The Winter Man
By Jack Fables
- 367 reads
It was in the lovely mild autumn weather, when everybody was happy and content, that the Old Winter Man came snooping around. He creeped out from behind a corner one day, with his icy manners, and ill temperament, and made it wholly unpleasant for all about. People felt old and cold and tired whenever he came around, and as usual, he lingered too long for anybody’s liking. For months on end his company was cold, and drizzling and miserable, making the spirits of all downcast and gloomy with no end in sight. But one day the Springtime Son showed up on a clear blue day. He greeted all with the first promise of springtime sunshine, and pleased all about with his youthful, bright and cheerful nature. He pleased all except the Old Winter Man, who had no time for such joyful festivities and feelings of good will, so he retreated back to the mountains from whence he came, bitter and cold and in bad humour. And the warmth of the Springtime Son shone on the happy people below for another endless summer of love, in the bright basking rays of sunshine and warmth.