A Wave of Pirates 14) Twists
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"Whoa!" I cried gaping at the open window.
I heard Jack groan behind me. I spun around and saw him lying on the floor holding his shoulder.
I walked over to him and examined the wound. He'd been hit in the shoulder so it was mainly a flesh wound.
"You'll live." I told him and looked around the room. That's when I noticed that Edward was gone.
"He escaped," Jack groaned as if reading my mind. "I'll get that little bastard."
"We've had revenge." I said, glancing over at the window. "Now let's just find a way to get everyone off this island."
I reached down to help him up but he shook his head and turned away.
"You had your revenge." He said as he climbed slowly to his feet. "I haven't had mine yet."
He clutched a gun in his other hand and walked pass me.
"Hey, Mike." He said. "You good, man?"
I turned to see that Mike had sat up now and was looking around the room as if seeing it for the first time.
He shrugged. "I think I'll make it."
I nodded and glanced at Kelly who still remained on the bed. There were no signs of breathing so I could tell she was already dead. Besides she had been hit in the chest.
Just like Brandy.
I sighed. This was just too much to take. What can we do to get out of here?
I took one last glance at Jack. He looked up at me and shook his head. I turned away from him and left the room.
Everyone still stood in the hall and moved aside as I walked pass them.
"It's all clear," I told them. "Edward killed Kelly and injured Matt. We have to get off this island and I mean quick."
"And let them win?" Someone behind me asked.
I turned to them angrily. I don't know exactly who said it so I snapped at the whole group.
"You want this to be a war?" I growled as I grit my teeth. "You want more of us to die? Or do you want to return home alive. Stay and fight if you want, but I'm getting Brandy to safety."
I turned away and stormed down the stairs.
Henry stood in the center of the living room and I thought of what Lindsay had said. They had been here many times. What if Henry already knew?
I grabbed him by the shirt. "Tell me you didn't know! Tell me!"
"What are you talking about?" He asked with wide eyes.
"They said that they've been here many times. They even remodeled the place." I snapped. I glared into his eyes, searching for any lies. "What the hell is going on?"
He just gaped at me as his bottom lip trembled. "I... didn't mean for any of this to happen."
My eyes widened and I let go of his shirt. I heard footsteps on the stairs but I didn't turn around. I was too shocked. So you're telling me, that he really did have something to do with this?
Tears rolled down his cheeks as he trembled. "My parents sent me here on purpose. They planned for this to happen."
"What? What's he talking about?" I heard Jack shout behind me from the stairs. But I didn't turn to him.
"Planned what?" I asked quietly. "Planned for Brandy to be shot?"
"No... It wasn't supposed to happen that way." Henry said. "They risked my life. They told me to bring you guys here. But only certain ones. I wanted to be able to stop it all but things have gotten worse.
"My parents owed those people money. A big amount of money. They didn't really owe those pirates that showed up here, they only owe their boss. But my parents are selfish people. So selfish that they refuse to even pay the money. They lied and said that they didn't have it. So they promised to give away you guys instead.
I frowned and glanced back at Jack. He stared at Henry from the stairwell, not moving or blinking at all.
I turned back to Henry as he continued.
"My mother told me... to invite attractive girls." He said and swallowed. "Only the best as she puts it. Not just any girls, but the best that I can find. So I searched the school and hand picked all of the best looking girls. But I couldn't just invite all girls or that would be suspicious. So I invited guys too just to make it appear more normal."
I gritted my teeth and shook my head. So the truth comes out. That's the only reason Brandy and I were invited.
"They wanted me to give those girls to the pirates," He continued. "The pirates would take them to their master... and the master would sell them over seas... as slaves. Sex slaves."
I cocked back my fist and punched him across the jaw as hard as I could. He fell onto the floor and groaned.
"This was all a big set up!" I shouted. "You freak! And what was to happen to the rest of us? Would we have been killed?"
He didn't answer. He just rolled onto his side and turned away from me.
"You weren't worth it," I mutter. "I should have never came here. I should've never came back to that ship for you."
"Matt, duck!" Jack shouted behind me.
I instantly ducked down as a gun fired into the house.
I looked up and saw through the broken window that it was Billy. Edward stood beside him. I dove behind the couch as he fired again.
I heard others flee up the step as I kneeled down to avoid the shots.
I could feel the cold metal of the gun pressing into my stomach between the waistband of my pants. I reached down and pulled it out.
I peeked over the couch and saw Billy getting ready to climb through the window.
I got up and fired at him. Somehow I missed and he climbed back outside.
I aimed again but he and Edward ran away.
"Damn it." I muttered and stood all the way up. Henry was still lying on the floor trembling. He seemed to be unharmed, despite the bruise that I gave him just a minute ago.
"Jack!" I shouted.
A moment later he came running downstairs with a gun in his hand.
"They ran," I said and glanced down at Henry. "Possibly around to the other side of the house. I want you to get everyone to that boat that we have left, including Brandy. If anyone's on there that we don't know, shoot them."
He hesitated and then shook his head. "We can't get there with the other guys outside."
"We can if we have someone to distract them." I said. "I'll use myself as bait. Along with Henry. Besides he owes us."
"And if you get hurt?" He asked with a frown.
"Then Henry will too." I told him.
He looked down at Henry and frowned. "Fine. I'll get Brandy and the others to safety. I promise. Just try to stay alive and come join us."
I nodded as he turned and ran back upstairs to tell everyone the plan.
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