Promises Beyond The Veil Of Light ( PT 26 )

By skinner_jennifer
- 1508 reads
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Part Twenty Six
Hirwin Ravenclaw returned home tired from his visit with Kendrick at the health hydro. The oils and massage left his body so relaxed all he wanted was sleep. He opened the front door to the huge eight bed-roomed mansion he shared with Erika his eighty seven year old mother and her nurse, Ruth Mitchener who lived in as a carer.
Once the mansion had been full of boisterous youngsters, as he and his five brothers and two sisters ran around screaming and shouting, sharing imagined adventures and getting up to no good. There was a hive of rooms that they could hide in and life was never boring.
His Aunt Bruna would be forever scolding them when she came to visit, telling her brother Broderick who was Hirwin's father that they got away with blue murder, whilst his mother Erika couldn't find it in her heart to scold the children. “They're so young. “She'd say. “That's what children do, let off steam.”
Mila, Hirwin's eldest sister had married and gone back to Germany with husband Ivan. Then there was the youngest sister Carly who left twelve years ago because she was afraid of their father and his ways, all the family knew was, she left to become a nun and hadn't been seen since.
His elder brothers Eldwin, Ely, Bren Derek and Garrin, had all married and were spread out over all parts of the world. Whilst his father Broderick died six years ago.
That just left him and his mother Erika rattling around with Ruth the nurse in the big old house. Hirwin had wanted to sell and move on, but his mother wouldn't have any of it, speaking in her half English and half German accent when she was troubled, “this ish my home,” she'd say, “dare are too many happy memories here.” She always made it clear there was a need to stay and keep them alive.
Taking off his coat and heading straight for the sitting room and to his decanter, Hirwin poured himself a large drink as Ruth entered with a plate of hot food. “Ah, you're back, dinner's ready Mr Ravenclaw.” She was a young woman in her late twenties who liked to dress casual, usually in shell suits of the brightest colours, but today she had on a grey tea shirt and trousers to match.
Hirwin turned his nose up at the food, he wasn't hungry at that moment and wanted to take refuge in the alcohol, it was all he needed at present to think straight. “Put the food in the oven Ruth, I'll eat later.”
Ruth felt miserable at the fact she'd spent hours in the kitchen cooking for Ravenclaw and now he didn't even appreciate all her hard work. Picking up the plate she went to leave.
“Oh Ruth!” Proclaimed Hirwin taking out a cigar and gazing at his mother as if he'd had a revelation.
Tutting under her breath and lifting eye lids in anticipation of what he'd say next, she uttered. “Yes Hirwin, what is it?” Ruth much preferred it when he wasn't around.
“Can you put my mother to bed, she seems very tired.” He wanted to be alone with his thoughts and couldn't think straight when his mother was around.
Ruth looked at the clock checking out the time it was only 7.30pm. It seemed way too early, but as a live in help there wasn't any argument. “Yes Mr Ravenclaw, just as soon as I've finished the washing up.” Ruth quickly left the room eager to be away before Hirwin had her doing any other chores.
Hirwin pondered on his lack of progress with Kendrick, but having blown his magic powder on him, Kendrick wouldn't be able to utter a word of his visit to anyone due to the spell he'd cast. Smiling at his clever abilities, he stood with glass of whiskey in one hand and a cigar in the other, with his back to a roaring fire, watching as his mother slept in her usual chair.
His head upright with nostrils flaring, Hirwin was a proud man as he took a puff. Puckering up his lips he blew four smoke rings comparable to a fish blowing bubbles, that got larger as they drifted out in front of him, the last ring hovered before his eyes, sailing through the four larger rings. “Vortex!” He whispered to himself. “I will conquer it yet.”
He'd known Willowmina's mother Nina most of his life, they'd grown up in the same magic circle. His father Broderick had learned a lot about alchemy growing up in Germany. As an alchemist he'd always had an interest in the art of magic.
Nina's mother Adelina had been in the same coven as Hirwin's father Broderick, but Adelina's magic on the other hand was gentle and healing with plants which she handed down to Nina, who then passed it on to Willowmina.
Broderick Ravenclaw's magic was more masculine and scientific. Broderick had wanted to instill into his son the power of persuasion which Hirwin Ravenclaw had mastered well. Broderick would say, “son if you want to know more about a person you must be willing to not only ask questions, but also use your powers of persuasion to find the truth.”
When Hirwin Ravenclaw had taken on Nina as a client, it was because they'd grown up together, she'd told him all about the veiled forest and spoken of the strength of magic it held. Now she was dead he wanted that strength more than anything. He considered all the powers he'd have, being able to move between worlds and holding the key to getting whatever he desired.
The only obstacle in the way was how to get through the veil and enter this strange magical world. Even under the influence of his magic dust Nina hadn't revealed a thing, which Hirwin found strange as the dust normally got people to open up.
It was a real mystery and one he was determined to conquer one way or another, if not by Evie, then he'd take his time and work on Kendrick, not that he'd had any luck so far. “I will just have to be more shrewd and patient.” He uttered to himself. “If it takes another forty years I will get to the bottom of this quandary." This was surely going to be a test of his resolve, but for now he'd sleep on the matter.
To be continued...
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Yes it does for me too Jenny
Yes it does for me too Jenny - but the part I highlighted in the previous section still seems misplaced/premature if you see what I mean?
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When did Mr Ravenclaw put
When did Mr Ravenclaw put magic powder on Kendrick and Nina?
I know corvids have a bad reputation but they are lovely when you get to know them individually? But Mr Ravenclaw is getting worse and worse
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