The Angel's Silence 22
By Songmakers_Cry
- 511 reads
The police officer ran into the hospital, and shouted for help. Soon three doctors and two nurses ran out to Elena's car, carefully lifted Antanas onto a gurney and wheeled him inside.
One nurse, who had curly dark blond hair. Around 5' 1" and maybe 140 lbs
Stuck a syringe into a small bottle, then stuck the needle into Antanas.
His convulsions stopped almost instantly. They then wheeled him away.
"Where are they taking him?"
Asked a shaken up Elena to another nurse
"To X-Rays."
Answered the nurse
Elena was taken the to waiting room. It was then that she thought of Antanas' family, and how worried they must be.
Mariya was pacing the hospital floors, silently praying for the storm to let up soon so she could call her husband. It had been such a long time since she had heard from him.
Rayna eventually came back into the hospital, and was avoiding Caelia at all cost.
One nurse Mariya knew only as Galina, asked Mariya if she could get her anything while commenting on how the storm seemed to be letting up.
This was the best news she had heard in a long time.
She ran out the door to try calling Antanas again, but the phones were still not working.
Rayna stared at herself in a restroom mirror. She was disgusted at what she saw; bags had formed underneath her bloodshot eyes.
Caelia was at Maya's bedside. She hadn't known her very long, but felt as though they were sisters.
Suddenly, Maya opened her eyes. The look of confusion was on her face. Caelia was speechless. She wanted to stay with Maya, but knew she had to find Mariya. She told two nurses about it along the way. It didn't take long for her to find Mariya. They both ran back to her room as fast as possible. They were so excited to see Maya awake that they both forgot to find Rayna, and tell her.
She was still in the restroom. She pulled up her sleeve, and immediately noticed several bruises. She had no idea where they had come from.
Just then, Caelia walked through the door and saw Rayna examining her arm. She saw the bruises, but also something else; several cuts lined her inner arm.
"You should come see your sister. She's awake!"
Said Caelia firmly as she left the room.
Rayna quickly pulled down her sleeve. Her heart was pounding.
"What if she saw?"
She thought to herself as she walked out the door
She quickly made her way to Maya's room.
There were so many people surrounding her bed that Maya began to feel claustrophobic.
She could not speak because there was still a tube down her throat.
"Don't try to speak."
Whisper a nurse as she moved some hair away from Maya's face.
Mariya knew that she was confused, and explained everything to her.
She wanted to tell Antanas the good news.
He never even knew that she had fallen into a coma in the first place.
The X-Rays had come back, and showed a lot of swelling in Antanas' brain.
The Doctors had given him medication to reduce the swelling, but if it did not work, they would be forced to surgically remove a small part of his brain to allow room for the swelling.
That was the worst case scenario.
(To Be Continued)
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