Promises Beyond The Veil Of Light ( PT 7 )

By skinner_jennifer
- 1249 reads
Picture is by pixabay free images.
Part Seven
With hands slightly touching white curtain of light, calmness resided with the two figures as they passed through the veil. Though it felt strangely different to Mina this time. There was an element of loss as if all the energy was being sucked out. Normally she'd be filled with an electric feeling that would see her through the day and give her vitality, but now they were just passing through and the beautiful light was slowly fading behind them.
It didn't take long to reach the other side with all the enchantment now disappearing rapidly. They both stood and watched till all that was left was a single strand of light that now fizzled out.
Not a soul was around as sighing Kendrick took his daughter's hand and led her away. “Come on butterfly, no point in looking back, we have to get you to your new home.”
The path ahead narrowed then turned into a larger track that led to the car park. But then just up ahead a lady walked towards them with a Labrador dog trailing behind and sniffing around. Kendrick grinned and wished her a good evening in casual fashion, to which she eyed him up and down suspiciously, but then wished him the same back.
Mina on the other hand never liked looking at strangers and normally walked with her head down straight passed them, she certainly wouldn't acknowledge anyone.
As they approached the car park, Mina was surprised, normally there would be quite a few vehicles around and much work being done in the forest, even at this time of year, but this day there were only two vehicles.
To Mina's surprise her dad approached a big black four by four with a purple stripe running along the side and unlocked the doors. “Jump in,” he said with a big grin on his face, casually throwing his staff in the back.
Mina couldn't believe her dad had kept this a secret. “When did you get this huge tank dad?” It looked like a monster to Mina and felt like one as she got in. The plush black seats were huge for Mina's small frame, but comfortable with a headrest that was way too high for her.
“Picked it up about a month ago butterfly, thought I'd surprise you.” Kendrick had been working and saving hard over a long period of time.
It was certainly a surprise for Mina, with a look of disbelief that her father owned such a huge beast. “Are you sure this is yours, You didn't steal it did you?”
“Willowmina! You shock me with your words. Of course it's mine, when have you ever known me to steal?”
Mina didn't feel guilty for what she'd said. “I just can't believe you could afford a brand new vehicle like this, it must have cost a fortune.” Mina thought about her mum's opinion of cars. “Mum wouldn't be too pleased if she was around, you know how she felt about cars.”
“Well, mum isn't around. I've been working hard lately and managed to sell some of my furniture and handmade wooden pieces for quite a bit of money.”
“Sorry dad, but you never talk about your life outside. All I know is that you love to work with wood and labor in the forest.”
“That is true butterfly, but I also do private healing and massage. One day when you're grown up you'll have secrets too that you won't wish to divulge to your children, that's the wonder of being an adult.”
Mina didn't reply but thought about her dad's words, not sure she wanted to have children of her own, it seemed like too much of a responsibility.
“When you become of age, you will want to be true to yourself. Having freedom to think outside the box is what I hope mum bought you up to do, not to be led by the sheep that will pull you away from your path.”
Mina thought her dad was making a lot of sense and knew exactly what he meant. “Don't worry dad, I won't be drawn into anything that I don't feel is right.” Mina then remembered Emma. “I met a girl at school who was suffering with a bad back and I wanted to help her, but didn't know how to bring the subject up.”
“You can't help everyone butterfly, perhaps you weren't meant to assist her otherwise it would have been easy to raise the issue.”
“Perhaps you're right.” Mina then remembered about the farm. “Emma...that's her name, lives on a farm and also has a horse called Amber, she's invited me over anytime.”
Kendrick was happy Mina was making friends. “Sounds great butterfly, you'll enjoy being on a farm. Are you going?”
“Yeah! I think I will,” she replied. Mina felt on top of the world in the 'tank!' As she now decided to call it, with seats that were so high off the ground.
“This vehicle will travel over the roughest of terrain,” commented Kendrick studying his daughter's expression of magnitude. Putting the key in the ignition and starting up, the engine purred.
Mina fixed her seat belt on and looked at Kendrick. “Come on then dad, we'd better be off.” She wasn't looking forward to seeing this new family, but she supposed she'd better get it over and done with sooner rather that later.
“Okay, okay! It won't take long to get there.” Reversing the vehicle, Kendrick drove out of the car park, turned right driving straight passed the bus stop which was empty, it wasn't anything unusual at this time of the day, most people were home by now.
“What's the time dad?” Willowmina asked sitting back and gazing out the window contemplating the scenery.
“There's a clock right in front of you just below the dashboard.” Replied Kendrick, not wanting to take his eyes off the road for a second.
Mina gazed around in front of her. “Where? I can't see any clock.”
Kendrick sighed. “See where the speed dial is?” Mina nodded. “Well it's just beside it” They were nearing Mina's school and there wasn't anyone around.
“It's 6.30pm,” announced Mina. “No wonder I'm starving, mum normally had some dinner ready about this time.”
Kendrick with hands on the wheel felt pressure from his daughter. “Yes, well I'm sure this new family will have a meal ready for you when we arrive.”
“Are you staying dad?” She asked, hoping he'd say yes.
Kendrick bit his bottom lip feeling guilty. “No, I'm afraid that's out of the question butterfly, I have to get back to my place in the main forest. I've got a big job on tomorrow with a tree surgeon who's arriving early.” He felt awkward and wished Nina were here to console his daughter.
Mina gazed at her father full of interest in just what he would be doing. “Why is the tree surgeon coming dad?”
“There's a problem with some oaks in the forest, it appears they might be diseased, if they are then they might have to go, we'll need to deal with the problem to stop whatever it is from spreading which I'll be in charge of.”
Willowmina felt sad at the thought of trees that were so old maybe being destroyed. “Can't the oaks be cured? After all there must be a remedy for most things.”
Kendrick beamed at his daughter's words. “I have to find out what the problem is first, but I've a feeling it's something to do with the bark beetle, we'll just have to wait and see what he says.”
The clock ticked on as they neared their destination. Turning left they drove up a road that seemed impossible for Mina to contemplate living in, it felt so suburban, a feeling Mina thought she'd never get used to.
There were way too many brick houses and bungalows with overly neat front gardens and not a tree in sight. Some of the fronts didn't even have a garden, just a concrete driveway. Mina wondered how exactly these gardens were supposed to attract wildlife when there was so little of nature's habitat around.
Finally Kendrick stopped outside a large detached house with fancy curtains in the window. Lights were on inside as it was getting dark. “Well, this is it butterfly, your new home awaits.”
Willowmina's heart sank, she felt dismay at being delivered to this sizable house. “Dad! It's way too big, I feel scared already.”
Kendrick sighed. “It'll be fine butterfly, just you wait and see. Everything's strange when you're not used to it.”
Stepping from the vehicle, Mina reluctantly slammed the door, while her dad got the bags from the back. “Here you go butterfly, you carry this one it's light, I'll take the other.” As she threw on her backpack and picked the other bag up, Kendrick took two twenty pound notes and a ten pound note from his back pocket. “This is for you butterfly, I'm sure it will come in handy.”
Mina smiled, she'd never been given that much money in one go before. “Thanks dad.” But she'd really rather be living with him than excepting money. Still! She thought putting the notes into her coat pocket, it's better than nothing I suppose.
As Kendrick locked the doors, a woman got out of her car and walked towards them. Stepping up the pavement, she held out her hand. “Good evening Mr Hunter. So you made it then?”
Kendrick shook her hand and smiled, turning to his daughter. “This is Mrs Kennedy, she's from the adoption agency and will be overlooking your progress with the foster family.”
“Dad, you never told me about this.” Mina felt uncomfortable, as if all her life was being transformed by those around her, without asking the girl what she wanted.
“I'm very happy to finally meet you Willowmina. Your father's told me so much about you and how you cared for your mum.” She smiled at the child, but knew the girl felt awkward so continued. “I think we'd better make our way Mr Hunter, the family will be waiting.”
It was with a sick feeling in her stomach that she followed her father and the lady up the driveway and finally arrived at the front door. Kendrick rang the bell, it had a monotone ring which Mina thought was very boring. I'd have something more original and catchy if that was my bell! Thought Mina.
The door opened and a smiling woman answered. “Mrs Kennedy, so you're here at last.” She then smiled at father and daughter. “Ah! You must be Kendrick,” she said grinning from ear to ear, which Mina found irritating. “This must be Mina, I'm very pleased to meet you dear.” The woman held out her hand. “Please do come in.”
There was the sound of children running around upstairs, which made Mina even more nervous as her two carrier bags were plonked down on the carpet feeling out of her depth.
“Is this all you have?” Remarked the woman gazing at the two carriers.
Kendrick cleared his throat and coughed. “Yes, all her belongings are in these two bags and her backpack, we don't believe in carrying too much luggage.”
The woman looked surprised but seemed to understand, as she turned to face Mina. “Well, my name's Rosemary, but you can call me Rose, all the other children do.”
Just at that moment a man walked down the hallway and introduced himself. “So, our new guest has arrived. Hi my name's Peter and I'm Rose's husband, pleased to meet you at last, we've heard so much about you, sorry to hear of your mum's passing.” Mina thought he spoke so fast, it was as if he'd been rehearsing what to say all day which annoyed her.
Mina put her hood up unable to talk, it was as if she had a lump in her throat, she really didn't want to discuss her mum with these strangers.
“Why don't you go upstairs and meet the other children,” uttered Kendrick.
Mina clenched her teeth in disbelief, he knew how she felt. Mina was having none of this small talk and knew her father would be gone soon. “No dad, I want to stay here with you.”
Rose called up the stairs. “Sammy...Mina's here, why don't you come down and bring the others to meet her.”
Willowmina tut tutted, hating the attention on herself. “Dad!” She pulled on his coat sleeve trying not to be rude, but making it perfectly clear she wasn't interested in meeting the others.
Kendrick announced that Mina was shy which made his daughter even angrier. Gazing at Rose she declared. “I'm not shy, just tired and hungry.”
Rose gave the girl a look of understanding. “We waited for you to arrive before eating. How does spaghetti with meat balls in tomato sauce sound?”
Mina nodded that was fine and gave a slight grin she was so hungry.
“I'll tell you what, after you've eaten, we can show you to your room, you'll be sharing with Sammy, she's your age so you should have a lot in common.”
Mina doubted that very much, but just gave another false smile of politeness. This was going to be harder than she thought, but Mina needed to keep her cool whatever, remembering her mum's words.
Willowmina clutched her sleeve tight, trembling as the children ran down the stairs announcing that they were hungry and had no interest in meeting the new girl.
Then the boy who Mina recognized from the gang that had made fun of her at the school dinner table appeared at the top of the stairs. As soon as Willowmina caught sight of him her heart sank even lower, he gave her a stare that was threatening and once again she felt an unnerving fear.
To be continued...
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Quite a contast to get away
Quite a contast to get away from the 'magic', and concentrate on her ordinary life and I thought your description of her ordinary feelings and fears of what she was being put into was very perceptive and realistic, and draws our sympathy to her at such a young age. Rhiannon
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'Single strand of light that
'Single strand of light that fizzled out' was a lovely image, and fitting
Liked 'Everything's strange when you're not used to it', very true
I loved that she irritated by the doorbell. The anxiety of the situation was well rendered, little details like pulling her hood up
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