Sexual Evolution (could it really happen ?)
By The Talisman
- 746 reads
Sexual Evolution
Whilst having a conversation at work, I posed a question, like I
have many times before. That day’s question was:
If, in the evolutionary future, we were all born with both sets of
genitals, and that we could subsequently reproduce by ourselves.
Would you rather have the female “parts” above or below the
male. In other words. “would you rather bend it up or down to
penetrate yourself.
Now, I know asexually, this isn’t the process for reproduction.
But, I always find the look on my brother-in-law’s face (my
workmate) hysterical when I ask such questions (confusion and
Confusion at why my mind works the way it does, and pity that
I have to endure a constant barrage of nonsensical thoughts all
day, every day.
Personally…I love it. There’s never a dull moment inside my head.
I don’t usually let people in though.
Think about a future where human kind could reproduce by itself.
No more awkward sexual tension amongst the sex’s. You could
simply have a normal conversation with someone of the opposite
sex, take them home and make love if there is that attraction. Or,
go home and vaginally entertain yourself.
A huge reduction in sexual disease. You know where it’s been, so
You have no-one to blame but yourself if you have to go to the
clinic with a drippy do-da. It just means you’ve been lacking in
self hygiene.
A reduction in the use of non bio-degradable condoms. We would
actually be helping the planet. Crazy! I know.
Incase you thought that I hadn’t spotted the flaw in my evolutionary
plan. I have.
How can you bend an erect penis on itself. Well! The future penises
would need less of a blood flow, hence the bend…Smart ass.
No more questions your Honour.
Maybe in the future we’ll just grow gills. If so, ignore this post.
Goodnight and sweet dreams my Darwinian fledglings.
As my brother used to say to me, as we were about to retire to bed
for the night (separate beds of course)
“Night, night. Sleep tight. Don’t let the bed bugs bite your cock off.”
He was troubled.
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