Promises Beyond The Veil Of Light ( PT 24 )

By skinner_jennifer
- 1371 reads
Picture by pixabay free images.
Part Twenty Four
It was Sunday afternoon and Mina had been preparing to go back to school, collecting pens and books she'd need, when the phone rang. “Hello,” she said in a whispering tone.
Mina was surprised to hear Mr Ravenclaw's voice on the other end of the phone.
“Good evening my dear. I was just wondering if I could speak to Evie Warren.” He inquired.
Mina thought this a strange time for a solicitor to be getting in contact. Evie was in the kitchen cooking some lunch. “Hang on I'll just go get her.” Putting the receiver down, Mina skated down the hallway in her socked feet, the wooden floor was ideal for these kind of games.
“Evie...Mr Ravenclaw's on the phone for you.” Mina was starving and wanted to help Evie, but she insisted Mina concentrate on preparing for school the next day.
Evie put down the knife she was using to peel the potatoes wondering what on earth the man could want on a Sunday. “It must be pretty urgent to be ringing me today,” she uttered. “I wonder what could be so important?”
Mina went over to the biscuit tin and took out a couple of ginger snaps she was so hungry, stuffing them in the pocket of her track suit trousers.
“Don't go eating too many of those,” called out Evie walking out the kitchen, but hearing the lid on the tin open. “You don't want to ruin your dinner.”
Mina smiled, she felt so settled here at Evie's as she made her way to the kitchen door to listen in on the conversation.
“Hello,” said Evie unsure of where this phone call was going.
“Ah! Evie my dear. You know I haven't been able to stop thinking of you since last week, I have to say you made a very big impression on me.”
Evie was taken aback, it was the last thing she expected. “Well, Mr Ravenclaw I'm flattered I'm sure.” There was a slight pause in the conversation as Evie continued. “So Mr Ravenclaw, what's this all about?”
“Well, it's like this, I have two tickets for the theater to see Phantom Of The Opera and wondered if you would care to join do like the theater don't you?”
Now Evie was surprised and had to swallow before answering, but then a huge smile appeared and there was a sparkle in her eyes. “Yes Mr Ravenclaw I would love to go to the theater with you.”
“Wonderful, wonderful news, please my dear Evie, call me Herwin.”
For the first time in ages Evie felt excited and couldn't wait to share her news with Mina. “So, Herwin when are we to go and see this performance?” She inquired feeling butterflies dancing in her stomach.
“If it's okay with you I'll pick you up next Friday at 6pm, perhaps we can have a bite to eat before the show,” announced Ravenclaw in a matter of fact way.
“That would be fine Herwin. I'll look forward to it.” Without even saying goodbye Evie put the receiver down feeling on cloud nine and calling out. “Mina, you'll never guess what?”
But of course Mina had heard the whole conversation and was surprised but thrilled wanting to support Evie who had been so good to her.
Monday morning came soon enough as Mia was casually walking down the road to school when she caught sight of Mina stepping off the bus. It was the first time she'd seen her in over two weeks, Mia had her own news, but couldn't wait to hear the gossip on what Mina had been up to.
As they approached one another, it was with joy that they hugged as friends do. “I'm so glad you're back Mina, I've missed you so much,” Mia whispered in her friend's ear. “Schools not the same without you.”
Mina forced a smile glad to see Mia, but not looking forward to her first day back. It wasn't that Evie had forced her to go to school, but Mina couldn't delay the inevitable any longer.
“I was so sorry to hear about your mum, how are you doing since her death?” Mia couldn't imagine loosing her mum who was always there for her when times got tough.
“I'm doing okay,” replied Mina. “I've got this really nice guardian who takes care of me.” Mina wanted to tell Mia everything, but felt there were somethings she'd rather keep to herself for now. “Come on, I'll tell you all about it later, we'd better hurry up and get to school, I can't afford to get into trouble on my first day back.”
The two girls walked off arm in arm like the best of friends they were, chatting about their lives. “You should see my strange solicitor,” mentioned Mina excitedly. “Guess what his name is?”
“Uh! Mr Magoo!” Said Mia jokingly.
“Nope, try again,” replied Mina.
“Uh! Mr Magpop!” Remarked Mia, glad she could bring a smile to her friends face.
Mina laughed out loud at that name. “Ha,ha, very funny, but no.” Turning and looking her friend in the eyes, she uttered. “His name's Mr Hirwin Ravenclaw and he reminds me of Count Dracula. He keeps a stuffed raven called Erwin on his desk, he's so mysteries you wouldn't believe.” Mina paused at her friend's expression of wonder. “Guess what else?”
Mia couldn't imagine. “Has he got a coffin in a corner of his office?”
That really had Mina laughing out loud for the first time in ages. “No silly, but he has got the hots for my guardian Evie and I reckon she fancy's him too.”
As they walked in through the school gates still arm in arm and smiling, Mina declared, “I'm going to need support catching up with school work, will you help me?”
“Yeah sure,” replied Mia. “You can come round my house tonight if you want, we can study together and catch up on the latest news. “Mia had to tell Mina that she was moving to a new part of the country and wouldn't be around for very much longer, it was devastating to think about but Mia hadn't even thought Mina would be back. Now she was only too pleased to hear more of her friend's escapades while out of the forest. She'd heard that Mina had run away and wanted to know more.
In through the main doors still arm in arm the girls proceeded to their classroom. Mina was relieved to notice Jason hadn't arrived yet, she was dreading seeing him especially with the memory of the foster family which now made the situation even worse than ever. “Nothing's changed here,” uttered Mina, thinking the classroom might have had a makeover.
“Nah!” Replied Mia. “Somethings never change.”
It was nearing the end of December and school term. Mina was settling in nicely with Evie, who was now enjoying nights out with Hirwin.
When Mina's father came around to sit with her of an evening, she couldn't believe how excited Evie would be, it was as if Herwin Ravenclaw had swept the woman off her feet, or put a spell on her.
“How do I look?” Evie asked in her new dress, turning and gazing at herself in the bedroom mirror.
“Give us a twirl,” Mina said sitting cross legged on the bed.
Evie span around as her long black dress twirled. “Do I look too fat in it?”
“Of course not,” replied Mina. “You look absolutely stunning and the black slims you down.” Mina felt like she was the adult and Evie was the starry eyed teenager when Hirwin took her out to expensive restaurants. But sometimes she thought this man was too good to be true, though she would never say anything to Evie.
To be continued...
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Ah, Mr Ravenclaw. I hope he's
Ah, Mr Ravenclaw. I hope he's not after the money.
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