Promises Beyond The Veil Of Light ( PT 23 )

By skinner_jennifer
- 1522 reads
Picture by Pixabay free images.
Part Twenty Three
The morning that Mina was to visit the solicitor arrived. Evie had got Mina's coat dry cleaned and hung it on the wardrobe door. It was the first time Mina had been out since she'd arrived at Evies.
Getting dressed in her usual attire of leggings and Dr Martins, Mina decided to wear a plain black tea shirt, it seemed more formal for the occasion. Painting her nails black was a must for Mina, it was the last of the nail varnish she'd purchased before her mum died.
“Mina! You ready to go?” Evie shouted from the kitchen, picking up her new brown suede shoulder bag she'd acquired only a week ago on a trip to town and slipping it over her shoulder. It was cold out so Evie had on her thick brown corduroy coat over black trousers and smart black shiny boots.
“Yes, I'm coming.” Mina took the freshly dry cleaned coat down off the wardrobe door and threw the hanger on the bed. She thought the coat smelt strange, like it had been through some chemicals, but at least it was fresher than before.. Mina took the coal out of her bag and placed it back in her coat pocket, deciding the ember was something she just couldn't go anywhere without.
The solicitor was very much on Evie's mind that morning standing on the bus stop, Evie hoped she'd be able to cope with the responsibilities now placed in her hands.
Willowmina completely oblivious to Evie's concerns, couldn't stop gazing at a man who's face was covered in studs, they were every where and he'd made his ear lobes so large they hung like garden hammocks suspended. It saddened Mina that anyone would want to put themselves through such a painful ordeal, especially as the man was older. Her face began to stiffen in sympathy not that he appeared to worry about them. Her senses told her this man was on his way to the doctors, but it wasn't his face that was the problem, Mina felt it was his stomach that was causing pain.
As she contemplated the man, their bus arrived and Mina followed him on with awareness in her own stomach of his problem. As Evie paid their fare, Mina found a seat and sat down unable to take her mind off the studded man as she'd decided to call him. Turning to Evie she asked, “how long will it take to get to town?” Mina didn't like the feelings this man was giving her and couldn't wait to separate herself from him.
Evie smiled. “Oh, not long, about twenty minutes.” She took out a bag of sweets and offered one to Mina.
Nodding Mina wasn't interested. “No thanks.” She could feel the ember getting warm in her coat pocket, it was as if it was aware of her tension. She took some deep breaths and gazed out the window at the many rows of houses as their journey took them down street after street, trying to take her mind off this stranger. She watched a man walking two dogs that were getting tangled up in their leads. It got her thinking of the wolves back in her world. They don't need leads in the forest! I'll bet they're hunting for food right now! There were so many thoughts running through Mina's mind, she just didn't understand this world at all.
Mina was glad when they finally arrived at their stop, she was starting to feel sick travelling with so many people around her, it was because she took on their anxieties and the studded man hadn't helped either.
Mina would have felt much better had she been able to lay her hands on the man and tell him he'd be fine, but knew it was impossible as he was a stranger and her being so young, so clearing the thought from her mind, they left the bus and walked down the street. Mina now concentrated on the idea of seeing the solicitor and wondering what was in store for her.
After a ten minute walk, a huge Victorian building loomed up before them, reminding Nina of a story she'd once read in school by Charles Dickens called Oliver Twist. Its steps led up to what Mina thought was a humongous red front door, it had a large brass knocker in the shape of a horseshoe, there were six buttons on the wall with labels naming the different solicitors.
Evie pressed the button that had the name: Mr Hirwin Ravenclaw. Mina thought it was a great name and couldn't wait to meet him.
A woman's voice came over the speaker. “Yes, can I help you?”
“We're here to see Mr Ravenclaw, it's about Nina Hunter's daughter Willowmina and her will. We do have an appointment.”
“Please come up to the second floor,” came the reply. There was a buzz and the thick heavy wooden door opened. Evie pushed it and they walked in. There was a hallway with four doors and stairs. It was all very strange and weird, nothing like Mina had expected. The walls were an off cream color in the dim light. There were portraits of men in gowns and certificates in glass frames. Mina noticed one of the frames had some writing surrounded by green ivy. It read: WHEN LIGHTS GO OUT THE EARTH SHALL CALL. In large capital letters. Mina thought about what it meant remembering when they buried her mum.
Evie led the way up wooden stairs to where a lady sat behind a desk. She looked up from what she was doing and smiled, then picked up her phone. “Mrs Evie Warren and Willowmina to see you.” Pointing to the door to her left she directed them. “Mr Ravenclaw will see you now”
There were more framed pictures of men on the walls going all the way to the end of the corridor. Mina noticed six other doors as Evie knocked. A tall bearded man appeared, he wore a dark suit with a black tie over a black shirt. His dark hair was greased back into a tight bunch that poked out at the back which Mina found amusing as it reminded the girl of her dad.
“Ah! Mrs Warren, please do come in.” He noticed Mina standing behind her. “This must be the young lady Willowmina I've heard so much about.” Mina gave a quick grin unsure of what to say. “Pleased to meet you my dear.” Mr Ravenclaw took her hand and shook it, and as he did Mina could feel the ember in her pocket getting warmer and her head began to ache, so she pulled away quick.
Evie was quite taken aback with this distinguished man, she found him to be alluringly good looking and quite mysterious, she blushed at her thoughts. Hirwin too was enchanted by this blonde woman with eyes of the bluest blue.
Mina was mesmerized by the old black and white framed photos of ravens that hung on the walls to really acknowledge the man. Then she noticed the stuffed raven on his desk.
The solicitor caught her attention. “I see my bird fascinates you.” He could sense instantly that the girl loved creatures. “This is my dear old friend Erwin who passed away many years ago, he belonged to my father who reared him, then was handed down to me upon my father's death.”
Mr Ravenclaw was just about to speak when Mina felt she had to ask a question. “Why do you have him stuffed and sitting on your desk?” Mina's face ruffled up as if in discussed at what she thought was a travesty, trying to imagine her mum siting in a corner of the cottage like a stuffed mannequin, it was unthinkable.
Evie felt embarrassed as Mr Ravenclaw answered. “Memories my dear, having Erwin close by gives me closure. You see growing up as a child I had a special bond with my raven friend, sometimes it's just too painful to let go.”
Mina shrugged still not convinced, but knowing herself about close bonds she didn't want to say anymore, much to Evie's relief.
Walking back behind his desk he ushered them to sit. “Please take a seat.” Smiling at the girl he announced, “I've got some wonderful news for Willowmina.”
Evie gazed at Mina surprised then back at the solicitor. “What might that be Mr Ravenclaw?”
“I've been going through Nina's files and noticed she's set up a trust fund for Willowmina upon her death. Nina's left her home and all possessions to her daughter, that includes all magical abilities...but that's not all.”
This man knows about my mum's magic and accepts strange! Pondered Mina. “How do you know about our magic?” She asked.
Looking down at Willowmina he declared. “Ah! Your mother and I go back a long way, you see I'm not just her solicitor, but I'm also a good friend. Nina's mother and mine were part of the same coven and we grew up together.”
Mina was taken aback by his statement, never having known much about her mother's earlier life, she didn't know what to say, so just kept quiet.
Mr Ravenclaw hesitated and grinned at Mina from above his spectacles. “Anyway, she has specified that money has been set aside for Willowmina's up bringing and education.” Mina gazed up at Evie not understanding. “There's certainly a tidy sum of one million which is to see Willowmina through till she's eighteen.” He looked at Mina and smiled again. “When hopefully you will be skilled enough to earn money to look after yourself my dear. Of course these are her words not mine.”
Having lived a sheltered life in the forest, Mina didn't really have any idea what a million pounds looked like, apart from it seemed like a lot of money. Evie on the other hand was stunned.
Mr Ravenclaw turned to Evie. “Mrs Warren, I believe Nina wished you to become the girl's guardian upon her death, is this correct?”
Evie became tense at the thought of such responsibility. “Well,” the woman coughed nervously. “We'd had many conversations about Mina. I did mention to Nina that I'd be happy to help out in any way I could. Mina's been a good girl and hasn't caused me any trouble, so I'd be only too glad to become her guardian if her father is agreeable...or till something more appropriate comes along.”
This was so much more than Mina could have ever wished for, to know that Evie wanted to be a part of her life and understood the ways of a witch gave the girl hope for the future.
Mr Ravenclaw spoke in a low tone. “Sadly there's some conditions attached I'm afraid.”
“What conditions?” Replied Evie concerned.
“The terms of the agreement specify that only the guardian will have access to any monies available until Mina comes of an age to manage her own money.”
Evie felt the burdon again of what he'd said weighing heavily just thinking of the responsibility, but felt she had to agree for Mina's sake. “Okay, I understand. But what about Kendrick her father, shouldn't he have a say in what happens with the money?”
Mr Ravenclaw wondered how to approach the question, while Willowmina had a far away look in her eyes, as if she was trying to grasp all the information and this situation she found herself in. Mina felt guilty knowing how much responsibility it would pose to Evie.
Mr Ravenclaw gazed at the file and read out what Nina had told him. “Nina has stated that Kendrick would not understand about the money and wouldn't agree to Mina having preferential treatment, so therefore felt it best if he knew nothing of the trust fund.”
This news gave Evie cause for concern, Nina hadn't mentioned anything about secrets from Mina's father, she wasn't at all happy with the situation. “I'm not very comfortable with concealing this news from Kendrick, it all seems wrong to me.”
“I'm only here to pass on Nina Hunter's last will and testament, that her wishes be carried out in order to give Willowmina the best possible chances. What you decide could have an impact on the child.” Mr Ravenclaw handed Evie some forms. “I will need you to fill these out with all your details, contact address and phone numbers, also I need you to sign this agreement before you leave, then all the formalities can be attended to.”
“Just one thing Mr Ravenclaw. “Evie just had to have her say before she signed anything.
Ravenclaw looked at her from above his glasses. “What is it my dear?” The solicitor could see the woman was finding it all a bit immoral.
“I want it stipulated in the agreement that none of this was my idea, because if Kendrick finds out that he's been lied to, it could come back on me.” For the first time Evie needed to put her foot down and it felt good.
“There's nothing in the will that gives the impression this agreement as anything that would cause you to take blame. I'm sure Mr Hunter will understand once Mina is settled and doing well at school. It will give him time to process why Nina Hunter did what she did.” Mr Ravenclaw was now eager for Evie to sign so he could get on with the job he'd been asked to do.
Having time to mull over the form, Evie agreed. “Okay, where do I sign?”
The solicitor pointed out on the form. “Here, here and right at the bottom please.”
“Oh well.” Evie felt like she was signing her freedom away with a ready made family, but knew she owed it to Nina to carry out her wishes.
“Thank you Mrs Warren. It would be a good idea if you opened up a new bank account, so that Willowmina's money is kept separate and only you will have access to it. I hope this will be to yours and young Willowmina's satisfaction.”
He was just about to stand up and see them out when Mr Ravenclaw remembered something else. “Oh yes! I nearly forgot.” He stood up with some keys from a drawer in his desk. Making his way over to a cabinet and unlocking the door, Mina wondered! What next.
Mr Ravenclaw took out what appeared to be some kind of case. With care he bought it back to his desk and placed it down. “This my dear is a special gift from your mother.” Opening it up, inside was a stringed instrument.
Mina stared bemused at why her mum would give her this gift. “But I can't play or read any music,” she uttered feeling dismayed at the thought.
“Well my dear, here's your chance to learn. Your mum wants you to play the mandolin, she said it will be of use to you in the future.”
Mina thought about her mum's wishes and contemplated the idea of playing, but wasn't sure she'd ever master such an instrument with no interest.
“You take it away with you and have a think about it. Perhaps Mrs Warren could get you some lessons when you're more settled.”
Evie felt like she was bogged down with so much information, knowing that tomorrow she'd definitely have to take some more time off work to sort out the list of things that needed doing.
Mina on the other hand felt more confident knowing Evie was there for her, this was an honest woman and her money would be in safe hands, her senses told the girl as they left the office a lot wiser than when they arrived, yet the burning sensation coming from the ember in her pocket did have Willowmina concerned. For now she needed to escape this building and try to put things in perspective.
To be continued...
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This story begins to have
This story begins to have more than a whiff of Harry Potter! I wonder what the money is supposed to be spent on?
These last two parts need a bit of an edit as you have some typos etc - but it's all going very well Jenny, and I'm still enjoying it very much
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I am starting to worry about
I am starting to worry about Kendrick more and more. Though Mr Ravenclaw is a great invention. I know more about jackdaws than ravens, but they are all very strong characters, as is Mr Ravenclaw
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