Warmth Of Sister Rose

By skinner_jennifer
- 928 reads
My names Anthony Newley: yes I know what you're thinking! No I'm not the singer songwriter, but when I was working I was also known as Doctor Anthony Newley, plastic surgeon extraordinaire, or so I've been told by my patients.I've never been married, well except to my work of course, which is here in Edmonton Canada where I ran my own surgery. But now I'm retired. One of my colleagues Jim took over, he keeps me in touch with how things are going. I trust him completely because he's a mighty fine plastic surgeon, in fact one of the best.
It's a Sunday afternoon in December as I sit here in the half light of my living room, with the clock on the wall ticking away, telling me time seems to move on faster and faster the older I get, while contemplating my thoughts as yet another Christmas fast approaches.
My sister Rose came around the other day and bought me a small tree which she insisted on decorating to brighten up the room, I don't think I'd bother if it wasn't for her, though I do appreciate once it's up. Gazing at the pretty twinkling lights I can feel the warmth of many seasonal occasions spent with my sister and her husband Patrick.They never had children due to the fact Rose wasn't able to conceive, which was sad but they both had learned to live with the fact.
While situated on my most comfortable recliner, I seem to spend a lot of time going up and down due to the fact I find it hard to sit still, I'm sure I'll wear this chair out before too long, though I do find myself nodding off of an afternoon. Leaning back in a relaxed pose I turn my head and gaze out the window, the two trees that stand in the yard with their bare branches leave a starkness that is both barren and busy all at the same time. I think to myself how much like the month I feel, while watching a couple of squirrels attempt to pinch nuts I put out for the smaller birds that frequent my average sized back yard. In the heat of Summer I think there's nothing better than sitting out under the shade of those trees with a glass of whiskey and a good book, this is something I'll be looking forward to doing a lot more come next Summer now I'm not working.
My mind wanders from one thought to another, as a strong, chill wind blows from the North, while I on the other hand am warm and cozy with the heating turned up high. I have to say I do miss the hustle and bustle of hospital life. It was only two months ago that I retired, but it feels so much longer in the light of day.
I have to say that although I've been out with many ladies in my life, I never managed to settle down with any of them, there's never been a woman who understood how important my work was and how I put the job before anything, but even so I'm very happy with my lot and can't complain in the least.
I like to pride myself on my appearance and would call myself an averagely good looking man for my age of seventy two. At 6ft, dark haired, though graying a lot lately, but clean shaven with a good physique which I take pride in, spending many numerous hours at the gym and swimming. It's not easy these days when all I really want to do is rest due to old age looming up on the horizon, but still I try to push myself and not give up, as I count myself lucky to be here.
One experience reveals itself in my memory, sending shivers through me each time I recollect. It was when I was in my early forty's and still looking for adventure. One of my hobbies was taking helicopter rides and flying to some of the highest mountain peaks, where there would be views of landscapes that would blow me away, the rush I'd get from taking in the panorama and of being just below the clouds would leave me so energized.
It was in the mountainous region of a sleepy little town in Alberta, Canada that I was staying at a lodge. It was a quaint place and not tarnished by industry which so many other towns have suffered, but with tourist shops, hotels and other accommodations to keep the area going with its natural beauty. I do expect it's slightly different now as that was many years ago.
My accommodation was satisfactory and had everything I needed, which included a bedroom and bathroom. I always preferred to eat out even if I was alone. At the age of forty two it was no problem for me to holiday on my own, in fact quite the norm for the out going man that I was .
This particular day my alarm had been set for 7am as I'd wished to make the most of the time with a morning walk before taking to the skies. There would be so much anticipation leaving me feeling like an excited child, at the prospect of flying to those mountain peaks.
Although there were planned treks where I was staying, with a tour guide to show you places of interest, wandering alone was what I preferred, having the freedom to make my own plans without having to walk as a group. Much pleasure could be derived from meeting other strangers along the way, and finding out about the surrounding terrain from locals.
I'd enjoyed the comfort of my lodgings that night, feeling refreshed and ready for my morning walk. Picking up my cagoule from the chair, I slipped it on and headed out. The weather was a bit wet and miserable, but only to be expected this early in the morning. There didn't seem to be much let up in the fine misty rain, but I hoped it would improve as the day wore on.
Opening the door to the lodge, it led out onto a wooden balcony with timber handrails and steps leading down to the car park. There was a good view of the snow peaked mountains in the distance, which got me even more excited thinking of my flight.
Leaving the car park, many people were coming and going about their business, as shops opened which I found quite strange for such an early hour of the morning, obviously people liked to be up at the crack of dawn here, more so than other places I'd visited in the past. It felt good to think that my work wasn't on my rota of things to do this day.
Coming to the end of the street and leaving the town behind, I took a walk along the path that led across an iron bridge and ran beside a tiny mountain stream. It was so quiet except for the early morning chorus of birds that felt like they were welcoming me to their part of the world. The air was so fresh, I remember thinking how wonderful it would be to live in this part of the world, but knew it was just a fantasy as the cost of living was a lot higher out here, even for someone like me.
The track led upwards towards another steep trail, but by the time I reached the top I was knackered and had enough. Finally I achieved one of the ridges which took me about an hour to get to. I looked down over the beautiful surrounding countryside which had a panoramic view, it was breathtaking, leaving me glad I made the climb. But now it was time to head back.
By the time I arrived at the lodge where I was staying, the mist had cleared and it was 9am, I'd been out walking for two hours and was now ready for my trip at 11am. The next thing I needed was some food, so setting off I made my way to the local eatery for some breakfast.
Sue's cafe sat right in the center of the town and would get quite busy even at this time of day. Entering I remember there was a warmth and homely feeling to the place, with its pine tables and chairs dotted here and there around the room giving it an almost Italian feel.
In the evening they would serve meals on posh table cloths, with candles in holders, and napkins which had been ironed to set the table off nicely. The staff were so friendly and inviting, serving up pasta dishes and also french cuisine, with a trolley of french pastries which I thought was unusual for this part of the world, but seemed to work out perfectly for the people who came in to eat.
Even now at this early hour the counter was laden with food, there was such a mixed variety on the menu. I decided on a bowl of muesli and some delicious scrambled eggs and bacon, with a mug of coffee to finish.
As I finished up and paid for my food, I made the decision to give the helicopter company a ring, just in case there was a problem with the weather, but they informed me that conditions were fine, so now all I had to do was get to the helipad.
Making my way back to the lodge to pick up my camera and a few other things I'd need. My mobile went off. My first thought was! Who would be wanting to get in contact with me at this time in the morning? “Hello,” I said in a suspicious manner.
It was my brother-in-law Patrick in Edmonton. My sister Rose had been admitted to the local hospital with a heart attack. My first reaction was the sudden horror of maybe loosing her. Rose was not only my sister but my best friend too. We'd gone through so much together, it didn't seem fair that this had happened with her being five years younger than me. I needed to get back home straight away. Well! What could I do? This was my sister and I needed to be there for her.
It looked like my helicopter trip wasn't going to happen after all. “I'll be at the hospital as soon as I can, I'm leaving now,” I informed Patrick in such a rush, he wasn't able to get another word in before I cut him off.
It was going to take me about three hours to get home, so the panic was on for me to pack my bags which didn't take long at all. After signing out and explaining to the receptionist about the phone call, I headed for the car park without hesitating and threw my bags in the boot.
Before leaving, I made a courtesy call to the helicopter company and told them I wouldn't be coming, to which they informed me that I'd loose my deposit on the trip. I told them that was the least of my worries, but couldn't be bothered to explain why so just hung up, but at least I'd informed them.
The three hour drive back was quiet, normally I would have sung along to my country music cd, but now my mood wouldn't allow it, so I just chewed some gum and concentrated on the road ahead, hoping there wouldn't be any hold ups along the way. Of course there wasn't and the drive was pretty straight forward.
I didn't even go home, but went straight to the hospital. It was such a shock when I found Patrick sitting beside my sister. Rose was sleeping and looked so unwell as the nurse explained the situation, informing me that they were keeping her as comfortable as possible, then telling me there wasn't anything I could do for her now.
“Go home, get some rest,” said my brother-in-law. “I'll tell Rose you came in as soon as she wakes up.”
I decided Patrick's advice was right, to say I was tired was an understatement, It had been a long day and I too needed to sleep. “Tell Rose I'll be back in the morning. Oh! And give her my love.”
Patrick forced a smile and we hugged, it was one of those bonding moments that only we could understand. Then he thanked me for returning home, but that wasn't any problem, my sister was far more important than any helicopter ride.
Taking to my bed as soon as I got home, I had a problem getting off to sleep, it seemed I was over tired and couldn't stop thinking of my sister, my dreams were worrying and disturbing throughout the night, which left me waking up in sweats even though it was quite cold.
When I awoke next morning, I phoned the lodge company to ask if I could re-schedule my stay. The receptionist took my name and said she remembered me. Then there was a long pause...so I asked what was wrong? It was then that she informed me with stress in her voice, that the helicopter I'd been due to fly on had crash landed due to engine malfunction, the pilot and passengers had all died on impact.
I took a gulp and swallowed, shuddering at the news. I remember sitting down and sighing as my heart skipped a beat. I just couldn't believe that all those poor people had gone and I could have been one of them. Not able to speak, I didn't say another word but just hung up weeping like a baby.
If ever a memory has given me a feeling of someone watching over me, it was that phone call from my brother-in-law that sticks out. I think to myself how lucky I am to be alive, sitting here now and looking forward to another Christmas.
As I take a deep breath reliving that moment, my phone went off jerking me back to reality. Now who could this be on a Sunday afternoon? I thought to myself!
“Hello,” I said tentatively. It was Rose wanting to come round for a chat and a coffee. “I was just thinking of you sis.” I answered in a cheery voice. “Yes that would be grand...I'll see you in ten minutes.”
My face lit up hearing her voice.Sharing a coffee and a chat on Sunday afternoon with Rose gave me such a warm feeling inside. Yes! That certainly would be grand.
The end.
Picture is by Pixabay free.
This is a fictitious story and has no relationship with anybody living or dead.
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What an interesting story,
What an interesting story, and it flowed well too. The detail about the Canadian mountain scenery was lovely, and the characters seemed to live.
I was amused when you wrote of him going up and down in the recliner. My in-laws had got a second hand 'electric' chair when his mobility was failing, but it worried him and he wouldn't let us do it for him if he could help, but recently my grandsons noticed it and had a whale of a time putting it through its paces! Rhiannon
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