Ryan Williams - Hero To Zero (Part III)

By TheRealUnkn0wnWr1ter
- 615 reads
The referee blew the whistle and the match continued.
52nd minute 0-0
Kieran now had the ball out wide and took it down line. 'Whip it in' Ryan screamed charging towards the goal. Kieran crossed the ball in hard and low. A defender tried to clear it but Ryan barged him out the way and got a touch on the ball. It hit the post and was scrambled away. Luke was now ordering everyone to drop. Kingsdale were launching a counter attack. Ryan got up and sprinted back into in his own half chasing the ball. He passed a handful of players.
Ryan was now beside the kingsdale player with the ball. He tried to beat Ryan with a few step overs but Ryan swiped the ball away and both the Kingsdale's players leg in the process. Ryan pointed to the ball as a few Kingsdale players started shouting claiming it was a foul. Ryan ran back up front tapping hands with Luke. Ryan didn't have to drop that deep but he did it for his team. 'Top notch workrate' the Kingsdale coach said. Ryan was surprised the opposition coach was praising him and gave him a thumbs up. Mr.mcCarthy was clapping.
82nd minute 0-0
Fatigue was kicking in, both sides were giving it their all. Ryan edged him team on 'Come on lads last few!' Ryan said clapping.
88th minute 0-0
Tension was building and well as tempers rising. Aaron had given away a free kick in a very dangerous position. 'Didn't have to pull his shirt' Luke said frustrated. Ryan dropped deep and was setting up the defence. Ryan was in the wall with Aaron.
They locked arms as a kingsdale player was about to run up and kick the ball. Ryan and Aaron both jumped. The ball whacked Aaron in the head. The ball was now bouncing out of play. Ryan chased after it and managed to keep it in. The counter attack was on. Ryan charged forward with the ball. He skipped past a clumsy challenge leaving the defender eating mud. Ryan was now closing in on goal. Ryan had been clipped and fell just outside the penalty box. 'REFFF' Ryan said springing up with his arms out wide. Babatunde had clipped Ryan and was the last defender, surely a red card offence Ryan thought. The referee eventually arrived on the scene and pulled out a red card. Babatunde was sent packing. He had his head in his hands.
Ryan had the ball in his hands and placed it on the ground. Ryan took three steps back and one step left. The referee blew his whistle. Ryan ran up and struck the ball bending it around the wall, the ball hit the crossbar and went it. Ryan sprinted towards Mr.mcCarthy who was on the pitch celebrating. Aaron wrestled Ryan to the ground and jumped on him a few others joined in. Ryan eventually wriggled out of the pile and got to his feet. Luke grabbed Ryan's head and kissed his forehead.
The whistle had gone and Kingsdale kicked off. Summersmith were defending and Kingsdale were doing the complete opposite throwing everything they had forward. Their keeper was even on the halfway line.
93rd minute 0-1
The final whistle went and Ryan began shaking hands with players on the other team and hugging his own. 'Number 7' a voice said creeping up towards Ryan. Ryan turned around to see the Kingsdale coach sticking out his hand. Ryan shook his hand and smiled 'unlucky today' Ryan said. The Kingsdale coach put his arm around Ryan and carried on smiling. 'Somedays you come up against players who are just too much to handle like yourself.' Ryan felt touched and hugged the coach.
The noise in the changing room was raising the roof. 'You deserve it lads, final next week' Mr.mcCarthy said grinning. 'You gonna shower' Luke shouted in Ryan's ear. 'Forgot my towel' Ryan replied sniffing his armpits. 'Could do with one though' he added. 'Just use my towel' Luke said stripping off.
'Everyone back in the mini bus in 10 minutes maximum and I mean it' Mr.mcCarthy said looking at his wrist watch. Mr.mcCarthy had now left the changing room with most of the others. Ryan,Luke,Kieran and Aaron who was complaining about a cramp were left in the changing room. Luke and Ryan darted into the showers.
Ryan,Luke and Kieran ran to to minibus. Aaron limped and hopped as fast as he could a few metres behind them. The minibuses engine was running. Ryan was now sat on the mini bus with Luke to his left. Ryan leaned on the window of the minibus as it drove off. He hasn't thought about Zara during the match but she crept back into his mind now and the events earlier in the day started replaying in his mind.
Mr.mcCarthy's phone rang, he answered it and spoke. 'We're through sir, aye sir as usual. He's with me now, I'll let him know sir.' Mr.mcCarthy looked back at Ryan and spoke 'Ryan, Mr.Noble's office when we get back' Mr.mcCarthy said sounding disappointed. Ryan rolled his eyes and dropped his head backwards.
It was 16:08 when the squad got back to Summersmith Secondary school. Most of the student's had left, there wasn't much going on.
' We were gonna go down to the chip shop but we'll wait' Luke said. Ryan shook his head 'It's gonna take a while and it's already getting dark, I'll see you lot tomorrow' Ryan said nodding as he walked towards Mr.Noble's office adjusting his uniform.
Ryan thought of why he was in trouble as he made his way to Mr.Noble's office. Then it came to him. 'Denzil you little snitch' Ryan muttered under his breath. Ryan knocked on Mr.Noble's door. 'Come in' a voice said stiffly. Ryan walked in and looked at Mr.Noble. Mr.Noble gestured Ryan to have a seat.
' You're getting used to this room ain't you, Ryan.' Mr.Noble said with a smile on his face. 'Sir I- I- I swear I never like well I-' Ryan couldn't get his words out. 'You've been headline news today, for the right.. and wrong reasons' Mr.Noble said leaning over his desk. Ryan didn't know what to say or where to look. 'So why did you assault Denzil Richardson' Mr.Noble said sounding calm. Ryan explained how he broke up with Zara, the slap and how Denzil grinning made him explode.
'Sir I just grabbed him and let him go, but like I never hit him or anything' Ryan said looking for some sympathy. But Mr.Noble was giving him none. 'He lost most if not all his shirt buttons, I had to send him home early.' Mr.Noble replied. Ryan knew there was no point arguing. 'I understand I deserve any punishment I get, you gonna call my mum though sir.' Ryan asked nervously. 'Have to Ryan or I wouldn't be doing my job' Mr.Noble nodded
It was now 16:46. Ryan was relieved he finally was on his way home but he had to think of a way to explain to his mum what happened today at least his mum wouldn't slap him or spit at him.
Ryan was now heading out of the school building when he spotted Oscar Hayes with two boys on bikes. One of the boys pointed at Ryan. Ryan knew he was eventually going to meet Oscar but he didn't have the stomach for it right now. Ryan started running. He sprinted across the road. A car blasted it's horn but Ryan wasn't waiting around. Oscar and his gang had bikes all Ryan had were aching legs but fear kept him going.
Ryan was now in an alleyway leaning against a wall catching his breath but he heard the sound of bicycles coming down the alleyway. 'Why'd you run faggot' Oscar said jumping of his bike. Ryan looked around but the alleyway was dark. He was on his own.
The two boys with Oscar screwed Ryan but stayed their bikes. Oscar now grabbed Ryan and thumped him against the wall.
Ryan was trying to catch his breath and struggled to speak. 'Oscar I- I -swear I never laid a finger on Zara, she dumped me' Ryan said looking at Oscar.
Oscar let Ryan go. Ryan thought to himself that was easy. Too easy maybe? He asked himself. Oscar punched Ryan in the stomach and it sent him into a ball on the ground. Ryan was winded. 'I TOLD YOU IF YOU BREAK HER HEART I'D BREAK YOUR FUCKING BONES' Oscar said stamping on Ryan. 'I'm sorry please Oscar' Ryan cried out. Oscar was having none of it and unleashed a combination of punches and kicks to Ryan on the ground. 'Get the fuck up' Oscar ordered. Ryan was trying his best to get up, but it was too slow for Oscar's liking. Oscar yanked him up. Ryan was now clutching his stomach.
'What you got for me' Oscar asked Ryan. Ryan pulled out all the money he had a £5 note. 'That's all I've got on me I swear' Ryan said with watery eyes. 'No it ain't you've got some nice leather vans on your feet.' One of the boys said. Ryan had a look on his face as if to say please come on mate. 'What size are you' he asked Ryan. 'Seven' Ryan replied winded.
Oscar punched Ryan in the face. Ryan felt blood pouring out his nose. Ryan had both hands on his nose. 'Take them of and give them to Connor' Oscar said pointing at Connor. Ryan didn't have much choice and slipped them off. Connor snatched them out Ryan's hands. Ryan was now on the wall holding his nose. Blood was dripping all over him. Oscar didn't seem to be bothered.
'What else you got for me' Oscar asked. Ryan shook his head 'That's all.'
'Bullshit' Oscar said punching Ryan in the face catching him directly in the eye. Ryan was now on his knees on the concrete floor crying. Ryan went into his blazer pocket and pulled out his iphone handing it to Oscar.
' I swear on my grandma's grave that's all my valuables ' Ryan said looking up at the 3 boys. Oscar reached into his waistline and pulled out a flick blade. Ryan's heart stopped. He had a million thoughts rushing through his head. Is God real. Do kids go to heaven. Is Oscar really going to stab me. Am I going to die a virgin. Will people miss me, were just a few thoughts. Ryan looked into Oscar’s eyes as if to say what's that for.
'Get up' Oscar said. Ryan got up almost straight away. 'If I ever see you around my family again, I won't be so nice as I was today' Oscar said waving the knife in Ryan's face. Ryan nodded slowly. 'Now get on your knees.' Ryan dropped to his knees. 'I might go pay your pretty little slutty sister a visit with these two' Oscar said running his hand through Ryan's damp hair. 'Do what you want to me please but don't hurt her' Ryan cried out. Amy treated Ryan like shit but she was family.
Oscar tapped Ryan's cheek. 'What happened to you, who beat you up' Oscar asked sounding sarcastically concerned . 'I fell' Ryan said weakly.
'Good boy' Oscar said punching Ryan in the head. Ryan was now flat on the ground with pain all around his body and the taste of blood was in his mouth. At least Oscar was now cycling off. Connor spat and stamped on Ryan as he cycled off.
Ryan sat against the wall and spent a few minutes there pinching his nose. His nose bleed had dried up and Ryan staggered to his feet. The concrete felt cold and his socks were starting to spawn holes. His shirt and blazer was covered in blood. He'd lost his girlfriend, phone, trainers and almost his life and had taken Summersmith Secondary School to their first final in years all in one day he thought to himself. As he walked home.
Ryan eventually reached his front door and reach for his door keys. His socks once white socks were soaked and dirty. He stepped inside his living room and collapsed on the sofa crying. He'd been humiliated and broken physically and mentally.
Amy came downstairs to see what the noise was about. 'Oh my.. Ryan come here' Amy said sitting beside her brother. Ryan placed his head on Amy's chest with her arms around him. 'What happened' Amy asked in a soft voice. 'I fell' Ryan lied.
'What happened, I won't tell mum I promise' Amy said. Ryan looked at Amy and started explaining the events which took place.
' He's such a jerk, he took your phone and trainers and did all that to you' Amy said. Ryan nodded with tears running down his face.
Ryan and Amy and heard their mum parking her range rover. Ryan looked worried. 'It's okay' Amy said.
The front door opened. 'FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK AND I GET A PHONECALL' Ryan's mum roared. 'WHERE IS HE-' Ryan's mum rushed into the living room when she saw the state of her son. She held her son's face in her hands and inspected it. She reached for her phone but Ryan stopped her. 'No. No police. No Ambulance. I don't want to talk about it also' Ryan said walking upstairs to his room.
Ryan was now in his room and looked at himself in his mirror, he could barely recognise himself.
Ryan stayed in the shower for a while, there was washed up blood all around his feet and he had a banging headache. He inspected the bruises around his body. Oscar had really left his mark.
The shower did help abit, Ryan was now dressed in plain tracksuit and put on some clean socks. He looked in the mirror his hair was messy but he couldn't care less, the dried up blood around his face was now gone. He had a black eye, a bit of a swollen lip.
Ryan's mum came into his room and gave her son a smile. 'I'll phone your school and tell them you're ill.' She said
' I'm going tomorrow ' Ryan said. 'Could you please clean my blazer and trousers' Ryan asked. 'Course love' Ryan's mum said. Entering her sons room and picking up his dirty uniform off the floor.
Hero To Zero (End of Part III)
Look out for Part IV, coming soon.
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It's tough being a teenager!
It's tough being a teenager! You show the ups and downs in an interesting way. Welcome to the site.
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