Promises Beyond The Veil Of Light ( PT 50 )

By skinner_jennifer
- 1301 reads
Picture by pixabay free images.
Part Fifty
We move on five years. Mina is nearly eighteen and living her dream.
It was the Spring of 1999 in Birchester. Eighteen year old Harriet stood in the grounds of the college, her black and white checkered shirt wrapped around a slim waist, too hot to wear on this sunny day. She wore her usual attire of blue jeans that covered tattoos of Celtic symbols up and down her legs. She loved her vest top that exposed slim arms, showing off a barbed wire tattoo that circled her upper right arm, it made Harriet feel strong and unafraid of taking risks or doing wild things that most people would steer well clear of. One such example was when she took off on the spur of the moment and traveled to India on her own, leaving her parents petrified of all the perils that could befall her. Harriet never thought about the dangers, just that she'd never be held back from adventures into the unknown.
Harriet made no secret of the fact she was a lesbian and proud of it, giving most of the boys a run for their money when it came to chasing girls. Her short, cropped blonde hair made her look like a boy, not that it bothered Harriet in the least, in fact she loved being a tomboy and could get on with the boys as well as enjoying being in the company of girls.
There was always a lot of male companions to hang out with, especially at college where she was quite popular with the boys, not for her looks, or because they fancied her, it was her brains that attracted them, Harriet knew a lot about many subjects and could talk for hours about music, history, archaeology, countries she'd been too in her short life and music too.
After lessons were over they'd all meet up at the local Stone House Club where Harriet played electric guitar and they could have jamming sessions, or listen to local bands play into the early hours, but that was mainly on Friday's when there were no lessons the next day.
Harriet was waiting for her friend to arrive, it was 2pm and they'd arranged to meet up at this time. She paced up and down eager to be at class, even though the sun was beating down on this warm afternoon in May and too nice to be stuck in doors, but she had exams looming and knew this wasn't a time for being late.
A familiar figure made her way through the car park and along the path leading to, Stone Crop College For Animal Care. Her long black hair waving behind her in the gentle breeze, striding out to meet Harriet wearing black leggings with a black tea-shirt and Dr Martins, a leather black bag slung across her shoulder.
“At last!” Said Harriet, walking to meet her. The two friends hugged exchanging smiles glad to see each other. “Mina, you're late,” declared Harriet looking at her watch which now said 2.05pm.
“No I'm not...five minutes past the hour isn't late.” Mina took Harriet's arm as they walked along the path feeling tired after the night before. “That was some gig wasn't it?” Expressed Mina excitedly, tightening her hold on Harriet's arm.
Harriet wasn't so sure. “It was okay I suppose, but that band couldn't play.” Her taste in music was completely different to Mina's.
“What you talking about, they were brilliant, just cause it wasn't your scene.” Mina still loved gothic music and wore black eye liner and white makeup whenever she went out, though these days she'd learned to conform more during the day desperate to succeed in working with animals, but when it came to partying she was up there with all the other goths.
It was 1999 and Mina was seventeen going on eighteen, she'd spent the best part of four years knuckling down with the foster family her father put her with all those years ago, trying her utmost to fit in even though she really didn't want to, but just thinking about future dreams kept Mina sane.
Sammy who she'd shared a room with all those years back, now had Jordan's room, he'd left home and joined the Navy, so Mina had the attic space all to herself.
Rose and Peter the foster parents had given Mina so much freedom, which she respected. Jason the nasty boy had calmed down, he had a girlfriend and went in the Army after leaving school.
Willowmina and her dad still looked forward to visiting the Spud family in Tintagel, but since starting at college two years ago there just didn't seem any time for holidays till August when they finished for summer break.
Kendrick couldn't have been more happier with his daughter's progress in her work studies. She'd passed all her exams, and was now on her way to a degree in animal care. Mina loved learning and for her studying was fun because she was doing subjects she enjoyed.
“So, what's on the agenda?” Questioned Harriet who was as eager as Mina to reach her full potential.
“Biology! I think we're dissecting, but I'm not sure what.” Mina had never been squeamish, mainly due to her time in the forest healing animals with her mother when she was younger, she'd seen a lot of blood back then and her mother had never tried to hide it from her, remembering when one of the wolves had been attacked and her mother had stitched up the wound with Mina by her side.
“Come on then!” Said Harriet. “We'd better hurry up, or we'll be late for class.” The two girls began walking faster as they reached the steps of the building. It was quite a new college and the red bricks stood out on the skyline, inviting the girls to come in.
The smell of polish wafted down the corridors of the building, a sure sign the caretaker had been hard at work with the floor polisher, a job he absolutely loved doing. But now he was on his way to the college kitchen to fix an electrical problem, in his blue overalls and boots. “Afternoon hurry up, the bell went a while ago.”
The two friends giggled as they passed him calling out, “Okay Mr Burke, we're on our way.”
Charlie Burke tut, tutted and shook his head. “I don't know! Smart ares girls.”
As early afternoon drifted into early evening, the two friends met up after college at the club, a stone house attached behind the local pub, it was a large room that held around two hundred people, there was a bar, stage and toilets to the rear. On the walls were posters of bands that played on a regular basis. It was handy because it wasn't too far a walk from college.
Mina phoned her foster mum Rose to say she'd be late and not to bother cooking. She'd left her mandolin at the stone house locked in a cupboard for safety, becoming quite a musician since beginning serious music lessons about three years ago.
Mina loved to get up and play with some of the other musicians. She'd formed her own band and called themselves: Behind The Light. They played a beautiful sound Mina called mystic folk, goth. It was a blend of Gothic folk and blues. Mina played her mandolin and sang in her usual melodic voice, while Harriet played electric guitar, often with a bow, liking the sound of Led Zeppelin's Jimmy Page in Dazed and Confused. Jamie a young drummer gave rhythm and beat, while twins Leo and Oliver added a touch of mysticism with flutes, violins and sang backing.
The twins with their long dark hair were already eighteen and loved Mina's music, it was almost as if she hypnotized as her voice blended with the mandolin. They too appreciated the goth style and even wore the makeup when on stage.
Jamie found the steady beat and rhythm that Mina looked for easy to play, escaping in to the sound which the rest of the band felt too. He was a baby faced good looking blonde haired seventeen year old, the youngest in the band. Mina thought he reminded her of some of the surfers she'd seen down in Cornwall.
There was a camaraderie within the band that left her in a state of euphoria each time they played well, a bit like walking through the veil of light, which made her feel at home, they were her family and she loved them all.
Mina was moving ever closer to her eighteenth birthday which was in July, she could hardly wait. To see home again and feel the forest floor beneath her feet, gave a sense of nature's mysterious wonder which transpired through the music.
Mina had spoken of the forest to her friend Harriet, who asked many times if she would be allowed to come through the veil, but always Mina would say, “that's not possible.” It left Harriet thinking how lucky her friend was to have such a magical place to go back to.
As the band set up on stage, Mina went to the bar for a glass of orange, she was so parched.
“You all set for tonight?” Asked Ken the barman. He also loved the sound, Behind The Light created.
“Sure am,” announced Mina, she'd picked up a slight American accent since returning from Kentucky with her dad over Christmas. They'd traveled to California and then onto Kentucky, spending time with some of her dad's old friends who took her on hunting trips, though Mina refused to use a gun and was glad they never forced her to hold one.
Kendrick was now traveling a lot more, working his way across the land and sharing his healing powers with other covens. In fact doing anything that would earn him money. It had been some time since leaving his job in the forest, but he still enjoyed going back to check out the trees and nature.
But tonight he was coming to hear his daughter's band play. “Dad's coming by to watch us, so I'm looking forward to tonight,” Mina declared to the barman.
Ken placed the glass of orange on the bar. Mina brushed her long dark hair back behind shoulders feeling the heat. Sighing she took some money from her bag and smiled. “Thanks Ken.” Picking up the orange Mina returned to the stage. “How we doing guys?” She voiced quietly climbing up on stage. It was hard being their own roadies as well as playing, especially during hot spells like tonight, but it was worth it in the end.
“Okay,” replied Harriet plugging in her guitar, ready for a sound check.
“No prob-s,” chanted Leo and Oliver in unison.
Jamie was so engrossed in setting up his drums he never heard Mina, but she knew if there was a problem he'd tell her.
The room was starting to fill with students as the sound of Radio Head's, No Surprises blasted out of the jukebox, this was one of Mina's favorites from the band. She was so drawn to the lead singer Thom Yorke's voice, because he was so mysterious and sang with such conviction.
Mina took her mandolin out of its case as everyone filled all the available spaces. It was packed to capacity. There beside the stage was her dad looking handsome as ever in his black leather trousers and open necked black shirt with leather waistcoat. Around his wrist he wore many leather bracelets with engravings on, each one had a memory. His plaited long ponytail hung down his back. He shot his daughter a wink and mouthed, “Good Luck!”
Mina smiled taken away on a magical journey as the band began to play. All eyes were on them as Mina went into her first number: Rag In The Bag, which was about a young girl trapped in a place, feeling like she didn't belong. Mina closed her eyes for a moment as she sang with feeling, then opening them she gazed over at her dad almost tripping over the words and forgetting where she was.
There beside her father was Mina's mum Nina smiling and waving up at her, wearing a black top and looking so young. Mina's voice still rang out as if it had a mind of its own and although she was still on the stage the girl was having an out of body experience as her mum blew a kiss. Mina had no idea how she kept singing, but suddenly coming back down to earth blinking, her mum was no longer there, but a young girl stood beside her father swaying to the rhythm.
Tears filled her eyes as they finished their first number to a round of applause and much whistling. Mina's emotions had been heightened and she had to apologize to the audience who couldn't understand why Mina was teary as she went into her second song called: Buzzing Out. This one was written about getting known and taking charge of your life. In fact every song was about her own journey so far. And what a lot she'd been through in her short life.
To be continued...
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Lots going on this part Jenny
Lots going on this part Jenny, and you've handled the time lapse very well. Are you writing as you're posting now?
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I liked the caretaker loving
I liked the caretaker loving the polishing :0)
though : "Smart ares girls"
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