Promises Beyond The Veil Of Light ( PT 8 )

By skinner_jennifer
- 2229 reads
Picture is by pixabay free images.
Part Eight
Sammy was the only child to acknowledge Mina while the rest of the children ran through to the kitchen completely ignoring her.
“Hi,” was all Sammy uttered as she too raced for a place at the dinner table. The last down was Jason, wearing a white tea shirt over jeans, his close cut dark hair tight to his head giving him a tough appearance as if ready for a fight. He smirked smugly making himself seem more superior as he sauntered passed Mina.
“Sorry about their rudeness,” said Peter, “they're not usually like this, it's probably because they're hungry.” Mina stood unconvinced and suspicious. Peter seemed too trusting for her liking.
Peter continued. “By the way that was Jason, I believe he goes to the same school as you.”
A cry of howling wolves rang out, but only Mina could perceive their baying of the dangers that were present. She could hear in her head the creatures telling of the impending menace that was awaiting her. The warning signs were all too clear and Willowmina knew she must be on her guard.
Kendrick had no idea of the urgency his daughter was feeling, or of the threatening premonitions. Willowmina knew it was a waste of time trying to persuade her father otherwise. In the end Mina decided she'd put a barricade up between herself and everyone in the house, as Kendrick announced he must be off.
Taking Mina aside he whispered to her. “Remember what I said, give it time and you'll be fine.” Kissing his daughter on the cheek, he tried to give her a hug, but Mina pulled away unable to show any kind of affection. Dad was leaving her here all alone and didn't understand how hard this change was going to be.
“Don't worry, she'll be fine,” announced Rose. “Sammy and I will settle Mina in.”
Willowmina hated it when people talked about her as if she wasn't there. Biting her bottom lip, her stomach rumbled and churned over and over. It gave her a headache as she thought of sharing a house with the evil Jason. Mina felt like a stranger and knew she wasn't going to fit in with this family at all.
As Kendrick said his final goodbyes and left, the stress was all too much for Mina, she didn't want the pressure of trying to fit in and was hardly able to breathe, just wanting her old life back again.
Mina was fixed to the spot as she pulled her hair across her face hiding a blank expression. Sounds of laughter and whispered chatting came from the kitchen. They're probably gossiping about me! Mina thought.
Making a stand she turned to Rose anxiously. “I want to sleep, can you show me my bed?” Although Mina was hungry she couldn't face sitting with the others, not even for a second.
“What about your dinner?” Exclaimed Rose, “I thought you were famished?”
Having to explain herself made Mina even more irritated, although she tried not to show it too much. “I am hungry, but more tired than anything else.”
With Mrs Kennedy standing there, Rose didn't want to push Mina too much. “I'll tell you what, I'll show you to your room and you can get comfortable, I'll bring you up a couple of cheese sandwiches. How would that be for you?”
Mina smiled sincerely for the first time since she'd got there. “Okay, thanks,” she murmured, picking up her two bags, as Rose led the way up to her room.
Mrs Kennedy wanted to be on her way too, but needed to speak to Rose before she left about signing some forms.
“I won't be long Mrs Kennedy, just go through to the kitchen,” shouted Rose from the top of the stairs.
Sammy's room was on the top floor up in the attic, there were two single beds in each corner of the room. Sammy had her small dressing table with a stool, little nick knacks were placed on the surface. There was a brush, comb, some small furry gonks which Sammy loved and some perfume that Rose had bought for her birthday. Then there was a pink covered, flowery diary with a lock on. A wardrobe stood next to the dressing table, it wasn't that big but just the right size for a ten year old.
On the other side of the room stood another identical wardrobe and dressing table. There was also shelving with enough space for many books which Willowmina thought was great, but it didn't change the fact she wanted to go home.
If ever there was a moment that Mina wished she could use her magic, it was now. To be able to create potions with her mum was when she was most happy. Bonding with her mum was so inspiring, learning of plants and their uses gave her such a buzz, but now she'd have to rely on her own resolve and hope she could make the right decisions.
“You'll be comfortable here, it's a nice room, you and Sammy will get along fine I'm sure,” said Rose trying to sound positive knowing the child was feeling scared. “I'll leave you alone, let you make yourself comfortable.” Rose was desperate to get down and have some food herself, she'd not eaten since breakfast and hunger pangs were leaving her somewhat tired.
Willowmina replied with an “okay,” to Rose with a quiet murmur under her breath of, “thanks.” It was hardly audible as Mina sat on her bed with her two carriers on the floor each side of her feet, her school bag still attached to her back.
Without even attempting to discover her surroundings, Mina shook the backpack off onto the floor and flopped down on the bed, sinking her head into the pillow, exhausted from her days escapades. As she closed her eyes she thought of the cabin, her mum's grave and how they'd said their goodbyes. She wondered if mum's spirit would be abiding with her. Mina didn't think she'd be able to cope without her and wished for some acknowledgment, just a little of her mum's wisdom to see her through, but none came.
The large family kitchen was sweltering in the heat of the radiators that had been turned up to high. Rose had been baking all afternoon refusing to open any windows and they'd all steamed up because she hated to feel chilly, Rose never noticed how hot it actually was.
Rose hated the month of November it was always so bleak, she was glad of the children being there even though there wasn't a moment to herself and Peter.
The children sat around the large farmhouse table that was Rose's pride and joy, Peter had it especially made for their kitchen. They not only ate there, but also to did their homework too. Then there were the family meetings to establish rules, which Peter insisted they all attend. It was always held on a Sunday after lunch, as this was the time when they were all together.
Peter sat on the sofa in a corner of the kitchen with their daughter Lucy sat on his knee. She was only a year old and had the biggest blue eyes just like her mother. Lucy loved it when dad bounced her up and down on his knee and sang: horsey, horsey don't you stop.
Lucy had an older brother Charlie who was six, he sat at the table next to Sammy, she hated being called Samantha, insisting that her real mother called her that when she was angry.
Then there was Jordan who was thirteen and a bit of an academic, he was never happier than when he had his head buried in books. Jordan's parents had died in a car crash when he was ten. His life could have gone one of two ways, either he would have gone off the rails, or gone down the tough road of acceptance, the boy had decided on the latter. Though he missed his mum and dad, he knew that to work hard would have made them proud.
It had been difficult when Jason had first arrived, what with bed wetting and his night terrors where the boy would wake up sweating and crying. But then Jason began to change, he got angry, that was when he nearly lost his place in their home.
Jason was the last into the kitchen with a look of distaste for their new family member. With pursed lips he gave out a long sigh and burst out laughing.
“What's so funny?” Exclaimed Peter. Everyone turned to stare at Jason, but he didn't care and wasn't about to share his knowledge with the rest of the house.
“Nothing! I just thought of something funny, that's all.”
“Well, come on, share the joke, we'd all like to hear it.” Replied Peter.
“No, you're okay.” Jason gave another sigh and changed the subject. “When's dinner coming? I'm starved.”
Mrs Kennedy walked into the kitchen and caught the end of the conversation. “Mum's just showing Mina to her room, she'll be down in a while.” She turned to Peter. “I have these forms for you and your wife to fill in. I'm afraid I can't hang around any longer. Can you both have them ready by tomorrow and I'll pick them up around midday if that's all right.”
Peter stood up, still holding Lucy and took the forms from Mrs Kennedy. “I'll take a look at them and we'll see you tomorrow.”
Mrs Kennedy was anxious to be off. Turning to leave she was aware of the smirking. “I'll see myself out, I can see you've got your hands full.” The woman gazed at Jason as she left. “I hope you're behaving and not causing trouble Jason.”
The boy played with his fork and spoon pretending to pick up invisible spaghetti because he was so hungry. “No Mrs Kennedy, I'm being very good.” He smirked a bit more as she left the kitchen, listening as she opened the front door and closed it behind her.
Peter put Lucy in her bouncy chair, then got some cheese out of the fridge and began unwrapping and grating to sprinkle on the sauce. Spaghetti was simmering on the stove along with the meatballs in sauce.
The kitchen was too peaceful as five minutes later Rose entered. “It's very quiet in here, where's all the usual shouting and talking and where's Mrs Kennedy?” She made her way over to the stove and picked up the saucepan of spaghetti, then took it over to the sink and drained it.
Picking up the forms Peter approached his wife. "She left these forms, said they had to be filled in by midday tomorrow." Lucy tried to grab the forms like it was a game, as Peter passed them to his wife. "There's also information about Mina's likes and dislikes, then one about her general welfare."
Sammy was the next to speak as Peter went out back to bring in some last minute washing. “Where's the new girl?” She uttered ,watching Jason's face break out into an evil grin again.
Rose answered as she carried on. “It's been a traumatic two days for Mina, she's had a very bad experience, what with her mum dying, so I'm letting the girl rest.” Straining the spaghetti back into the saucepan, Rose plated up the food just as Peter came back in.
“Don't know why I bothered hanging out that washing, it's as wet as when I hung it this morning.” He plonked the basket down on the floor. “Where's Mina?” He asked, noticing she wasn't sat down.
Sammy spoke before Rose had a chance. “She's too tired to join us, isn't she mum?”
Rose smiled. “Yes, that's right.” The plates were hot as she bought them over to the table, serving Sammy first. “Could you make Mina a couple of cheese sandwiches to take up to her with a glass of milk when you've finished love?” Sammy was always willing. Picking up her spoon and fork she wound spaghetti around the fork before tucking in. “Sure Mum!” She declared.
To be continued...
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So many different characters
So many different characters to introduce at the same time in this part! I'm sure things will become clearer later, but it feels to me as if there's a bit too much about Jason here. It might be an idea to try to unfold the characters as Mina herself would have experienced them? So perhaps a little more about Peter and maybe save the back history of Jordan and Jason? Showing their traits by their behaviour round the table could be a better introduction. Still really enjoying this!
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I've just caught up with this
I've just caught up with this, Jenny. Beautifully thought out and the characters are very believable, making it easy to accept the 'fantastical' elements. I do agree with insert about this part, though. For the first time I felt there was more telling than showing and I was having to make mental notes of who was who and what their place was. Brilliant story though!
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it does Jenny - it's a much
it does Jenny - it's a much more balanced read now!
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I enjoyed this, the foster
I enjoyed this, the foster family bursting into the story, all the different characters quickly described. It took me a little time to get that Peter was the foster father? How is Mina going to cope with so many people when she's used to just her Mum? You are handling it so well
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'She wondered if mum's spirit
'She wondered if mum's spirit would be abiding with her' is a pretty line
Nice bits of detail about the new family. Seems fairly succinct to me. The shift (however temporarily) away from the magical elements to the homely works well, mixes it up.
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