Something in the Room
By The_Wanderer
Mon, 05 Jul 2021
- 292 reads
There's Something In The Room
It's right there. Across the Coffee table. An anomaly lingering at chest height. You've sat staring now for a while. Almost like a toddler analyzing the chalk-board ramblings of an advanced mathematician. The longer you look the less sense it makes. Waves of anxiety wash as you attempt to connect this disparate event to any form of pattern.
"Do i call 911? And tell them what? 'Theres an inexplicable ..4th dimensional..being, ..worming it's way into my loft??"
Operator: ...
Operator: "Units are on their way to you now"
Something is definitely there.
Hours pass seemingly instantly. Time betrays the day, turning shining sunset into overcast twilight. Rays of light extinguish and give way to creeping darkness. Never felt this much regret in life over forgetting to change a lightbulb. Isn't it wonderful? The variety of shapes your mind creates to fill the empty void. Inhale, Exhale. Faint clicking sounds allow you to pinpoint it's continued existence. Like a door being opened for the first time in hundreds of years. Creaks of stubborn wood and groans of iron hinges long rusted shut. A sharp crackle of reality bending and fracturing. Hindsight kicks in, badges hauling you away to some psych institution might have been the best outcome of your night. Tense moments naturally lead to terror. Yet there's a special sereneness in the blissful ignorance. This shapeless thing which cannot permeate the light. 'As long as i stay in the light nothing can hurt me' you think. Moments of emotion pass and you begin to sense curiosity. What the fuck is over there. Tendrils of your mind reach out where eyesight has failed. Darkness only serves raw ambiguity of form. The deep breathiness emenating from that black void draws pictures of something big, and mean.
Naivity attempts to shine light on the darkness. Images of gentle giants rifle your thoughts. Large warm fluffy teddy bears. Inhale, Exhale. Firm but clumsy thumps echo in the quiet. Like something heavy learning how to use legs for the first time. What in the Fuck. Reality snaps you back to the moment, NOTHING that sounds and moves like that has positive intent. You desperately search for the silver lining trying to extract hope from the dwindling situation. "Animals are instinctive and dumb, they may be quick and powerful but they're easily outsmarted". Your mind goes to work frantically jumping from one useful snippet of information to another. Building a foundation of knowledge from memory and past events. If a limb is threatened remember, instead of trying to pull free, jab into the back of the beasts throat to activate it's pharyngeal reflex. The process is cut short. Silence breaks and betrays any animalistic quality you held to the entity.
"Aw, he's afraid"
The cold edge of logic cuts through the incorrectness of your judgements. Never heard a voice that deep or apathetic before, ..foundations of hope.. shattered. The familiar sense of falling is something you've grown to quietly embrace. You open your eyes and search frantically for meaning in clouds but your vision is flooded with bitter details of ground. Theres no praying your way out of this one. No amount of pleading will afford you any pity or mercy. You are crossing a threshold and there's not a damn thing you can do but prepare yourself for the rocks.
Outside, raindrops slowly tick on a faded window. Distant cheerful conversation defiantly persists the coming night. Lightning flashes the distance. Floorboards quake under your feet.
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