Teenage Pregnancy (more spots than pubes)
By The Talisman
- 453 reads
I read a report today that, teenage pregnancy is on the decline. Hoorah!!!
I have to say that I am fascinated by this fact.
If you put an adolescent penis and vagina in the same room for any given
time, don't be surprised if copulation isn't the result.
Maybe it's better education that has cut the problem?
Maybe it's angry dads with pitch forks to the offenders groin. Who knows?
Children are better educated on contraception and disease than ever before.
But, you can't stop mutual attraction. There is no prevention. As with smoking or drinking. It's down to the individual involved.
Some are influenced by their peers, but, in the end it just comes down to one thing...BAD LUCK.
Some get caught. Some don't.
We've all been in the same situation. Hoping that it's not you.
There are the exceptions however.
The girls that leave school with the intention of not working, just procreating.
With their 'partner' (what used to be called in old English - a boyfriend-), who
left school with the novel idea of going straight on the dole.
There used to be a fair few of these creatures when I was at school.
Years later, you would see them, With their convoy of buggies (mobile ashtrays and beer can recepticles).
The boy. Reed thin, (more spots than pubes) like a light breeze would blow him away.
Fortunately, he's locked arms with his anchor. She's a granite faced ball of misery. Hating the world for not giving her 'what she's owed'.
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