Promises Beyond The Veil Of Light ( PT 40 )

By skinner_jennifer
- 1609 reads
Picture by pixabay free images.
Part Forty
The journey back home from Cornwall had been quiet for Mina and her dad. Kendrick had let her stay up very late as it was their last night. The Spud family had decided to hold a goodbye party in their honor, which went on into the early hours with Mina falling asleep in Kate's room.
It was afternoon of the following day that they left. Mina slept most of the way home, the gentle lull of the engine had her dreaming of the Ocean and waves lapping the shore, she could taste the saltiness on her lips and wondered what it would be like in Summer.
When awake she kept silent in her own thoughts, smiling as she remembered all the family heading down to the beach on boxing day morning, a tradition the Spud family had kept up from as far back as they could remember. There was nothing like a dip in the Ocean on a cold, crisp winter's morning to revive and invigorate. Mina couldn't believe water could be so icy, but realized once fully submerged her body got used to the freezing temperature and she began to enjoy splashing around in the foamy waves.
Mina felt admiration for Kate who had no fear and floated on her back lifted by the swell, while the brothers swam far out submerged by breakers, then suddenly appeared again before catching another wave. Even her dad was a strong swimmer, but all Mina could do was bob up and down in the shallows, way too afraid to go out of her depth. Now she realized why her mum loved swimming so much. Willowmina wished her mum could have been there splashing around, somehow she did feel her presence, it was like a voice in her head saying: “You must learn to swim butterfly, give yourself up to the ocean, be strong, let me be your guide.” Mina became even more determined she would learn to swim when returning to Evie's.
Mina was awoken by a sharp jolt, as Kendrick pulled up abruptly. “We're back butterfly!” He suddenly called out at the top of his voice, causing Mina to twist her neck. “Ouch! Dad.” She uttered with a twinge of pain.
Kendrick had no idea what the problem was. “You okay butterfly?”
“No I'm not,” she uttered agitated. “Why did you have to shout? I was asleep and dreaming.” Mina rubbed her neck which felt like a million needles were stabbing.
“Sorry butterfly, I didn't realize you were asleep, just thought you were resting your eyes.”
While Kendrick undid his seat belt and got out of the vehicle, Mina needed time to adjust to waking mode. Here I am back at Evies, can't understand why I'm not excited! She thought. They hadn't rung Evie to let her know they were arriving, as Mina had her own front door key and Evie was quite happy to let her come and go as she pleased.
Opening the car door, freezing temperatures gave way to sleet which was starting to come down in heavy flakes. Mina felt sad, it was all such an anticlimax. “I suppose it's back to school tomorrow?” she said to her dad banging the door shut and making her way around to get stuff from the boot, the drudgery of it all hadn't sunk in till this moment.
“I'm afraid so butterfly,” replied her dad smiling. “Don't worry, you'll soon get back into the swing.” He thought about how different Mina was now, compared to when they first arrived in Tintagel. “I think this holiday's been a real eye opener for you butterfly. I hope it's given you something to strive towards, I'm sure your mum would be proud of how far you've come.”
Mina thought about her mum and suddenly a little bit of light returned. “Yes dad, I hope she is proud of me.” Mina felt the coal in her pocket, it was cool. She grinned as he handed her the bag of belongings. Mina had the best Christmas ever and was determined that at that moment going back to Cornwall was where her future lay. Picking up her case with the mandolin in, Mina decided she'd need more lessons, also there was swimming to consider too. So much needed planning and sorting out, but Mina knew Evie would be there to help.
Shaking with cold, she approached the front door eager to get inside, but as they entered she didn't feel welcome, it was as if the flat hadn't been lived in for quite a while. Not able to put her finger on the uneasy sensations she was feeling, it seemed illogical to keep reflecting on the negatives, so Mina put them to the back of her mind. The flat was cold and in darkness as she called out, but got no reply. Mina checked Evie's bedroom, but she wasn't there either.
Kendrick followed his daughter in, eager to speak to Evie. “Sorry dad she's not here.” He was slightly concerned not liking the idea of Evie not being here, but knew his daughter would be okay when she finally did arrive back home.
Mina sauntered into the kitchen and checked the fridge, there was some cold ham and salad, so she helped herself and made a plate up for her dad.
“Are there any notes left lying around?” Inquired Kendrick walking out of the kitchen and into the living room.
Mina shouted back. “I haven't seen any sign of a note, but then as I said she had no idea when we would be back.”
“That's true,” declared Kendrick. He came back to the kitchen and took some salad stuff from Mina. “Here, let me help you with that. I can wash a few lettuce leaves and tomatoes.”
They both shivered but not with cold as father and daughter were used to the elements, it just wasn't like Evie to go without heat, it was as if the flat had been empty for some time and they both became weary of her whereabouts. “Don't worry I'll stay with you till Evie returns, I need to speak with her anyway.”
“This food seems okay it's all within date, so she can't have been gone long,” declared Mina. As they tucked in,
It was early evening and Kendrick felt responsible for his daughter, it was a different feeling than just worrying about where to place her within an adopted family, now he longed to protect his butterfly, but that was such a great responsibility that he didn't feel he could achieve, his life being far too erratic, he couldn't imagine living in a house or flat and coming home to the same four walls, it gave him a claustrophobic feeling. At least with his caravan he could move around when needed. “If Evie doesn't return soon, I'll stay the night butterfly, there's no way I'm leaving you here on your own.”
Mina felt quite happy at the news, spending time with her dad was all she needed. Mina remembered nights playing board games with Evie and wondered if her dad would play. “Evie has a scrabble board game, can we play dad?”
Kendrick grinned, glad his daughter was in a happy mood. He'd seen some cocoa powder on the worktop while they were eating. “Sure thing butterfly. You find the game and set it up, I'll go and make us some hot chocolate.”
The evening flew by as they played, both feeling concerned for Evie's whereabouts, but neither speaking their feelings. As they finished playing with Mina winning, she was just about to ask for another game, but Kendrick was tired. “Enough now butterfly, you've got school tomorrow and I've got to get back to the forest.”
Evie was still on both their minds as Mina kissed her dad goodnight. “Will you be okay on the couch dad?”
“Oh! No!” Replied Kendrick, putting his hand to his head in a joking manner. “How can you force me sleep so rough oh daughter of mine?”
“Dad!” Mina laughed and tut tutted as she turned and went to her room. “See you in the morning.” As the lights were turned off, all went peaceful and quiet, but still no Evie returned that night, as Kendrick lay snoring on the couch.
Morning came and Mina was the first up. She stood in the bathroom gazing at her reflection in the cupboard door mirror wishing she'd at least had a shower and washed her hair the night before, though It was far too late now with only forty five minutes till she had to be in school.
Having no idea of the whereabouts of Evie left Mina anxious while preparing some breakfast, with a reluctance to leave the flat in case she should return.
Her dad was still snoring loudly as she came into the room with coffee and toast. “Here you go dad,” she declared placing the plate and mug down on the table. Still Kendrick didn't stir. “Dad!” Mina shook him awake.
Kendrick opened his eyes and ran the back of his hand across his face yawning. He stretched feeling the stiffness of being curled up in one position. “What's the time?” He said yawning once more.
Mina checked the clock on the wall. “It's 8.20am and I've got to be in school at 9am,” she declared tucking into her toast and coffee.
Kendrick suddenly shot up so fast he nearly knocked over his coffee. “What!” He declared. “Why didn't you wake me earlier?” His heart began pounding and he became slightly dizzy walking quickly into the hallway. “I'm going to phone school tell them you'll be in late.
He held onto the wall till his head stopped spinning, thinking how stupid it was to get up so quickly.
“But why dad?” Questioned Mina calmly wondering what all the fuss was about.
Kendrick scratched his head with frustration. “I've an appointment in the forest at 8.45 and really need to be there.”
Mina smiled breathing a sigh of relief. “Is that all, don't worry about me dad I can make my own way to school, but I'll need to leave now.”
Kendrick was so concerned about waking late he'd almost forgotten the reason he'd spent the night at the flat. “Has Evie returned yet butterfly?”
Mina's smile soon vanished. “No dad, I'm worried in case something's happened, it's so unlike her not to be here.”
Kendrick pondered on the situation. “I suppose she's a grown woman, perhaps she's staying with a friend.” Even as Kendrick uttered the words, he wasn't so sure she was okay, it was a gut feeling he had but didn't want to concern Mina. “Don't worry butterfly, if she's not back by the time you finish school then give me a ring, I'll be at the health clinic.” He took some change out of his trouser pocket, “here's some money for bus fare and lunch.”
As Mina took the money, Kendrick quickly dressed and headed for the loo, then sipping some of his coffee and grabbing a slice of toast, he kissed Mina on the cheek and said his goodbyes. Dashing to the front door and opening it, Kendrick was faced with a blanket of snow. It appeared there had been a storm in the night and the ground was slippery in areas where snow had been replaced by ice and sludge. Kendrick closed the front door then very carefully maneuvered his way down the pavement to his car hoping Mina would be okay.
It was a typical Monday work morning with mother's taking their children to school and work traffic jamming up the roads with the snow causing chaos. Kendrick was glad he had the four by four and thought! I'll be glad to get back to the forest for some peace.
Mina checked the time again, noticing it was now 8.35am, the bus was due in ten minutes. She knew being late on the first day back wasn't an option. Picking up her pencil case and books, Mina placed them in her bag making her way out the door, putting her hood up as she went. The air was freezing as she walked carefully down the pavement, finding it easier to slide in places.
She felt in her pocket for the coal and took it out, studying the warm glow. It worried Mina as she approached the bus stop having no idea why it would radiate now, then wondering if it had anything to do with Evie. Suddenly a black cat appeared from behind a wall and moved towards her, its legs sinking in the thick white blanket of snow, then stopping to lick its paws as if it had just eaten. The cat gazed up at Mina in an apprehensive fashion. “Hello cat,” Mina whispered, bending down to smooth its fur.
The cat became more confident and began brushing itself up against Mina's hand enjoying the sudden attention, maneuvering its way between her legs. It meowed, purring loudly, then made a move to walk away, looking back at Mina as if it wanted her to follow.
Mina turned her head as she was aware of the bus coming and put her hand out. When she turned back the cat was gone. Stepping onto the bus Mina paid her fare. It was packed with other kids from her school. Mina looked for someone she knew. Emma the girl with Amber the horse who lived at Birch farm noticed her. “Hey!” She called out waving to catch Mina's attention. “Come and sit with us.”
Mina was relieved it was Emma and plonked herself down next to her friend. They were instantly in deep conversation discussing the Christmas holidays and how Mina had slept in a barn, their passion for animals being the main topic of conversation.
To be continued...
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I have a bad feeling about
I have a bad feeling about Evie ...
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Oh dear. I thought Hirwin was
Oh dear. I thought Hirwin was glad Evie had gone?
The difference between the car journey to Cornwall and the coming back was striking - how much she'd dreaded it, but then enjoyed it so much.
It's good Kerndrick is getting to know Mina better, become closer
Oh no, another cliff hanger and there's no more to read!
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