The Spectator, chapters 6 and 7
By TheDeerMan
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Chapter Six: Harmony
Directly after a fusion refueling centre we were supposed to go into our forced sleep to make up for the time lost at the centre. And so we did, or at least everyone except me, I had yet another dream. This time, I vaguely remember mounds upon mounds of light brown sand stacked upon each other. The bright yellow sun stood at the top of the blue sky, it almost looked like it was piercing through the tranquil sky but didn't quite have enough power to make it through. I shielded my eyes from the incoming rays being thrust down at me and my surroundings. I looked around, nothing but sand in every direction. Except for one noteworthy figure way off in the distance, not quite the shape of a typical human but also not something I've seen before. I decided against signaling to it for fear of the unknown. However, it was like that figure was reading my thoughts as it turned towards me and began to move swiftly to me. Tiny beads of sweat rapidly fell down from every possible location they could.Suddenly, almost as if collapsing from the stress on my shoulders, the sand around me opened up in a spiral formation and I was dragged down into the depths. In a twisted sort of way I was glad to be out of that living hell. As I was on my way down I heard the murmur of likely the figures voice, I believe it spoke in clicks, however the most terrifying thing was who or what was that thing talking to, I only saw the one.
I found myself in a dark room this time, I could still see a few feet in front of me but I'm not sure that was a good thing or not. Some things are better if they are out of sight. And that rang even more true this time as I stumbled out of the main room through a corridor. I was following a dull green light that just made its way through the whole area I was in, ignoring many passages and exits on either side of it. Just charging ahead I followed it until we came into a large room, with the ceiling and walls so far away I could not even begin to imagine where they would end. I paused as the green lights speed increased and beelined straight towards something. I heard a click, almost like the orb found what it was looking for.The limited visibility obscured whatever it was until the same green light began to spread into the shape of a humanoid with some empty black patches. This eerily reminded me of the creature I was petrified by earlier. But this time instead of ominously moving towards me without falter, this particular one moved at an incredible speed, zipping up and down so fast the only way I could track it was by the green trail it left behind. Eventually the room had a green tint to it, especially at the very back of the room, where the creature had almost framed something, I think it wanted me to look at it. So I cautiously moved towards the framed object and to my bewilderment it was some kind of mural. Some parts and symbols looked familiar that I had seen on one of the previous maps. Aside from the 3 maps, it depicted a creature, the same creature that was lurking in this room, at very integral points in history. It wasn't on any particular side, just kind of watching everything unfold. But perhaps the most interesting part was the great battle depicted at the far right, the end of the mural. It showed 3 valiant warriors fighting the creature and its minions that now all had thin bone like wings. A big glop of something fell from above my head, slowly I looked up with a sneaking suspicion of what terror might be above me. It was two green eyes surrounded by shadow, a faint hissing started up and eventually formed words.
It bombarded me with questions, “Do you know how easily I can kill you? Do you know where you are?” Until finally shouting out “Do you know whose presence you are in? You should be bowing before me!” It fell to the floor, shaking its twisted head around like someone told him to until it was facing me. “But luckily for you, I am a fair god, and would not kill you defenseless” as it said that I felt a spikey tail begin to wrap around my legs and slowly creep up around my body until I couldn't move. It's not like I would even have the courage to anyways. He said one last thing, perhaps the most disturbing one yet, “Go ahead and prepare for the storm, just know that I am not limited to your dreams, I am on your ship, just who I am however, is not for you to know” and with that the tail loosened around me and I fell to the floor as I heard him scurry up a wall.
I woke up in a sweaty daze again, that dream was the most realistic thing I had ever experienced. It's almost as if I had experienced it before, maybe in a past life. I climbed out of my pod, apologized to my team and went into the dining room. Empty as always. I pulled out the supposed “eyes” that the stranger had given me, examined them intently. I noticed that the pupils were not only different colours but they seemed to open up. One of the eyes donned a silky deep red pupil, the other was an oceanic baby blue.Upon even more examination I found a tiny button on the bottom of each of the eyes. Naturally I pressed it and what happened next was one of the stranger things I had ever seen. The red one spat out a laser protruding from the pupil, it accidentally pierced the table I was sitting at so now there was a medium sized hole there. Fearing the blue would do the same I aimed it up, as the laser on the red eye only had a range of about a foot and a half. However to my surprise a laser did not come out as a weapon, but instead as a rectangular shield, big enough to cover my whole torso and then some. This didn't make sense I thought, the stranger said these were Eleno’s eyes and were to be used to examine the maps, not weapons, why would he give me weapons? I then remembered the message the creature gave me about being prepared and suddenly a new understanding dawned on me, I had to find the spider stranger again, but how.
Chapter Seven: Deserted
The next few days were fairly uneventful, Little Wonder was still zipping through space, desperately trying to find answers while I simultaneously did the same. Our paths have been different so far however but who knows where both me and this ship would end up. Both of us searching for completely different things, yet also searching for the exact same thing. Captain Adam Lagaler came on over the comms system to warn us that phase two of the mission would begin in a few days. Phase two included drastic changes to the staff, fuel usage, and overall plan. I was told that Lagaler could activate phase two when he deemed necessary, apparently something must have came up to make it necessary. I went to check on him and see what he had to say.
“Ah! You're here! Wonderful” he excitedly said to me
I replied, “uh, yeah, just like every other is my job to come here you know”
“Your wit is impeccable, I've always loved that, but today is not any other day my friend!” He said the next part slowly, almost savoring the thought of what it entailed, “today is phase two”
“That's what I’ve heard!” I said while trying to act as interested as possible
Our little conversation carried on for a few minutes, we exchanged pleasantries and talked about what phase two meant for me and my job. As it turns out I phase two would let me do even less work here, due to the reduced staff and power usage. That last part freaked me out more than I care to admit, the reduced power would mean that most of the lights in the hall would be out or on low power, which instantly gave me an uneasy feeling and desire to never leave my room. The staff would be going down from 1,250 to 325. Most of the 325 were just basic workers, cleaners, maintenance, and so on. I don't really see any of those people on a daily basis so Little Wonder would practically be a ghost town, well, aside from being in space of course.
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Lots of strange and
Lots of strange and fantastical things here, with a fluidity between dreams and reality. I was wondering if it might help with the pacing if you used the dialogue to push the story forward - eg if, in the conversation between the narrator and Lagaler, the narrator could actually say he has misgivings about Phase Two, and get a reaction from Lagaler. This might also develop the dynamic between them. I know you say he doesn't care to admit how freaked he is, but maybe you could also bring this out in the dialogue, contrasting what he's thinking with what he says. Just a thought. It feels at the moment as if the dialogue is acting as an introduction to the next bit of exposition. However, you may have very good reasons for it and it may be fundamental to the characters - that's the pitfall in offering any critique before reading the whole story! Do keep going with it.
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I'm a dialogue-y writer, so I
I'm a dialogue-y writer, so I suppose I'm bound to have a certain view! You're right - plough on and get it done and then worry about re-writes!
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