Promises Beyond The Veil Of Light ( PT 22 )

By skinner_jennifer
- 1417 reads
Picture by pixabay free images.
Part Twenty Two
Two days after Mina was discovered most people had returned to their normal lives. Evie had spoken to Mrs Kennedy at the adoption agency where she too worked as a carer and explained the situation that Mina was being intimidated by Jason at school and how she thought the girl would be better off placed somewhere without other children. Mrs Kennedy couldn't understand why Mina hadn't spoken up about the Jason situation at school.
“It's because Mina thought no one would listen,” announced Evie. “She's a sensitive soul due to her upbringing. I think she'd be better off in more serene surroundings.”
“But it was her father's idea to put her in a family with a lot of children,” replied Mrs Kennedy. “He gave me the impression it was what Mina needed right now to take her mind off her mother's death, after all she's only ten.”
“That's just the point,” replied Evie, “Mina's not like other ten year old's, she's a lot older and wiser than her years and has many gifts that can only be nurtured given the right environment.”
Mrs Kennedy agreed to look around for a more congenial place. It was the end of the conversation, there was nothing more to be said apart from putting into action finding a new home for Mina.
Kendrick on the other hand wasn't so sure about tracking down another family for his daughter, he wanted Mina to get used to being around other children and felt it would be good for her to learn she can't always get her own way.
Evie understood Kendrick's concerns but also knew where Mina was coming from. It was different living in a big family if they were your kin, but Mina wasn't used to a lot of noise and other children her age, apart from when at school.
Just sitting and chilling out listening to Evie's extensive music collection was all Mina needed right now, as well as writing in a diary about her feelings. Mina had asked Evie if she'd get her a journal, she wanted to record all experiences since leaving her home behind the veil, that way she'd be able to look back and remember friends and acquaintances she'd made along the way.
Over the days spent together Evie had become fond of Mina, the child reminded her of Nina in so many ways, like mother like daughter! She thought. Watching Mina brush her long, dark hair forward till it almost reached the floor, then sweeping it back, remembering how Nina brushed hers in the same way after a swim.
After supper the last couple of evenings they'd just chilled out, Evie relaxing on the settee, while Mina sprawled out on the carpet like a cat very much at peace for the first time in ages. They spent time chatting about their lives. Evie had learned so much in such a short period of time, it amazed her how much Mina knew of nature and the habits of creatures.
“Have you ever considered working with animals?” Evie inquired one evening while sat listening to some country music. “You'd probably do well.”
Mina was gazing at the album cover of Dolly Parton, but had no idea who she was never having had much interest in music before. “I'd love to work with animals, but not if they're in cages or kept in doors.” Mina looked sad as she continued. “Animals should be wild and free. I hate it when people keep birds in cages and don't let their cats out to roam.” She was most emphatic about her feelings, laying on her stomach, realizing she had an affinity with Dolly Parton who was raised in the Great Smoky Mountains of Tennessee.
Evie felt Mina's sense of freedom was such a humble comment from a ten year old. “You must study hard Mina, then one day all your dreams will come to fruition. You're still young enough to have a great education if you knuckle down and work hard.”
Mina smiled thinking to herself! If Dolly can do it so can I. But there was only one thing Mina really wanted to work towards, that was to return to her home behind the veil and study medicine so she could look after all the creatures, flowers and trees in the forest. “I want to study natural healing, like the holistic therapy my dad uses. Mum told me about the ways of holistic medicine, she said it's natural remedies are free of chemicals and more humane.”
“You certainly are an extraordinary girl Mina,” Evie declared, brushing off the crumbs of a cheese toasty and placing the plate on the coffee table.
That night while laying in bed Mina hoped Evie would let her stay more than anything she'd ever wished for. It was a far cry from what she knew, but living here in a strange way bought Mina closer to her mum.
To be continued...
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Getting used to other
Getting used to other children by being in a small, happy family might help her, but suddenly thrust in to a large fairly unsettled group where many are being fostered because of problems experienced was very traumatic! The other side though is that settled kids might be troubled by Mina's 'magic'.
Avoiding chemicals is clearly good where possible, but in our damaged world now, sometimes it is unavoidably necessary to try to help healing. And I guess some natural compounds are very similar in their strong effect, and care needed, eg drugs from plants. Rhiannon
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Oh, yes, Jenny. though magic
Oh, yes, Jenny. though magic always wants me to point out the real and safe supernatural contact available in the real world through Jesus, I wan't criticisising your story. I was just thinking about Kendrick's desire for her to be with children, and thinking that that family was a bit much for suddenly mixing in a bigger family.
And then just thinking about how too much is often made of looking to medicinal drugs, but they are needed with care. Neither point was really connected with the magic aspect of the story, I think. Rhiannon
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Being put in care is a
Being put in care is a terrible thing, whether your parents are alive or not. I think things must be incredibly bad for it to be a thing any child would welcome.
I keep thinking Kendrick is a hopeless dad. But my own dad would do things like that, totally misunderstanding, but for the very best reasons
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