Promises Beyond The Veil Of Light ( PT 25 )

By skinner_jennifer
- 1284 reads
Picture by pixabay free images.
A Story In Forty Eight Parts.
Part Twenty Five
Therapy was Kendrick's other love, whether it was working with crystals, flowers and other plants or just using his healing hands. There was a magic about working in the forest and being so close to trees that helped him understand his therapeutic nature, it heightened his senses to the point that just being in a person or creature's presence he could tell if they were stressed or in pain.
Finished with his work in the forest for a couple of days, Kendrick took the opportunity to offer his services at the local Health Hydro, it earned him some extra money and he enjoyed his clients who would only ask for him.
Molly was a regular if maybe a bit over weight but curvaceous lady, who'd been attending Kendrick's therapies for nearly three years and called him the man with magic hands.
Laying on the massage table on her stomach with head to one side and eyes closed, Kendrick exercised his fingers along her back massaging Molly's folds of skin, it was like kneading bread dough, but for Kendrick it was like a good workout and the woman paid well.
Molly loved the gentle sounds of the rain forest that came from the cassette player, with eyes shut tight she imagined being close to a waterfall with many species of colourful birds calling out. She thought of the many green leaves and earthy scents, as two candles burned with a touch of frankincense and pine making their presence known, the flames snaking high warming the air as wax slipped down the sides like thick teardrops.
Light toned peach coloured walls reminded Molly of what she considered it was like being in the womb warm and cozy, as the last of the fragrant oils had been rubbed in. Kendrick placed an extra towel over Molly, then very quietly turned the music down. “Time to let those oils do their job Molly,” he said in a whisper. “I'll let you rest a bit, check back later.” Kendrick didn't wait for a reply, he knew only too well how Molly loved her twenty minute snooze before getting dressed and leaving.
His next client wasn't due for another hour, so Kendrick took himself off to reception for a lemon tea out of the machine and tuna salad sandwiches, his favourite.
Receptionist Claire sat behind her desk trying to look busy. “Not many people in today Claire,” Kendrick said getting some money out of his white trouser pocket, this was his uniform at work, dressing in white never bothered him it was just the rules of the hydro.
“Nah,” replied Claire, her eyes fixed on a magazine behind the counter, but not really doing much. She flicked shoulder length hair back behind her ears. “There's a bus full of school children coming in for a swim at 3pm, so I'm making the most of the peace and quiet.”
Kendrick looked at his watch and noticed it was 2.15pm. “That's when my next appointment Mr Ravenclaw is due, can you send him down when he comes in?”
“Yeah sure. Are you working tonight?” Claire knew how busy Kendrick was and had no idea where he got all his energy from.
“Yep! It's my last Tai Chi class before Christmas break, then I'm off down to Cornwall.” Kendrick breathed a sigh of relief at the thought. It was so good to have a break. What with Nina dying and Mina going missing, it had all been too much for him. He knew at this time of the year the trees of the forest were resting, so it was all the more reason to escape.
As Kendrick finished up the last of his sandwiches he realized twenty minutes had already passed. Clearing away the packaging and throwing it in the bin, he made his way over to the reception sink, washed his hands then made his way along the wide corridor.
Opening the door to the massage room, Molly was already dressed and sitting on the edge of the table waiting with a magazine on her lap.
“Ah! You're already up. Did you have a good rest?” He asked smiling at the woman.
“Wonderful as always,” Molly replied placing the magazine on the table. “I suppose this is the last time I'll see you before Christmas?” She was going to miss her weekly treatment.
“Yes, I'm off down to King Arthur country, you know Tintagel?”
“Oh yes, I know it well, had many a happy holiday down that way. What about your daughter, is she going with you?”
“Sadly no,” replied Kendrick. “Mina's decided she wants to stay with Evie. Apparently her friend's moving and it maybe the last time she'll see her. But there's always another time.”
Well I want to hear all about it when you get back.” Molly opened her bag and took out her small black purse. Unzipping it she removed a twenty pound note. “Here you go, a little something for your daughter.”
“Oh Molly, you're too generous.” Kendrick proclaimed.
“Not at all, you've been my life saver since I started coming here.”
Getting up to leave Molly gave Kendrick a peck on the cheek. “Now you have a good break and I'll look forward to seeing you in the New Year.”
As she walked out the door Kendrick said, “and may the blessings of the season be upon you and yours.” Smiling with a nod and sighing, he began folding towels and placing old ones in the dirty linen basket. He was deep in thought when an unusual sensation came over him leaving Kendrick light headed. A breeze and strange aroma swept in blowing out the candles.
A sudden voice spoke from behind. “So this is where all the action happens,” declared Hirwin Ravenclaw feeling very sure of himself as he stood in the doorway.
It made Kendrick jump slightly as he turned to see him. “I'm sorry but you shouldn't be down here.”
Ravenclaw's the name, come for my 3 O' Clock appointment.
Kendrick's heart began beating at a rhythm he'd not experienced before, it was as if his soul was being violated. “You shouldn't be down here until I come to get you.”
“I was sent by the lovely lady on reception,” declared Ravenclaw grinning like a Cheshire cat.
Kendrick gazed at his watch noticing it was ten minutes before his next appointment. “You're early Mr Ravenclaw.” He'd not had time to prepare for him, for the first time ever he felt flustered at the man's gall. “You'd better come with me, I'll take you to the waiting area. I don't know why the receptionist would send you to the massage room.”
Ravenclaw grinned again. “Oh no dear Sir, she sent me to the waiting room, but I thought I'd have a quick venture, my inquisitive nature always gets the better of me I'm afraid.”
Kendrick wasn't sure he was going to find this easy, the man was far too intimidating and was grating on Kendrick's nerves already. This was one person he hoped he'd never have to interact with again. “Please make your way back to the waiting area, I'll come and get you when I'm organized Mr Ravenclaw.”
“Of course my good man, I'm so sorry to have startled you it was quite unintentional.” Ravenclaw wore a black flat cap with his white shirt tucked inside blue jeans, with black waist jacket and white trainers.
Kendrick thought this was going to be a strange couple of hours and would be glad when it was over. He'd only met Ravenclaw briefly and that was when he'd arrived early to sit with Mina, while Ravenclaw came to pick up Evie. It felt strange that he would want a massage, Herwin just didn't seem the type.
Kendrick set out fresh towels and placed a clean sheet on the massage table, all the time wondering how he was going to cope for the next two hours. As a new client, he would need Ravenclaw to fill him in on health details, so picking up some forms he made his way down to the waiting area.
Ravenclaw sat looking like a proud peacock with head up and chest puffed out. “Ah! So we are ready for my massage.”
“Not quite,” replied Kendrick. “I need to learn your health history before we can go ahead.”
“Oh, but sir I'm in fine health, couldn't be better if I tried. You really don't need to concern yourself.”
Kendrick observed the cockiness of this man with his hawk eyes gazing. “Well I'm afraid it's the law my friend. I still need to know your health.” Pulling a chair over Kendrick sat down with his clip board and pen passing one form to Ravenclaw. “This is just a general information form letting me know how to contact you, you can fill that in later.”
Ravenclaw wasn't amused as he studied the piece of paper. “Well, I must say I didn't know having a massage would be so personal, If you're going to know so much about me, then perhaps I can find out more about you sir.”
Kendrick felt even more weary but was determined to stay in control, so without answering him he continued. “So, Mr Ravenclaw do you have any allergies?”
Ravenclaw played with his beard. “Not that I recollect, but then if you mean massage oils, then I've no idea never having had a massage before.”
“It's not just about oils, it could be foods or any substance that you've come into contact with.” This was going to be a long afternoon, Kendrick was certain of that as he continued with his questioning.
Finally a half an hour later and all forms filled out, Kendrick took him back to the massage room and asked Ravenclaw to undress and lay face down on the table with a towel over his middle. “I'll be back in a moment when you're ready.” Kendrick declared, leaving the room and going back to his office. It felt unsettling leaving Herwin alone in his space. He'd never felt like this before, but there wasn't anything he could do, Ravenclaw hadn't done anything wrong, it was just a feeling Kendrick got and he knew his gut instincts were normally right.
A few minutes later Kendrick returned and knocked. “Come in, I'm decent my friend.”
Kendrick opened the door and felt the shift in temperature that seemed to drop. “So, Ravenclaw what exactly are we trying to get rid of today?”
Herwin looked helpless for once as he lay face down and to one side . “Definitely a lot of tightness around the shoulders, arms and neck area. My legs are tight too,” uttered Ravenclaw as naked as the day he was born apart from the towel.
Kendrick proceeded over to his table of oils and began putting drops in a bowl from each small bottle. Two tablespoons of sweet almond mixed with ten drops of eucalyptus and five drops of cypress oil. In another bowl he put lavender and chamomile to relax and ease tension. Even though this man had Kendrick worrying, he always believed in doing his job properly.
Ravenclaw didn't have much to say for himself as Kendrick started on his legs and worked up. “What kind of music do you enjoy?” Asked Kendrick.
Ravenclaw tried to think. “I do love a bit of jazz, especially Coltrane, what a brilliant musician he is don't you think?”
Kendrick wasn't at all interested in Jazz. “I'm more of a folk man myself, especially the older stuff. I love Fairport Convention, Incredible String Band and Sandy Denny, but don't get much time to listen to the old stuff anymore, I'm just too busy.”
“So, you're Mina's father, she's such a sweet girl, you're very lucky to have her.” Ravenclaw however hard he tried couldn't seem to steer the conversation onto the subject of how to get through the veil, it all felt like an utter waste of time, knowing if he said the wrong thing, his plans would be spoiled.
“Mina's very mature for her age, but she's had a lot of pain in her life lately.” Kendrick didn't like talking about Mina to this man, even though he was dating Evie, it just didn't seem right, so he changed the subject. “I'll just put some soothing music on and you can relax while I carry on with the massage.” He hoped this would stop Ravenclaw talking.
“I hear from Mina you work in the forest,” said Ravenclaw getting down to the point of why he was here.
“I don't want to appear rude, but I'm not obliged to discuss my business with you Mr Ravenclaw, so I'd be grateful if you didn't ask so many questions.”
Herwin was annoyed at being shut down, but decided there was loads of time to find out what he needed to know about the veiled forest. “My dear Mr Hunter I humbly apologize for my rudeness, it's just I'm so inquisitive and forget myself. I will shut up and enjoy your massage.”
Kendrick had an unhealthy feeling that this wasn't the last he'd be seeing of this man.
To be continued...
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This is coming along nicely
This is coming along nicely Jenny. One suggestion: the passage below seems to come out of the blue as we haven't heard him try at all to find out how to get through the veil - I wonder if it's in the right place. Perhaps it should come a bit later on?
“So, you're Mina's father, she's such a sweet girl, you're very lucky to have her.” Ravenclaw however hard he tried couldn't seem to steer the conversation onto the subject of how to get through the veil, it all felt like an utter waste of time, knowing if he said the wrong thing, his plans would be spoiled.
Also a couple of auto corrects that need to be changed:
it was like kneading bread doe,
colorful birds
Keep going!
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this explains why Mina's
this explains why Mina's ember glowed in the solicitor's office. The feeling of hostility between the two men is strong, like two dogs circling
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