Peepee By Day, Dick By Night
By Solarcero_de_Rais
- 305 reads
"Goodnight my little angel," his mom praised as she gazed through the crack of the closing door. He didn't answer, just smiled. His hands were already over his crotch clenched eagerly and pressing down. After the door closed he laid silent, still, listening to the house unwind. Mom calling Pogo the dog, to come inside, dad turning off the TV, then into their bedroom for the night.
"I might be mom's angel but I'm daddy's little monster," he explained to no one as he slipped out a folded page that he had ripped out of one of his dad’s porno mags. The woman on the page was the most beautiful thing that his eyes had ever seen. A brunette with glamorously curled hair. On the page preceding the page he ripped out she was wearing gold framed aviator glasses and black lace gloves that she was tauntingly beginning to remove with her teeth, one finger at a time. That photograph was only from her breasts up, in the one he took for himself she was wearing absolutely nothing. She was posed with her body facing the camera. Her hands were placed daintily near her waist with her index fingers and thumbs kind of pinching her hips. She was leaning forward and puckering her lips at the camera.
"Do you want me to kiss you?" he asked the paper. The teeth in his smile disappeared behind the lips of a crazy man’s grin. He went over her face with his finger, admiring her light brown eyes and bold eyebrows. He imagined her smooth fair skin to be soft as he rubbed the tip of his nose on her face. Then, tracing with his finger again, he went down her neck and slide his finger down the space between her hanging breast. His grin faded and his mouth opened slightly as he awed at his obsession. "I want to be here" he said rubbing his finger between the space between her breast. Further down the picture her legs were close together but slightly bent with her right leg in front. Her left leg was cutely nestled behind her right, with her left foot hooked around her other ankle. Her heels kept her perched on the tips of its toes. Her legs were smooth, long, and thick; leading up to a thick darkness that did not catch the boys interest. But her breast, beautiful round and being pulled away from her body by gravity; as if even the earth was trying to have her pressed against it.
"Mom has no idea I have you,” he continued to his paper woman, “but that's okay mom doesn't know a bunch of things. She doesn't even know my dad has these magazines. She is always telling me to be good and be careful and stuff like that but there’s a lot of things she doesn't know. But dad says we gotta keep some things to ourselves. Like when she tells me to wash my peepee. I hate that! Of course I'm gonna wash it! I asked dad about that and he said I'm supposed to wash my pecker everyday, he doesn’t call it a peepee. I asked Johnny down the street what’s the difference between peepees, peckers and dicks. He said kids have peepees, boys have peckers, and men have dicks. He says girls want dick. So, I'm peepee by day, but dick by night!" he almost yelled as he pulled off his covers to admire his erection. He smiled ever so proud of his manly hood.
He folded his woman with every precaution to not hurt her or make any new creases and tucked her in the shoe at his bedside till morning, when he could hide it better. He lied there, starring up at the shadow of his ceiling fan, wearing a smile bigger than his face. He closed his eyes and he fell asleep thinking about his woman.
“Garth angel,” her voice was sweet as can be even though she had just finished shouting at her husband on the telephone. “Garth, my friend Jane is going to swing by and pick up some of my old college books. She wants to be a teacher like I was going to be. I’m going to get in the shower but if she gets here while I’m in the shower I want you to let her in, okay angel.”
He was putting the finishing touches to his hair. “Yeah mom.” He didn’t like when his mother dragged her words out, in her fake over concerned tone. He especially didn’t like her being long winded when a few words would suffice. But Garth was a good kid. He kept to himself, didn’t need or ask much of his parents. He could hold his own better than any six year old and had more sense then children twice his age.
Garth served himself a bowl of cereal and was feeling quite, dull. The morning numbness had him. Just as his mom said, there came the knock at the door.
Garth waddled his way over to the door and peered out the glass textured glass. The distorted image was obviously a girl. She was wearing denim jeans and a loose tee shirt.
“Who is it?” Garth shouted.
“Oh, hi. I’m Jane. Does Larisa Longley live here?”
Garth opened the door. He did it very slowly, opening just enough to see through, then big enough to where his whole face would fit.
“High there handsome. You must be Garth.” She looked like a younger version of the woman from his magazine. Her hair was curly and in a sloppy ponytail. Her tee shirt was big and baggy and her denim jeans had a few stylish frayed rips.
Garth could not help but smile. “You’re my mom’s friend?”
“Yeah,” she stood with a smile and her weight on one leg. The foot on the other leg was on the tip’s of it’s toes twisting in a bewildered flirtatious way. She giggled, “so, I guess with that smile and twinkle in your eye, your gonna ask me to come in any minute now.”
“Oh yeah sure,” Garth stepped back and swung open the door, gesturing like a true gentle man, for her to come in.
“Why thank you kind sir,” she curtsied and walked in with a cute giggle.
Garth closed the door behind her and raced around to lead the way into the kitchen. “I don’t know where the books are and my mom’s in the shower. Are you in a hurry?” Garth asked as they walked down the hall. He was suddenly full of life and the wheels in his head began racing.
“No,” she answered, “I got time.”
“Well I’m about to eat some breakfast, you want me to get you some coffee, or you wanna have bowl of cereal with me?”
“You know Garth,” she answered with a warm smile, “I’d love to have a bowl of cereal with you.”
Their talk seemed to go on for hours. He asked a few questions, she asked a few questions, they laughed together. She told him how she was eighteen years old, going to college, and moved to the neighborhood to be closer to school. She also told how she wasn’t a friend of Garth’s mom but actually the boss’s daughter and how she just likes to stay at home and watch television. All to soon, his mom came out of the bedroom.
“Oh Jane, I didn’t even know you were here, I hope you haven’t been waiting too long?” There it was again, annoying Garth, his mom’s over concerned fakeness that she just cannot seem to suppress. “Let me get you those books.”
Garth and Jane looked at each other and smiled. “Well my mom isn’t the best cook, but maybe you can over for dinner or supper sometime?” Jane agreed and said thanks for the cereal and walked back towards the front door leaving him with a taunting “Bye.”
“Bye!” Garth answered bashful and floating, lost in her beauty. He felt something. In his chest, his heart raced and his breaths became thick and heavy. He wanted her. He wanted Jane.
The rest of the day Garth lived in a daydream. Lost in thoughts of Jane, her smile, her mature youth, rebellish, enticing look. The thought of him, and everyone else, seeing her bra because of sweater‘s over sized neck made him a little jealous. He blanked out completely during story time and just imagined the two of them laying together. He went through the motions of the day with a glazed look of absence and a subtle smile.
“How was school angel?” Garth’s mom was right on time as usual. Her makeup was running off of her eye lids. He knew she must have just finished arguing with his dad.
“Hey mom, you wanna do something for me?” Garth asked.
“Yes sweet angel, what is it?’ she answered.
“Mom, can you cook and invite Jane over for supper?”
“Oh.” It caught her unexpected. An awkward new hurt spurred inside of her chest and Garth could see it in her eye. He took a deep breath and sighed loudly. He knew that sigh usually got her to say yes, and it did. Garth could not put it into words, but he knew he had made her feel inadequate. She was silent the rest of the ride home, as was Garth.
"Goodnight my angel," his mom praised as she gazed through the crack of the closing door. Garth smiled back, “Mom?”
“Yes?” she reopened the door quickly expecting something Garth to say something special… An I love you mom, a sincere blessing, or maybe a kiss blown off his hand.
“So, you think Jane can come over Sunday evening?” Again the hurt in her chest flared. Garth flashed his smile of small white teeth, “Please mom.” As her heart sank into the sea of acid in her stomach her mouth quivered and she nearly teared up, “Yes angel,” she answered as she closed the door.
Garth laid in his bed with a sinister grin. He saw the pain in his mom’s eyes but he did not care. He cared about seeing Jane. He didn’t even care to see his paper woman. He replayed images of Jane in his mind till he fell asleep.
His mom took a slow walk to the her bedroom. She stopped at her door and starred at her husband. He was sitting up in bed thumbing through a sports magazine. “He wants to have Jane over for supper,” she said.
Her husband’s attention was hardly aroused. “Really,” he answered but it was obvious he did not care too much as he continued to thumb through his magazine.
“Did you hear me?” she raised her voice a bit.
“Yes babe, Garth has a crush on Jane,” he spoke monotone and uninterested.
“That’s not what I said.” she couldn’t stand his disregard for the situation.
“But that’s the bottom line, isn’t it,” he replied.
“You don‘t even care. Are you even listening?
“What do you want me to do babe?” He didn’t put much emotion to his words.
“I don’t know!” she yelled this time.
Sparked with annoyance he closed his magazine and started her in the face. “Well what do you want me to do?” He clenched his teeth just a bit. “He asked you to invite her over with no embarrassment and complete confidence, didn’t he?” She nodded yes. “And you said yes, didn’t you?” She nodded yes. “And now what the fuck do you want me to do. Ever sense that kid came into your life it’s like he has control over you. I made a promise to you and said I would raise him as my son, and I have. But he completely controls you. You revolve your life around him. You put him first at any cost, at the cost of our relationship, our love, and you know that. I told you along time ago I was gonna stick with this and I have. I told you along time ago you were wrong in taking him and he was changing us but you didn’t care. I used to think I knew you but ever sense you came home from the grocery store with someone else’s kid that you plucked out of their fucking shopping cart, you’ve gotten weak, almost pathetic. It’s like that kid brain washed you! And now, I am his dad. And I treat him like my son. I love him like a son. But you, you are obsessed with pleasing him.
As he ranted, she covered her face and began to cry. She leaned up against the door frame and slid down slowly as she sobbed. “I don’t know what to do. I feel like I’m going to loose him.”
“That is ironic or some kind of conundrum. It’s like, he‘s not yours but you feel like you are loosing him.” He let out a soft but sarcastic chuckle.
“Fuck you,” was her reply. The truth hurt her. All of his words were true but she didn’t want to hear it.
“I wish you would.” With that he turned out his table lamp, turned his back to her and nestled down under the covers.
She cried for a while longer. Then she dressed down slowly in front of the mirror. As she starred at her body she somewhat wondered her self worth. More exactly, she wondered her worth to Garth. She slipped on her night gown and got into bed with her husband. She peered at his broad back but felt nothing. She was not angry with him, she had no feelings to make amends for her last few years of neglecting him. She just worried about the child in the other bedroom.
In her mind she replayed the day she took him. It had been a little more than five years sense Garth first flashed his captivating smile with that accompanying twinkle in his eye. He was in a shopping cart, preoccupied with a rattle. His parents must have just had their back turned when he looked up and connected eyes with her. Garth flashed his nearly toothless smile and gave a bashful smile and batted his baby eye lids. She lost all control. She did not care, nor think, of his parents. She didn’t even think of what she was doing. She just picked him up out of the shopping cart and walked out, leaving all her groceries behind.
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