Promises Beyond The Veil Of Light ( PT 5 )

By skinner_jennifer
- 1302 reads
Picture by pixabay free images.
Part Five
Willowmina awoke bright and early next morning before anyone else, she did her usual chores of clearing away the old ash from the fire and placing more logs on in preparation for breakfast. Then took her bucket and some clothes to the well where she set to work washing and scrubbing with vigour ready for hanging to dry. When she got back to the cabin, Dad was still snoring and seemed to be dreaming as his body twitched. It felt so cold Mina couldn't wait for the fire to heat up.
Her ten year old cousin Charlie awoke, he was a boisterous character with a mop of blonde hair he'd inherited from his mum. Mina thought!I'm much more mature than him even though we're the same age.
His younger brother Matthew who had the same blonde hair was six, he always tried to copy Charlie, which Mina thought was a shame as it got Matthew into a lot of trouble. Charlie slipped out of his sleeping bag. “Anything I can do to help?” He asked.
“You could go get me some water from the well,” she replied, pointing eagerly at the bucket in the corner of the room. He seemed put out by the expression on his face.
“Do I have to? Isn't there something else I could do?”
“Well, you could go get me some more logs from outside and bring them in by the fire, if you like you can chop some wood too.” As he headed for the door, it was apparent to Willowmina that he wasn't used to doing those kind of jobs.
“Don't know how to chop logs, but I'll bring some in.” Before Mina had a chance to answer, he was out the door.
Charlie had always been waited on, he was a proper mummy's boy, though Mina would never say that to his face, he had a real bad temper on him.
Willowmina decided to go back to the well herself, so picking up the bucket she made her way out the door and along the back garden path. This time she had time to stop and ponder, noticing the rosemary was doing well, she felt pleased that at least something was still thriving in these cold conditions. She swept passed the lavender disturbing the flowers that began to giggle as if tickled by the brushing of her clothes. Mina gazed back over her shoulder smiling. “Oops!” She sighed. “So you're all still awake then?” The flowers seemed to nod their heads in agreement and gave another cheeky laugh.
Mina gazed over at the vegetable patch and noticed the potatoes had made themselves at home in the patch where corn had been growing. “Well, well, so you've finally found a place to settle into next spring I see.”
The potatoes chortled out loud. Old corn sheaves had been churned up and lay across the earth now ready to rot down. Even weeds had now been lifted and lay disconnected from their routes. Mina smiled again at how well the system worked in the magical world she lived in.
The well sat at the end of the garden and was one of the reasons dad had chosen the spot to build their cabin so many years ago, long, long before Mina was born.
It had been at this well that her dad met her mum. Kendrick had happened to walk through the veil of light not realizing he had the magical power to do so with the aid of his magic crystal, in fact it happened quite by accident while working in the forest.
Nina had been collecting water for her mother as Kendrick watched on from behind a tree, Mina remembered her mum saying it was love at first sight when he stepped out from behind the huge trunk and asked if he could carry the pail for her. From then on they never looked back and Kendrick came to see her whenever he wasn't working in the forest.
It was then that she remembered the wolves didn't howl last night, I wonder if it was because mum had died and they'd known, or whether it was because they were aware of strangers! Mina's senses told her it was the former and they were watching over Nina, well that was just the girl's opinion.
As Mina carried the water back to the cabin, she thought about the things she could do once outside in the big world. I'll be able to have so much mum wouldn't let me have!
But then she thought about Nina's words. “We have our magic.” But that was here, and the girl wasn't going to be in this world for much longer, so she'd need to know fully how the other world worked other than just in school, it was all going to be such a mystery. Mina hadn't really been that interested, but now she'd have to get to know more.
By the time she got back to the cottage, everyone was up including dad, who wanted to know where a hot drink was.
“Yes! I know dad, you're dying for some tea.” The bucket of water was heavy as Mina sunk down almost to her knees trying not to tip any.
“Here, Willow, let me help you,” said Charlie, suddenly realizing Kendrick was watching him let his daughter struggle.
“It's okay, I'm managing thanks.” she replied. “Can you fill the kettle for me? The embers on the fire look about ready for the kettle to boil some water.”
“Sure thing Willow.” Mina could tell this was all a show for her dad, to let him know how helpful Charlie could be, but dad knew what he was like and Mina didn't think her cousin was fooling him one bit.
It was lucky that Mina was independent and used to coping alone. She was a born survivor and knew that in the end she'd persevere through anything, even at her young age of ten.
It was early afternoon when Cedrick and the the two boys set off back through the forest eager to be on their way. The veil of light appeared as it always did as the two brothers hugged and said their final goodbyes.
Mina took the bottle from her pocket and took the tiny cork out. Inside was a small tube which she made sure to squeeze only one drop on to her tongue. Immediately her mouth began to tingle. The pupils of her eyes became larger and everything appeared more vivid than she'd ever experienced before.
For Mina it was quite scary, but her dad told her not to be afraid. Mina could not only see more vivid, but feel the forest too. The veil was now a rainbow of color that stimulated every muscle in her body as she reached out and touched the fine rays.
They began to open up, each strand separating, until a huge hole appeared. It was starting to drain Mina and she needed Cedrick and the boys to hurry. “You need to go now!” Declared Kendrick.
The two boys and Cedrick quickly stepped through the gap, then Mina released, letting go and collapsed onto the ground, almost passing out.
Quickly Kendrick got down on his knees and cradle Mina's head. “You okay butterfly?”
Mina stared at her dad, the pupils of her eyes huge with a faraway gaze. “Everything feels so vibrant, like I'm part of something special,” she uttered.
“Come on butterfly, best get you back to the cabin, sleep off the potion.” Kendrick took the bottle from Mina and placed it in his pocket, he couldn't have his daughter taking any more.
Kendrick carried Mina back along the path, determined she'd be bright and fresh for leaving the next day.
To be continued...
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I am soooooo glad for washing
I am soooooo glad for washing machines. Living like that the cold must be with you the second you get out of bed, I love the slow pace this goes at, the way life is slower, time to watch and take in everything your senses find
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Nice magical flourish at the
Nice magical flourish at the end there, vividly related. New characters introduced each with their own distinct personalities established. Very immersive, yeah agree with Di above, pacing works well to allow for a colourful sensory experience
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