100% Angora Or Contains Angora.
By Maxine Jasmin-Green
- 439 reads
My Husband from time to time will show me a video! Usually I think when he says, "I want to show you a video" my first thought is always, "If I wanted to see a video I would have joined Facebook!" Some times the video is shows me is funny, or OK or silly! So this week when Paul said he wanted me to see a video, I expected it to be either funny, OK or silly, but it was neither, this is what I saw.....
It was a man in China he tied a white rabbit, to a table, its legs together one end to a table and the two front paws stretched out full length tied down onto a table. Then without any regard for its feelings he pulled out huge chunks of its fur, by the hand fulls until it was bald! The cries of the poor animal was AWFUL! This procedure happens to this one rabbit every three months for FIVE years! Then after that its throat is CUT!
In the past I thought I was buying a quality item if it had angora in it, but not any more! This is cruel and the more people who know about such barbaric practices the better! If there is no market for it, in say five years then they may just stop doing it!
Spread the word, look at the video....
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