By skinner_jennifer
- 722 reads
It was always convenient for me to come to the computer and turn on to abc tales first thing in the morning, reading a few pieces always picked me up, preparing me for what was about to enter my sometimes busy day. For some reason today seemed different.
Plonking myself down in the revolving office chair, I spun around to switch on the computer and turned on the monitor, as the screen did it's usual job of welcoming me, I felt a sudden shudder at what next appeared, there upon the screen was a message which I presumed had been put on by one of the family as a prank, it read: YOU'VE BEEN AROUND FOR MANY A YEAR BUT NOW'S THE TIME TO SHED A TEAR!
I scratched the back of my neck in confusion at what this message actually meant, wiping my eyes not believing what I was reading I looked again at the screen, but there it was in bold capital letters. I decided to ignore it.
My stomach grumbled with hunger as I thought about food, so leaving the computer I made my way to the kitchen. The heat from the conservatory hit me like a brick wall. Looking over at the thermometer it read 120 degrees F. This was way too hot. Flinging open the doors the heat outside wasn't much cooler. There was a strange air of anticipation as I stood in the doorway waiting for a breeze to appear, but none came.
I dragged myself back inside and breathed a sigh, the rest of the house was sleeping in readiness for night work. This was no good, I needed some music, so continued to pick out a cd and place it in the player. Scott Walker rang out his tune of Joanna and calmed me down somewhat.
Opening the bread bag, I took out two slices and placed them in the toaster which annoyingly sat under the brand new cupboard attached to the wall, which I hasten to add cost me thousands of pounds along with the new worktops and units, I keep telling everyone not to put it under, afraid it will leave a burn mark, but does anyone listen? 'No!'
Filling the kettle with water, I stare out the kitchen window, still unsure of the message on the computer, but I need to keep my head together and stop all these imaginings. I notice a blackbird having its early morning bath, ruffling its feathers and preening, while some sparrows stand on the edge of the bird bath aiming to catch a shower. Smiling I'm glad that someone's finding pleasure in the heat. There's still a scattering of seed left on the lawn from the day before, I watch as some pigeons feast on their breakfast, eager to take every morsel they can.
From out of the blue the toast pops up and brings me back to reality. My feelings of hunger now taking over. As the kettle heats up, I snatch the toast out and decide on some peanut butter, that usually hits the spot. Taking the jar from the cupboard and unscrewing, I spoon out a big dollop and spread it on the toast, my mouth watering in anticipation, I've always had a thing for anything with peanuts, or any kind of nut to be honest.
Taking a bite, the nutty consistency sticks to the roof of my mouth as I use my tongue to wipe it off and chew away, savoring every mouthful. Just a small spoonful of coffee in the mug and a little milk, I pour the boiling water and stir. This is my time and the music just takes me away.
Breakfast over, I begin the usual task of washing and wiping up, collecting the dishes into a neat pile beside the sink. I do have a dishwasher but haven't ever used it, don't believe in the power of machines, I'd rather do it the old fashioned way, everyone thinks I'm mad, but to be honest I don't care, there's a good feeling to be had when accomplishing a task that has been done with love.
Needing to sit down and take a break, it's back to the computer where the message still stares out at me from the monitor. I decide to ignore it and go onto abc tales. The strange thing is that I'm signed in, but my name just refuses to show up. Perhaps it's a glitch! I think to myself.
Continuing to read I find myself drawn into stories I'm not usually reading, it feels strange, in fact I feel odd, not quite myself and wonder if it's something to do with the message. Shaking myself out of the quandary, I decide there's always my own stories and poems to write and I'm now in the mood for battle, so I close abc tales and head for the office, excited about my thoughts and ideas.
Deciding to head to the toilet first, I remember I left my dictionary up in the back bedroom, just can't work without a dictionary beside me. Sitting on the loo, a thought also occurs to me, I forgot to set the alarm for my partner. Pressing the flush and checking out my reflection in the mirror, I seem paler than usual, but think it's just to do with the fact I've not had much sleep with the heat.
Walking across the landing trying to avoid the squeaky floorboard, I come to our bedroom door and open it quietly so as not to wake my man. The room is in darkness, but then I get the shock of my life, for there lying next to him is my body, limp and lifeless.
The End.
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What a good story. You really caught me up in this. Do you really think dying is going to be that easy and much fun? And to still be able to enjoy peanut butter. My sister always had it on her toast for breakfast with applesauce to take away the cloying feeling.
Was your conservatory really 125 degrees? I like the detail about you worrying about the toaster spoiling your new expensive cupboards. You make is sound like you weren't really in charge in your ktichen - like in a shared house situation.
Anyway, it was a fun read. Thank you. I get up early to do things on ABC too, and it is now 5 a.m.
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