Saturday Part Two.
By Maxine Jasmin-Green
- 697 reads
England was playing today, kick off was 3pm, Paul and myself would be away at an event. Because it was an early start, Paul decided not to go to bed, I would get up at 4am, as I’m a morning person. The event was OK, wished I’d sold more Tie & Dyed clothes, but the sun was lovely and hot…… later on when we arrived home we were very tired, I was as tired as if I’d not slept at all, yet it was Paul who was shattered, for he’d not been to bed, his strong coffee in in flasks did the trick! I couldn’t do it, think it would kill me! But although we were both tired when we unpacked the car, had food from the chippy and sat down, we still didn’t go to bed early, considering. At 12.30am we went up to bed. I made sure my mobile that I charge at night in the bedroom, the sound was off, totally mute. I went to sleep quickly, Paul did too. Because I’d gone to bed SO early 12.05am, I woke early at 6.30am I noticed that Daniel’s girlfriend Claudette had sent me a text at 12.30am, “Call Me.”
It was the following day, Sunday morning, I assumed they had, had another argument, so I didn’t phone back, besides it was far too early to phone anyone at 6.30am.
Later on, the same Sunday, I was at work 3pm when Paul rang me to tell me that, “Yesterday Daniel was attacked!!!!” “Oh noooooooo!” I Said and I asked my co-worker, “Can I go and see him?” She replied, “Yes of course.” But before I left work, I text Daniel asking, “Are you alright?” He replied, “I’m alright, there was a lot of them and just me,” My mind, raced with fear and anger! I told him, “You need to go to the hospital,” Daniel replied, “I went but I fell asleep there and when I woke up I got up and walked out and went to Claudette’s” But what scared me the most was, that he had been knocked out! SO many bad things can happen to you when you have been knocked out cold! It was imperative that he went back to the hospital, I must persuade him to go back, I knew it would not be easy, but he had to go! So, I had other sketchy information from both Daniel and Claudette. Leaving work, I collected Paul and drove to his girlfriend’s home, they were not there, I rang both their mobiles but both just kept ringing! It was not a good time to get the answerphone, Paul and I decided to go to the police station to report the crime.
I drove to the small Town where the attack had happened, at the police station, we told the police we wanted to report the attack that had happened a few hours earlier, she wanted to know, “What time did it happen?” We didn’t know, “Where did it happened?” We didn’t know, “Who had attached your Son?” We didn’t know. I said, “If you look on the CCTV you will see the attack,” She asked, “How old is your Son?” I told her, she said, “You cannot report the attack, he has to,” I said, “He won’t, so that means they will get away with it?” She repeated herself, and adding, “Even it you were able to answer all my questions, he would still have to come in and report it himself.” I was gutted! I felt the Law in an ass, it was just SO unfair! So, we left the police station a short time later and I drove over to Daniel’s girlfriends home and waited for them there, for by now we’d made contact with them, they were on their way back. I just wanted to see him, his face, for he said, “My jaw is swollen and I have a lump on the back of my head.” You see at times like this, Kids just don’t know how much they are Loved. The Love runs deep and forever! It doesn’t matter how old they are, or they think they are, they are our little one, we want to protect them and not let anyone hurt them. So, as we waited outside, we saw them approach. Yes, his jaw was badly swollen, we all went inside.
He had a large lump on the back of his head, he told us what happened, “I went to the pub to watch the England match on my own,” Paul interrupted him and said, “We’ve asked you not to go there on your own, it’s dangerous,” Daniel carried on, “I then left that pub after a few drinks then after the match I went to another pub,” He named the pub, “I drank in there too for everyone was celebrating the England win!” He carried on,” In this pub was a man called Eric he’s ten years older than me and about 20 stone who always picks on me whenever he sees me, he’s never on his own, he asked me for a fight, I said, “No, as there’s at of you and there is just me.” It was then a real Coward, hit him on the back of the head, knocking him out as he crashed unconscious onto the concrete pavement, knocking him out cold!
God had sent His Angel in the form of a ‘friend’ who put him in the recovery position so he’d not swallow his tongue. Daniel woke up he didn’t know he’d been knocked out, nor for how long, he got up to fight, it was then the ‘friend’ told him what had happened. He said to him, “Come through to the back of the pub and escape,” Daniel said, “No I won’t run away, I will walk right through them all,” And that’s just what he did, no one else laid a finger on him, he walked to Claudette’s home and when she saw his face she called the ambulance! He went with them to hospital. She’d told them like she’d told us, “He’d been in a fight.” But it wasn’t until the ‘friend’ told them both what had happened did they know, that he was attacked and beaten up.
At the hospital he was just another number that had been drinking, he’d fallen asleep they didn’t know he had a head injury as at that time he didn’t know either, maybe they called his name when he was asleep, maybe they didn’t but either way when he woke up, he just got up and walked to Claudette’s home and went to sleep! She didn’t know when he arrived when she woke up he was there in the Lounge asleep.
We both wanted to kill this Coward!!! We wanted five minutes with him! Now our Son is more than able to fight him on his own, 1-1 no problem but the Coward is never on his own. So now I begged him to let me take him back to the hospital but he said, “No I’m alright,” Claudette said to him again like she’d said, to us earlier, “A few years ago, my Uncle had a head injury and he had a lump on the back of his head and he said, “I’m OK” And looked OK but four days later he died.” The three of us begged Danial to go back to the hospital, but he refused, he said, “I am fine.” I also remined Daniel about my friend who he’d met many times her son had been unprovoked and with one punch from a stranger he was knocked to the ground, his head smashing onto the concrete, it was touch and go if he’d make it through the night, when he came out of his coma he was disabled with some brain damage, for that evil act he only got 4 months in jail! I asked Daniel, “Have you got double vision?” He replied, “No,” I then asked him, “Have you been sick?” He said, “No” Finally I asked him, “Have you got a headache?” Daniel said, “My head hurts where the lump is and my jaw, other than that I feel fine.” So, with a very heavy heart we left and I took Paul back home and I went back to work. Sunday night I really didn’t want him to go to sleep.
I was at work and finished for the evening at 10pm but although we can go to bed then I never go to bed that early so I either write, listen to music or nod off in the office until about 2am! As I don’t want to wake in the night and think, what was that noise? So, when I wake at 6am it’s time to get up, but this night I REALLY didn’t want Daniel to fall asleep, I wanted him to stay awake, it was silly really for he’d already been to sleep when we didn’t even know he’d been attacked, first at the hospital in the waiting room, where he could have easily have died there, then when he’d walked home from the hospital to Claudette’s home, and fell asleep there, he could have slipped into a coma then and he didn’t.
I was in shock at work, I kept seeing in my minds eye Daniel’s lifeless, helpless, defenceless body on the pavement with Idiots kicking him in the head. I went up to bed at 3am setting my alarm for 6am. It was the height of the heatwave and it was very hot in the Staff’s bedroom, I awoke with the alarm, and sweating buckets, but no….. when I got out of bed I realized to my horror I’d in fact, wet the bed! This was my worst nightmare! I must have fallen into the deepest of sleep, maybe I went into an unconscious like stupor, God only knows, I’d fought to stay awake for Daniels sake, but now I had to think fast! For in two hours Staff would be arriving and the sleep in Staff would need a bed to sleep in tonight. I did think of turning the mattress over but there was just too much urine, but I wouldn’t really have done that! I can go easily ten hours without having a wee, so for this to happen in only three hours didn’t make sense.
I smelt awful, it brought me straight back to the abuse I’d suffered as a child and as a teenager and the bed wetting them that came from all that. I realized it was futile have a bath or shower at work, as I had no time, for my main dilemma was to remove from upstairs the heavy new (just two months old) memory form, hard mattress to take it downstairs on my own and put it in my car without anyone seeing me! The lovely other foam mattress which to me was perfect was still leaning against the bedroom wall, ready to be disposed of, the majority of the Staff didn’t like it, but some of them have bad backs and liked the new hard, like-sleeping-on-the-floor-one better! I hated the new mattress but you can’t please everyone. So, in my car it went, I made sure it was wet side up! I then took the one that was leaning against the bedroom wall and made the bed with the fresh linen from the cupboard. My tracks were not covered for everyone would ask, “Where has the new mattress gone?”
At 8.30am when I should have been leaving for home, for it was then my day off, I asked my Manager and Deputy Manager if I could have a private word in their office. I let them know Daniel had been attacked and had been knocked unconscious, was put in the recovery position and that when his girlfriend saw his face she called the ambulance but after he’d woken up in the Accident & Emergency he’d got up and left the hospital without seeing a doctor and that yesterday we’d tried to persuade him to go back to the hospital for a check-up but he’d refused to go. I said, “I really didn’t want him to go to sleep for I feared he’d not wake up, I went to bed this morning at 3am and when I woke at 6am, I’d wet the bed!” I was very close to tears, I stood there smelling of pee in my nice clothes, my Manager looked at the Deputy and she burst out laughing! She then said, “My husband has wet the bed and onto me when he was drunk, everything is OK you don’t have to worry, these things happen, you were worried about Daniel” I told them, “I’ve put the wet mattress in my car to take to the Tip and that I’d put the other mattress that was against the wall back onto the bed.” I went on, “If you want me to buy the new mattress back I will do that,” They both said in unison, “There is no need.” I said, “Others will want to know what happened to the new mattress,” She said, “If anyone asks, “I’ll tell them you spilt coffee on it, for that’s strong smelling.” I thanked them both and left, she was still giggling as I left the room.
My mind then turned to Daniel who was my very first thought, when I woke up, did he make it through the night? Had he died in his sleep? Would he have brain damage? No, thank God, he’d gone to work, he really shouldn’t have. I told him, “I want you to go to the doctors, I will take you there myself.” He said, “I’ve told you I’m fine, that’s why I didn’t want you to know when it happened as I knew you’d be like this.” But, I’d been through enough already that morning to remotely take no for an answer!!!! Getting a doctor’s appointment was a rigmarole in itself, but I was determined he had to have one that day, Monday. I asked Daniel, “Can I come in with you?” Was glad that he said, “Yes,” As he started by started to the doctor, “I was in a fight,” I stopped him right there! And said, “He was not in a fight, he was attacked and knocked out!” She said, “I have five minutes only, when did this happen and how long were you knocked out?” He said, “On Saturday, I didn’t know I’d been knocked out, I was told, nor do I know how long I was out,” I then added, “Someone who was there who wasn’t involved in the attack and knows him, put him while he was knocked out, into the recovery position,” The lovely doctor then felt his lump and his neck, she asked, “Does the lump hurt?” He replied, “No, just the back of my neck and my jaw now,” She said, “Yes I can clearly see that it is still swollen,” I told her, “We his Parents went to the police station to report the attack and they told us, ‘Daniel has to come in himself, we can do nothing,’” I said to the doctor, that means they have got away with it.” She asked, “Are you in pain anywhere else?” He replied, “My head and face hurt at work,” I then added, “He’d taken no painkillers and he shouldn’t have gone to work.” She agreed, and said to Daniel, “You REALLY shouldn’t have gone to work like this,” He replied, “I go to work for my little Son.” I thought, he’s just like his Parents, for Paul and I would have gone to work too, no thugs would have stopped us! Other people I work with would have had two months off work sick, for a lot less battering! She continued her thorough checks including checking his jaw bone opened and closed ok despite the swelling and took his temperature, that she said was, “Fine,” She checked his teeth and shone a light in his eyes she even went very close to see the backs of his eyes too, she used every bit of her five minutes and said, “I’m happy that all is well,” And Daniel said, “I told you I was OK Mum,” The doctor quickly added, “Your Mum did the right thing in insisting that you came to be checked out for you suffered a head injury and was knocked out, and if anything changes like vomiting, double vision or headache, go straight to Accident & Emergency!” I thanked her a lot and I left satisfied that he was on the mend.
My worry is what will happen next time that Idiot, Coward, Thug sees my Child again. It’s sad that IT got away with GBH.
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You poor thing TK - what a
You poor thing TK - what a worry it must have been for you!
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