Let me count your ways(what i think of this of it}
By swindonwoody
- 185 reads
Let me count Your Way was the last poem i put on this site. now let me say this I think since I put it on here i have been thinking you can see it in two ways. someone controlling someone or someone so deep in love with someone. to me, it is the last one someone so deeply in love with someone that they just do not know how to tell the person
anyone who has been with someone for a long time can feel like this( this is not me) like mrs bucket lol who was there but not there for her Richard.
everyday life they get used to each other like a pair of well-worn shoes. they fit so well but you had them for years and you love them but don't say it but think it.
that is the meaning of the poem to me someone deeply loves but can't say. it's like the years go by like an old coat, that fit so well.
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