The Three Halves of Martyn Manning--Chapter Twelve: Elena - Part Two
By TheShyAssassin
- 246 reads
held her gaze. He felt he ought to offer something by way of
I have a high libido. I admit that I do like sex, very much. Though
please, rest assured that should we go forward with this then I
promise I will always be respectful of your wishes, though I will of
course expect you to honour your minimum contractual obligation,
which will be one one week night and one weekend morning, every
didn’t immediately respond and they sat without speaking for a few
moments. Martyn tried to read her face, but Elena was playing poker.
Martyn broke the silence.
I understand that to many people the specification for this role
would seem unusual, very, highly unusual. But to me it doesn’t. I
have a requirement for a nanny for my children. I also have a
requirement for my physical needs to be met. For this I’m prepared
to pay a significant premium for a simple all-in-one package. That
all seems very sensible to me. But as I say, many people, most
people, might find it extraordinary, even perverse, even bizarre. So
then I think about you. What do you think? Obviously you’re here
and you’re interviewing for the job, but why? What’s driving you?
Why would an attractive young girl in her mid-twenties want to, well
maybe not want to, let’s say be prepared to sleep with a
middle-aged man twenty years her senior? I’m genuinely curious.”
didn’t answer his question directly.
would you feel if I had sex with other men? I’m not saying that
would definitely happen, but it could. I might meet someone. How
would you feel if I did?”
stopped Martyn in his tracks. He’d never even considered such a
situation. It took him a moment to gather himself and respond.
have to think about that. To be honest I hadn’t considered it.”
(You self-absorbed fuck!) “I’m not sure I’d be comfortable with
you jumping straight out of another man’s bed and straight into
mine, but as I said, let me think about it. I’m pretty sure we
could come to some sort of mutually acceptable arrangement should the
situation ever arise.”
thank you Martyn. Now if we could go back to your original question,
about what I think about this unusual role and why I am applying for
it. There are several factors.”
his head Martyn was still tussling with the “other men” issue. He
forced himself to focus.
true that you are twenty years older than me but you are not hideous
to look at, in fact you are quite attractive.” She smiled. “Monika
Radountcheva tells me that from what she’s seen you appear quite
kind and affectionate and funny. And let’s be realistic, the salary
is very attractive. I’ll be able to send a lot more home to my
mother in Roumania and she’ll be able to live a comfortable life.
The cost of living is low in Roumania.”
Elena. Let’s talk about the money. You need to set my mind at rest.
I know the salary is important, but I’d feel very uncomfortable if
I thought you were wanting this job just for the money.”
wasn’t sure where he was going with this. Of course she was doing
it for the money, wasn’t she?
understand your concern, but Martyn, I love my job as a nanny. I love
being around children and keeping them safe and happy. Children need
a mother. Your children have no mother, or at least no mother
present. They need someone to look after them and they need a
feminine presence. I understand that you also have needs and I can
accept that. I know how the world works. And I may be unmarried but I
can assure you I’m definitely not a virgin.”
voice took on a slightly harder edge.
I can also assure you I’m definitely not a prostitute.”
obviously apprehensive but it could work out well. And
by the way, I also like sex very much, in the right place at the
right time with the right person of course.”
the first time in the interview Martyn felt the first faint tingles
of arousal.
sorry Elena, perhaps I phrased that badly.” (How else could he have
phrased it?) “I never for one moment meant to offend you or imply
anything untoward or sordid, and I truly apologise if I did.”
OK Martyn, I understand.”
clumsily tried to change the
tell me what you consider to be your strengths?”
talked for a further ten minutes. After they’d talked about her
strengths, where Elena simply reiterated what she’d said earlier
about being hard working, responsible and good with the kids, they
talked about next steps. Then Martyn drew the interview to a close.
As he held the door open for her and she walked through he got a
chance to check out her bum. Shapely, taut, not too big, not too
small. Good. He liked a nice bum. Bums were important to him.
was so lost in his thoughts that he didn’t even notice when Monika
Radountcheva re-entered the room. Her words startled him.
Martyn, how did it go? What did you think?”
slipped his pad into his briefcase and pressed the studs to close it.
you know Monika, I like to think these things over and I told you I
don’t like, in fact I have a policy of never making snap
judgements. But yes, I can say that first impressions were good. From
what she says she seems to be an excellent nanny and a good fit for
the role. But I still want to speak to the Tyler-Morgans.”
And what about the other part of the role?”
How tactful you are Monika. As I said, let me think it over. It won’t
take me long. I’ll get back to you, probably tomorrow morning.”
I understand. It is a big decision. So I’ll look forward to hearing
from you tomorrow. But just let me say, I managed a quick chat with
Elena on her way out and she’s still very positive and keen to move
known enough recruiters in his life to take this with a pinch of
salt, but he replied as if he believed her.
haven’t scared her off then, that’s good.”
the way out they talked about the weather, and at the front door they
went in different directions.
poured, cigar lit, rocking chair. House silent but for the simulated
tick-tock of the battery powered station clock on the wall. The big
hand pointed at IX,
the little hand was approaching XI.
In the calm of the Old Rectory kitchen he reviewed the day. He didn’t
need a spreadsheet, he could do this in his head. After all, his
sub-conscious had been working on it all day. He went through her
responses to his questions again. Occasionally he referred to his
pad. Try as he might he really couldn’t find any fault in her
answers to his nannying questions, they were just about perfect. As
to the other thing, well, she wasn’t his ideal in looks, but she
was pretty good, and she seemed to have a healthy attitude. And let’s
be honest, she was the only applicant. Clearly there would be no
affection involved in their love making, let alone love, at least not
to start with, but who knew? Maybe it would develop over time, like
you so often hear with arranged Indian and Pakistani marriages. If he
did decide to move forward the next step was for her to visit the Old
Rectory to meet the kids and see the house. And he’d like her to
meet Caroline, he would value Caroline’s input. And even if he did
ask Elena to visit, it wasn’t a commitment, he could still pull
soon as he got to his office the next morning he mailed Monika
Radountcheva saying he’d like to move forward with Elena and if she
was still interested he’d like her to come to the Old Rectory to
meet the kids. He also reminded her that he’d like to meet, or at
least speak to the Tyler-Morgan’s. Ten minutes later Monika
Radountcheva called him back. They quickly arranged a provisional
date for the following week and Monika Radountcheva said she’d
check with Elena then get back to Martyn to confirm.
I’m sure it won’t be a problem. The Tyler-Morgan’s are very
amenable to Elena’s situation. I think they feel a little guilty.”
exchanged a few more pleasantries, then just as Martyn was about to
ring off, Monika Radountcheva spoke again.
Martyn, there is just one other little thing. I’m sure it won’t
be a problem. I had a quick chat with Elena last night. She really is
still very interested in your position and definitely wants to go to
the next stage, but one little thing slightly bothers her.”
she’s understands and she’s absolutely fine with the sleeping
arrangements and the intimacy, but she did ask if she gets the job,
could she have a couple of weeks sleeping in a bed of her own, by
herself, in her own room? Just, you know, so she can acclimatise, get
comfortable with her surroundings, perhaps get to know you a little
better. I’m sure you understand.”
mean without any sex?”
that’s what I mean Martyn.”
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