Promises Beyond The Veil Of Light ( PT 49 )

By skinner_jennifer
- 1416 reads
Picture by pixabay free images.
Part Forty Nine
Hirwin Ravenclaw arrived at his office late morning, horrendous weather left him in a bad mood, having to put up with nose to tail traffic and hazardous conditions was distressing enough, but that wasn't the only irritation, Hirwin had been delayed by the constant nagging of his sister who'd taken over the running of the household and left him drained. Before leaving the house, she'd engaged in an argument with him over the whereabouts of a cat that could be heard but not seen.
Hirwin was having sleepless nights over the insistent meowing which echoed around the house both day and night, that even left his mother and Ruth questioning their sanity. But Hirwin wasn't about to confess acknowledging anything to do with any cat meowing, insisting he'd not the slightest idea what his sister was talking about, but of course Mila didn't believe him for one minute, she knew her brother well recognizing he would think nothing of lying to her and felt sure he was behind the infuriating commotion.
It was one of those days when Hirwin had become so irritated with his sister, he wished she'd go back home to Germany, but then he would remember how much easier life was in the long run with her there to see everything was shipshape and Bristol fashion. His meals were always on the table and his health had improved...apart from his sanity, the house was always tidy and he had clean ironed shirts at the bottom of his bed every morning.
Of course his sister Mila was right, there was one disaster after another, the dam cat had been haunting him like a plague over the years, creeping around in the shadows, making itself known but not actually seen. The constant meowing and objects being knocked over was driving him mad. Each time he tried to discover the whereabouts of the cat it was nowhere to be seen.
Now he was walking up the stairs to his office as if a fog had been lifted. At the top his secretary sat busily in her usual place behind the desk. “Good morning Mr Ravenclaw,” She uttered cheerfully, “your post is on your desk.”
Ravenclaw made the effort to grin, though he was in no mood for pleasantries. “Thank you Enid. I don't want to be disturbed for the next hour, I've a load of phone calls to make.”
His secretary Enid was in her late fifties and very efficient. On her nose she wore rimmed glasses which would slip down leaving her peering over the top when someone approached. Enid was slim and always smartly dressed, today was no exception in her white blouse tucked into a black skirt. Her silver hair was short and neatly permed, always tidy even on the windiest of days.
It felt to Ravenclaw that she'd been there since he opened the offices twenty years ago. Enid had become part of the furniture, yet she'd only been with him five years. Hirwin loved the fact she constantly told him what a pleasure it was to work for him because he was so mysterious and kept the job interesting.
“You won't be disturbed, your wish is my command sir.” Enid gave a cheeky smile and a wink. Hirwin coughed not amused as he entered his office.
His stuffed bird Erwin sat in its usual place perched on the cabinet. Ravenclaw greeted the bird as he did every day. “Good morning Erwin. Oh! What a miserable morning I've had so far, it's good to be here.”
Taking off his coat and hanging it on the hook, Hirwin wondered what he should do first, take a look at his post? Or start make important phone calls? He decided on the latter. Sitting behind his desk he was the master of all he surveyed, it made him feel good to think he'd built this company up from scratch. At home Mila was in charge, but here was his domain.
Normally he'd ask Enid to make phone calls and then put them through, but this was private coven business. Picking up the receiver he began tapping in numbers, when all of a sudden he heard a loud stomping coming up the stairs and then raucous shouting outside his door.
“What on earth's going on?” He declared slamming down the receiver and standing up. Hirwin was just about to leave his desk, when the door opened aggressively and a very angry Kendrick with staff in hand, wearing his usual long black leather coat stormed in, stamping his staff on the floor of the office.
Poor Enid hadn't a chance of stopping him Kendrick was so quick. “Sir! I'm so sorry,” She uttered nervously. “This very rude man will be escorted out.” She took hold of Kendrick's arm, but he shook it off. “Please leave the office, or I'll be forced to call the police.” Enid proclaimed standing her ground.
Hirwin had no idea what this was about, but knew it must be serious. “It's okay need for police, I'll see to this gentleman.”
Kendrick was on a roll now and needed to say his piece. “Don't you gentleman me you fraud, I know your game, leading a child on to believe you hold all the answers, messing with peoples minds till they can take no more.” His hands were shaking as he pointed at the man gesturing his feelings.
Ravenclaw tried to stay as relaxed as possible in this situation. “Mr Hunter, I have no idea what you're talking about. If you'd just calm down perhaps we can talk like reasonable adults, instead of resorting to a slanging match.”
Kendrick thought Hirwin was being patronizing talking to him as if he were a child. “Mr Ravenclaw, if you thought trying to get around me was going to entitle you to my daughter Willowmina's magical abilities, or anything else then you're badly mistaken.” Kendrick had never felt so angry as he did now.
Hirwin was also starting to loose his cool, something he always tried hard not to do in his job, or anywhere else for that matter.“Excuse me! Mr Hunter, I'm afraid I have no idea what you're talking about, I'd also be grateful if you'd stop accusing me. Why on earth would I want your daughter's magic?”
“I don't tell me.” Kendrick walked right up to Hirwin and stared him straight in the face.
Taking a deep breath at the insolence of this man, Hirwin spoke as calmly as possible. “Your daughter's magic is safe, it always has been.”
Kendrick was having none of that. “Yes, well, as Willowmina's father, I wish to take her inheritance and all other wealth, and place it in the hands of another solicitor.”
“Mr Hunter, your wife entrusted her will with us, I'm sure Mrs Hunter wouldn't have done this, if she hadn't faith in our company.” Hirwin was determined to stay composed even though the man was acting in a threatening manner. “Anyway, Nina Hunter wished that Mrs Evie Warren be in charge of Mina's will.”
Kendrick rolled his eyes and sighed. “Yes, well, it's with sad regret I have to inform you of the death of Evie Warren.” Kendrick paused waiting for a reaction. “Yet being so close to her, I'd thought you'd have already known.”
Hirwin gazed stunned at Kendrick hardly believing his ears. “Evie dead, but how?” He slumped back in his chair, his face suddenly showing the devastation of the crushing news.
Kendrick could see the shocked expression and knew immediately Hirwin was genuinely disturbed by the news. “She was found a couple of days ago by a passer by, frozen to death and lying across her late husband's grave.”
Hirwin had no idea he was the cause, but felt guilt wash over him, he tried to conceal it in an evasive manner. “This is terrible news...I don't understand why?”
“The police have no idea, other than she missed her late husband and died of a broken heart. There wasn't a note, or any incriminating evidence, just her bag with a few belongings in.”
Hirwin crooked his neck gazing up at the ceiling and breathed out replying. “This is such bad news and I'm truly sorry.” Hirwin felt a sadness never felt before. Had he imagined anything like this could happen he'd never have got involved with Evie. “I do understand why you'd wish to change solicitors now Mr Hunter, I will have papers drawn can make an appointment to come in and see me.”
Everything he'd done left him realizing it had been for selfish reasons, his guilt would eat away at him and he'd take it to his grave, though he'd never admit it to anyone. “My deepest condolences go out to you and your daughter and also Evie's family.” Hirwin felt genuinely sad at the news of Evie's death.
Knowing that he'd finished with Evie and let her down, left even more shame washing over him. He knew he'd used the woman so many times it was unforgivable, but too late to make amends. The worst part was, that there wasn't anyone he could talk to, without taking the blame for her death. This was something he'd have to live with for the rest of his life.
Kendrick thought Hirwin seemed pretty sincere and disturbed by the news and now felt uncomfortable about barging into his office. “I apologize for bursting in and being outspoken. It was completely out of order.”
“Not at all...not at all Mr Hunter. I understand you were upset and with good reason, anyone would have reacted in the same way considering the circumstances.”
“I'd like to get this sorted out as soon as possible Mr Ravenclaw.” Although Kendrick had calmed down, there was something about the man he didn't trust, but he couldn't put his finger on what it was.
As Kendrick turned and walked out the door, Hirwin suddenly heard the resonant meowing echoing around the office, clear as day as if it were circling him. Yet Kendrick never heard a sound as he shut the door quietly.
Hirwin Ravenclaw stood, his finger hovering over the intercom ready to call Enid in, when the black shadow of a cat appeared creeping along the far wall of his office.
Ravenclaw stood mesmerized as the cat halted lifting its quivering tail and marked the area, then the feline turned towards Ravenclaw and hissed in an angry manner before slowly sauntering off and disappearing through the wall.
For a moment Hirwin could not move, he felt every muscle in his body tighten and freeze, wondering if this was some sort of hallucination, or that he was being hampered by his own imagination. But then he thought! My sister heard the meowing too, although she never saw the cat! It was all so very strange, because the magic he'd had always protected him, but now he wasn't so sure.
Hirwin Ravenclaw decided there and then that he'd never get involved with another woman, even if he was desperate to get to a magical placed behind a veil of just wasn't worth the trouble.
To be continued...
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I like the idea of the cat
I like the idea of the cat spirit haunting Ravenclaw!
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Hi Jenny,
Hi Jenny,
That meowing cat reminds me of my own cat. She really gets on my nerves sometimes. Why do we keep cats? By the way I liked the fact you gave us a link to this in the last part.
Best Wishes,
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wasn't the cat alive when
wasn't the cat alive when Nina went into it before? Is this a cat spirit? I'm sorry I have forgotten?
It's good Hirwin feels guilty, selfish rather than unsavably wicked
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