Well What Can I say..... He Did It! Well Done Lad!!!!!!!!
By Maxine Jasmin-Green
- 530 reads
I had decided to stay up and watch Nik Wallender tightrope up a steep rope and then walk high up between to skyscrapers BLINDFOLDED!! It was due to be on my TV live from midnight, before then I’d had my usual kip on the sofa, kip and wake, kip and wake, kip and wake! So now with Megan sitting next to me, she on her laptop and I on mine, we saw we could choose which angle on our laptop that we wanted to watch Nik walk, the TV was also on of course, so we would have three or more different views. I was excited and tired, it was announced that people from 200 different countries would be also watching from around the world.
Before the walk, they showed Nik with him family, they showed him talking about the event he was going to be doing, he talked about his Great Grand Father who died doing his act, His Mum, Dad and Sister talked too. The weather Man talked, about the weather, that last Friday it snowed a bit and was very windy.
On our laptop at the side was what people from around the world was typing, this was before he had attempted to start, it was 11.45pm, people were typing on YouTube live, “When is he going to start?” another would reply, “You missed it, he died!” Still, many others wanted to see him die and put, “If he don’t die, I’ll come and kill you myself.” Some put RIP! Still others ran each other’s god’s down! Some said he’d make it, MOST said he wouldn’t! To be fair I told my Daughter Megan, I didn’t think he would do it, she thought he would. It wasn’t until I put the TV on last night that I realized he would be doing TWO death defying stunts, one slightly uphill and the other BLINDFOLDED! Megan had said last night, when she tried to walk across the edge of the coffee table; she closed her eyes and her foot slipped off the edge! I told her I couldn’t even walk straight down our street without crashing into something!
So midnight arrived and our laptops went live, we wanted to see Nik just step on the rope, and start! But TV is not like that, the two reporters chatted, they showed Nik with his warm jacket on, they chatted to some of the thousands of fans below, 12.15am arrived, still it hadn’t started, then 12.30am .... I said to Megan, who has school today, “If it’s not started by 1.00am I’ll have to go to bed for I am shattered!” I told Megan she too would have to go to bed ...... was he moments from death? Megan asked me, “Don’t tell me if he made it or not, I want to find out myself”, I said, “OK.”
My first thought when I awoke up was, Nik! Had he done it? I looked on my mobile clock it was 4.50am, I could have looked on the internet on my mobile but that would take too long, so I got up, the cats had a surprise, for I didn’t feed them straight away I put the TV on, the news channel but there was nothing on any of them! SO Discovery must have had the rights to that too? I put my laptop top on, and Goggled, “Did Nik Wallenda die?” The question was already there; so many others must have asked the same question! And guess what, HE DID IT, WITHOUT A HITCH! I read he’d wanted to do a selfie while he was up there, but decided against it. I also read he had gone through eye surgery, and wondered if he had lost his sight, would he have been able to carry on tightrope walking....
Well done Lad! I didn’t think you were going to do it! SO glad you did. I’ll watch it tonight on TV, the TWO different tightrope walks with Megan. Megan had said to me last night while we waited for the TV to go live, “What will he plan next?” I replied, “I don’t know, maybe jump out of an aeroplane without a parachute!”
Nik will go down in history today as breaking three World Records first for doing it BLINDFOLDED, second for doing one after another and third having SO many people on YouTube etc. typing about him before, during and after the event!
I’ll now go and wake Megan, with no emotion in my voice or on my face. I went up and woke Megan, I said, “Good morning, bath is ready, time to get up,” she moaned, but that’s Megan, just like her Dad, they don’t do mornings! I than ran her bath, as no point doing it before as it will only get cold, and went back up 10 minutes later she was still in bed, awake I could see she was on her mobile.... I didn’t say anything then she sat up and said, “I started to watch it last night on my laptop but it kept freezing, so I came down and watched it on the TV.” I said, “You watched it all?” she replied, “Yes, when Nik was walking blindfolded the people below was shouting SO loud, he asked them not to as he needed to hear his Dad’s voice, speaking to him through a microphone, guiding him.” I asked, “Was it exciting”? She said, “Yes” I said, “I wished, I’d watched it live.” (But I would only have slept through most of it) I asked her, “Did you fall asleep through any of it?” She replied, “No.” The poor Teachers today!
Well done again Nik, just read about what you want to do next......
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