Currently In America 2
By Steve
- 376 reads
My liberal friends often complain about how corrupt liberal states are. The Union in Massachusettes is notorious for slashing people's tires when they don't like them and spreading slander for the same reason. Liberal states and Universities accept money from almost anywhere. Liberal states are open, but the government surveillances this openness. Liberal states have an incredible lot of beaurocracy. Liberal states, I would think, are more open to bribery. In fact, Massachusettes has had a few bribery scandals.
Generally speaking, the three most liberal states are New York, California, and Massachusettes. Massachusettes is probably the most politically correct. In politically correct states, you have to learn the politically correct language to understand what people are saying. People are be just as insulting and insensitive using the politically correct language as any other language.
It is true, these states have succeeding in creating a great amount of wealth. That is a good thing. But the liberals and conservatives that have supported the growth of this wealth, I don't know if you can classify them as "conservative" or "liberal." They may be socially liberal but fiscally conservative, etc. Or they are "liberal" only in name because liberals have followed their agenda more than the conservatives. I have a hard time following any ideology that is not good for the economic health of the country whether it is political correctness or McCarthyism. To return to my point, the creation of great wealth in certain states have always had to do with excellence, excellence in banking, excellence in filmaking, excellence in the university or medical profession. Also, this wealth building has created more rich people and less middle class people.
The cost of living in liberal states is higher. $8 an hour in New Hampshire is probably worth $13 an hour in Massachusettes. Everything cost more. Hotels are at twice the rate in New Hampshire. If cigarettes cost $6 in New Hamsphire, they are at $10 in Mass. There's a 6.25% sales tax. There's a state income tax for employment.
That's the downside. The Upside of liberal states there's a chance to get a really high paying job and be able to go places at all sorts of odd hours and visit all sorts of clubs. You can have the lifestyle you want and no one is going to say anything. You have freedom, and freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose, as Janis Joplin says. Even if you're middle class, when you see new industries moving in, and workingclass wages increasing, you can bet that housing, etc. is going to rise in prices. You can find ways of making money. However, nowadays, it is not quite as easy as all that. Because all of a sudden, you have Americans moving abroad (not just within the US) to get jobs. There are many Americans who do not like America anymore and who believe that America has lost its mission, its vision and I agree with them. And Americans are actually acculturating abroad which is great because before, America used to stick out like a sore thumb.
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