennifer
- 1038 reads
Picture by pixabay free images.
Part Twenty One
Feeling safe for the first time since she'd left the veiled forest, It was still difficult for Mina to come to terms with the fact she'd never see mum again, but was glad that Evie had phoned and informed her dad of the situation. When Mina talked to him he'd been very annoyed, but glad that his little butterfly was okay and not in any danger.
Mina took her coat off removing the ember from her pocket, it now resembled nothing more than a piece of old coal rather than anything magical, she had a feeling it was because she'd reached her destination. Deciding to keep the coal with her at all times, Mina took it to the bathroom and placed it in her backpack on a nearby table.
It was a large room with enough space for a separate shower and bath. There were fresh lime green towels hanging on a rail which matched the tiled walls. A yellow candle and some radox sat on a shelf beside the glistening white bath, Mina emptied some in after turning on the taps and putting in the plug.
Deciding she could get used to this way of life, with its peace and quiet with no kids running around, Mina felt content in the warmth and pleasant surroundings that reminded her of the forest with its green tiled walls with the occasional design of ferns in some squares.
Stepping in and lying down, this was a bath like no other she'd ever experienced, with bubbles that left her relaxed, luxuriating in the release of aches and pains. Smiling and blowing froth from between fingers, she whispered to herself, “wish I could stay here.” The heat of the water left her feeling so tired she could have gone to sleep right there. Mina decided now was a good time to get out. Toweling herself down and feeling a little despondent, knowing that tomorrow her dad would come to take her back to the foster home, Mina was just thinking how unfair life could be, when the main phone rang.
Creeping over and slightly opening the bathroom door still wiping the last of the droplets from her body, her long hair wrapped in a towel looking like a turban, she listened in on the conversation, knowing instantly it was her dad.
Mina was right and smiled with relief when she heard Evie say that it would be okay for her to stay a couple of days, till she sorted herself out. The phone call was quick and ended with Evie telling her dad not to worry that Mina would be fine with her, then she put the receiver down.
“How are you coming along?” Asked Evie standing at the half open door and producing an overly large flowery tea shirt.
Mina smiled. “The bath was wonderful, thanks Evie.” She had an overwhelming feeling of happiness.
“You're more than welcome," replied Evie. "Here you go, something for you to wear to bed, it's a tad large.” Evie handed her the top. “You can sleep in the spare room, there's a bed my son uses when he comes home.”
“Where's your son Evie?” Mina was curious to know as much as she could about the woman, as she finished in the bathroom and put the tea shirt on.
“David...that's his name, works away from home as a long distant lorry driver for a company called Welters, but comes home when he can.” Evie thought about Christmas and wondered whether he'd be back by then, missing him so much.
In the spare room was a bed and wardrobe. Walls were painted sky blue. There was a beige carpet on the floor that looked as if it had seen better days, but Mina had seen worse, it was a typical boys room with football magazines sitting on the bedside cabinet.
The quilt needed changing, so Mina helped put a new one on. Apart from the carpet, Mina thought It was all so spotless, with clean sheets and pillow cases, a far cry from what she'd been used to.
“How long have you lived here?” Asked Mina pulling the corner down on the sheet, it slipped under the mattress perfectly.
“Oh! About seven years, ever since David's dad passed away.”
Mina was brought up short and felt sad. “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry.” Even though she was ten, Mina knew not to be too nosy.
Evie smiled. “That's okay honey, he's still in here,” she pointed to her heart that still beat for her soul mate Gerry, tapping fingers gently. “Just because he's not visible, doesn't mean I don't talk to him and share moments.”
Mina beamed, “I know exactly what you mean. My mum told me every day she'd be with me, always guiding me like a guardian angel.” Mina felt such a strong connection with this woman, it bought tears to her eyes just thinking about the strength she had.
Evie was desperate to get a little more rest before her alarm went off at 8.00am. “It's almost daylight, you need to get some sleep. I'll sort out an appointment with your mum's solicitor when I get up.” Closing the bedroom door, Evie left and crept across the landing to her own room.
Mina checked the little alarm clock on the bedside table, it was 6.00am. She took the coal out of her bag and held it, shutting her eyes and thinking of her mum. So much had happened over the past forty eight hours, Mina felt overwhelmed with emotions and glad to be safe. Placing the coal back in her bag, she slipped under the quilt and was soon sleeping peacefully, for once no nightmares materialized.
~ ~ ~
The same couldn't be said for Kendrick who although was extremely tired and exasperated after an uncomfortable night, was also glad to know Mina had ended up somewhere safe.
But now would come the task of phoning the police, the carers, foster home. There were so many people to let know his daughter was okay, including his brother too. He'd had a feeling all along that the phone call was about Mina due to the fact that after scrying he'd had a premonition she'd be phoning.
The walk back to the car seemed long, so much was on his mind with daylight starting to appear. Kendrick dreaded the thought of work but knew he'd have to sort out so much, as well as meeting up with the tree surgeon, knowing life still went on even though situations left him drained.
Taking a deep breath Kendrick pulled his long leather coat further in around his body,feeling the cold air and buttoning up as he soldiered on deep in his own thoughts. By the time he reached the path, the sky looked as annoyed as he felt with dark clouds threatening to open up and chuck it down.
Back along the main highway Kendrick passed the factory and wondered if he should let John know his daughter was safe, but it just seemed like too much trouble as drops of rain began to fall, becoming more robust until finally it started to pour. Kendrick picked up the pace with traffic roaring passed at great speed.
As he turned the corner he'd never been so pleased to see his car, thanking his lucky stars that by the time he reached his caravan and had a shower, that the wet weather would probably put off his meeting with the tree surgeon till another day. For now he'd just make some phone calls, get some food and retire to bed for a well deserved rest.
To be continued...
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